AY Honors/Camping Skills IV/Answer Key

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1. Be in at least the 8th grade.

Camping Skills IV has been designed so that it is within the capabilities of Pathfinders who are in grade 8 or higher.

2. Plan and execute a one-hour Sabbath camping activity other than worship to make the Sabbath a meaningful experience.

There are many ways to fulfill this requirement.

Themed Scavenger Hunt

A themed scavenger hunt is one option. Have your Pathfinders choose a theme, and then come up with as many items as they think can be found at your campsite and which relate in some way to the theme. Have them make a list of these items ahead of time, and hand the lists out when the activity begins. You may tell them that all the items relate to a theme, but do not tell them what the theme is. Give them 40 minutes to find all the items, and tell them to meet again at the end of that time period. When they return, ask them if they have guessed the theme. If they do not guess correctly, tell them what the theme is. Then have each Pathfinder working on the honor take turns calling for the items. When someone produces it, the Pathfinder will explain how that item relates to the theme. Be sure to draw a spiritual lesson from the activity. Close with a prayer.

Drawing or Photographing Nature

Many of the honors in the Nature category have the requirement to collect, photograph, or draw a number of creatures (plant or animal) found in nature, such as flowers, ferns, insects, etc. The Pathfinders presenting this activity should bring a field guide so that the chosen creatures can be identified. They may also bring samples of these items with them in case you are unable to find them around your campsite.

If you choose to have your Pathfinders sketch these items, be sure to bring enough notebooks and pencils (some honors require colored drawings - if so, bring colored pencils) for everyone. If you choose to have them take photos, you will probably want each Pathfinder to bring a camera (disposable cameras are ideal for this).

Collecting specimens is no longer encouraged, as it ends the life of the creature. Furthermore, many species are now endangered, and collecting them is not only unethical, it is illegal as well.

You can also mix photography and sketching. You may wish to have the group set out looking for specimens, and photograph all they can find. Then return and sketch the remainder. If you have only one or two cameras, you may find that this works well for you.


Choose several Bible stories and divide your Pathfinders into at leasst two groups of three to eight individuals. Assign each group a Bible story and tell them where it may be found in the Bible. Have each come up with a skit to be presented to the rest of the group. Camping Skills II and III both require such an activity. Your Camping Skills IV students may meet this requirement by organizing the younger units and having them present their work.

3. Write a 200-word report or give a two-minute oral presentation on the preservation of the wilderness, discussing etiquette and conservation.

Learning preservation, etiquette, and conservation is a requirement for Camping Skills I and II, so you can have the Pathfinders learning this honor review this material and present it to the younger ones.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Etiquette

4. Plan your menu for a two-day camping trip and estimate the cost.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Two day menu

5. Participate in two weekend campouts.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Participate in a weekend campout

6. Start a fire in wet weather, knowing where to get tinder and how to keep your fire going.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Fire/Wet weather

7. Know the wood best suited for making a quick, hot fire.

8. Know the wood best suited for making coals for cooking.

9. Demonstrate how to split firewood.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Split wood

10. Demonstrate the proper care and storage of camp foods and how to build various caches to protect food from animals.

11. Prepare a camp dinner with soup, vegetables, entree, and drink, all of which must be cooked.

12. Bake your food in a reflector oven.

13. Purify water by three different methods.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Purify water

Note: The tent color for Camping Skills #4 is silver.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Colors
