AY Honors/Refugee Resettlement/Answer Key

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Refugee Resettlement

1. Be at least in the 8th grade.

If you attend school outside the North American Division or under a different structure, you will need to be equivalant in age being 12 years old to begin this honor.

2. Explain why refugees from other countries arrive in your nation. What are the causes and what governmental authorities must certify each case before the individual or family is allowed to travel?

Government certification is done by the Department or Ministry of State when done by a single central governmental organization. I areas of mass displacement often Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) such as International Red Cross, ADRA, or the Salvation Army (and even the U.N.) manage such camps and they are maintained near borders for the country being emigrated from. For more information check with your Department or Ministry of State or your local government for assistance.

Poverty and war are the primary causes for masses of international refugees today. Often the first causes the second and people wishing not to be killed or kidnapped must leave their homes and seek shelter as refugees or sojourners in foreign nations.

Other causes for internal and international refugees are: famine, natural or man-made disasters, religious persecution, political persecution, and disease.

3. List the immediate needs that a refugee has when they arrive in your country. Describe the feelings that the refugee may have about a new language, culture and environment.

Needs: shelter will be the first, then water, clothing, food, and possible medical attention.

It can be overwhelming to come to a place where language and culture vary so much from your own. During an already stressful period of having to abandon all that you know, entering a strange land may cause some individuals in such stress to need a great deal of social assistance to gain control over their emotions.

Environmental changes can be anything from a stange place to sleep to a geographically dynamic change. As above stress can be overwhelming emotionally and those socio-cultural differences must be attended to, among these can be the change of "home environment" having lost your home now having to dwell in some form of shelter or housing not known to you before. Geographic changes can be a harsh physical barrier, those from areas normally wet have trouble adjusting to dry seasons, consistently different temperatures can cause illness as well. For such matters medical professionals are needed to help gain control over physical illnesses that arise.

4. Find out about the organizations in your community that assist refugees and immigrants. Use the telephone or visit the office of at least one such organization and ask how they would assist if your local church were to cosponsor a newly-arrived refugee with ADRA or Adventist Community Services.

5. Write a plan of at least 500 words describing the arrangements that your local church could make if it were the cosponsor with ADRA or Adventist Community Services for a refugee arriving in your community.

6. Interview a person who immigrated to your country. Ask them about the contrast between the culture in your community and the community where they were raised. Ask them to describe the process they went through to become comfortable in your community. Take notes during the interview.

7. Give a report of at least 10 minutes duration to a Sabbath School program, Pathfinder Club, church committee, or civic club on what you have discovered in completing the requirements for this honor. Tell why the refugee situation is so important and make specific recommendations to the group of ways in which they can help meet the needs of refugees.

This report should be given before any concerned or potentially involved group you have access to. You should remember (as when giving any report) to include proper acknowledgement for those resources you gathered information from. If possible, when giving information of such education to a group, make copies of your outline and any charts, posters, or pictures you used to give as handouts to attendees.


Today nations having too often dedicated themselves to political correctness rather than service have turned to calling many internal refugees "displaced citizens." A displaced citizen is in fact a refugee; often this refugee is seeking refuge from natural disaster or man-made disasters other than war.


Refugee Ministry in the Local Congregation by J. Ronald Mummert with Jeff Bach, Herald Press, Scottsdale, Pennsylvania (1992) Chapter entitled "Refugee and Immigration Assistance" in Ministries of Compassion (Second edition) by Monte Sahlin, AdventSource, Lincoln, Nebraska (1998)