AY Honors/Toy Boat Regatta - Advanced/Answer Key/es

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Tener la especialidad de Regata de botes de juguete.


Dibujar un esquema de un bote pop pop (también conocido como un bote a vapor casero) que muestre las características pertinentes y cómo funcionan. Mostrar las opciones de un motor de bobina de cobre y un motor de diafragma.

A boat will float if the weight of the boat and all of its cargo is less than the weight of water that it displaces (62.4 lbs/cf)


Describir qué sucede al agua líquida cuando se convierte en vapor y demostrar este fenómeno usando cualquier experimento de su elección.

Water expands over a thousand times when it becomes steam. One may place a zip-lock baggie in a microwave with a teaspoon of water and see the vapor expand the baggie.


Describir qué sucede cuando el vapor de agua se enfría y demostrar este fenómeno usando cualquier experimento de su elección.

Water condenses and creates a vacuum. One may place a paper juice carton with a screw on lid. While carton is open, insert a small amount of water in a microwave, heat until the water boils for a minute, then immediately close the carton to see the carton crush from the internal vacuum pressure.


Describir cómo el motor de un bote pop pop utiliza la primera ley de movimiento de Newton.

Using Newton's first law of motion, once water starts moving in the straws, it will continue moving in that direction.


Hacer al menos un bote pop pop usando materiales reciclados alimentados por una vela de té como fuente de calor.

YouTube, Pinterest, and general searches on an internet web search will provide many videos and step-by-step instructions showing a multitude of designs. You can start your search with the website of Sciente ToyMaker.


Modificar el bote pop pop en el requisito anterior o crear varios botes pop pop para determinar cómo los cambios en la capacidad del depósito y/o el diámetro de los tubos afectan la operación del bote. Hacer una hipótesis de los resultados antes de experimentar en los botes modificados, evaluar el rendimiento y documentar los resultados.

Have the Pathfinders write down their scientific method process:

  • Ask a question. Ex. What happens if X is modified?
  • Construct a hypothesis. Ex. Changing X makes the boat go faster. Or changing X will require a longer time to get the engine going? Etc.
  • Test with an experiment. Ex. Record multiple times for before and after alteration.
  • Compare data with hypothesis.
  • Draw a conclusion.
  • With new knowledge confirmed, ask new questions and repeat procedures with additional modifications. Ex. Since modifying X made the boat go faster, will X+Y modifications increase the speed?


Participar en una carrera organizada de botes pop pop usando un bote pop-pop que haya creado para completar esta especialidad.

Two or more "tracks" may be made with 6-inch house aluminum guttering, sealing the ends, and filling with water. Devices to restrict forward travel for all lanes are used to allow all boats sufficient time to light candles and start propulsion. Restriction devices are lifted for all lanes at the same time and the winner of the heat is determined once it has reached a defined distance. Winners from each heat are then paired together until a final winner is determined.


Usar las dimensiones bíblicas del arca de Noé, teorizar de forma independiente cuánto podrían haber pesado los animales y otros cargamentos. Recordar considerar el peso de la madera utilizada en la construcción del arca. Si es posible, comparar sus suposiciones y respuestas con las de otras personas que completan esta especialidad. Basándose en ese peso disponible para la carga, ¿cuántos animales podrían haber cabido en el arca usando sus suposiciones?

There is no correct answer, only a correct effort. The student should go through the exercise of calculations based on research and best guesses. Below is an outline for instructors to guide the students:

  • Student should independently search for dimensions and descriptions found in Genesis 6 & 7.
  • Student should then independently search resources to make conversions from cubits to feet (meters) and then calculate displaced water at 62.4 lbs/cf (998 kg/m3).
  • Student should then independently theorize the number of levels, number of rooms, etc. and associated lumber to build the ship, walls, floors, and animal crates. What dimensional lumber is needed for each component and how much of each board type would be needed?
  • Instructor should discuss concept of "board-feet" (12” x 12” x 1”) and convert the lumber needed to construct the Ark as assumed above to "board-feet."
  • Students should then independently search for references on density of wood. Note that the meaning of the Hebrew word for this wood is uncertain, but many assume it is a type of Cyprus wood. There are many online charts for density of woods. One example may be found at the Engineering Toolbox website.
  • Subtract the weight of the wood in (e) from the displaced weight of water in (b).
  • Have students compare results and discuss the different assumptions that caused different answers.
  • To consider the animals that could have been on the ark, start with assumptions on a weight of a cow, and how many cattle could have fit? Could all of the animals at the local zoo have fit on the ark using their assumptions? If not, revisit the assumptions.
  • If possible, a field trip to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky is highly encouraged. If not possible, a related website, How Could All ANimals Fit? has a lot of information related to this question.
