Especialidades JA/Esquí alpino/Requisitos
Esquí alpino
Año de introducción:
1. Conocer las ventajas y desventajas de esquís acampanados y rectos.
2. ¿Cómo el borde curvo de los esquís ayuda al esquiador a dar los giros?
3. ¿Qué normas generales debería utilizar en la selección de la correcta longitud de los esquís y bastones para usted mismo?
4. Know boot designs and how these features can affect your skiing.
5. Why is proper binding adjustment so important? What determines proper adjustment?
6. Know what a safety strap or ski break is and explain its purpose.
7. What should you do if you come upon a injured skier who has not yet received any help?
8. Discuss and practice good sportsmanship at ski areas.
9. What care should be given ski equipment after its use? What should be done with ski equipment before its use each season?
10. Ski intermediate slopes under control and execute turns in good form.
11. Know how to get on and off a chairlift, Tbar, or J bar correctly and demonstrate through experience, without endangering yourself or others, your ability to ride this equipment.