AY Honors/Puppetry/Answer Key

From Pathfinder Wiki

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1. Make at least one puppet, and make or buy two other puppets.

Before you make (or buy) your puppets, you should have an idea of what the puppet show is oging to be about, and the type of puppets you will use. It is generally a good idea to write a script first, and then develop the puppets needed for the script. If you will be performing for a multi-cultural audience, you might consider using animal characters instead of human characters. People of any race can identify with an animal more easily than they can with a human character belonging to a different race.

There are many types of puppets to choose from, and the choice will depend on the skill of the puppet maker as well as the skill of the puppeteer. Because they are generally easier to build and work with, we will present only two types here: rod puppets and glove puppets.

Rod Puppets

Glove Puppets

2. Develop at least three puppet characters with their own voices.

3. Write three two-to-three minute scripts.

4. Perform to any audience (not family or immediate friends) at least three times.

5. Obtain an assessment of each performance by someone not related to the puppeteer.
