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Create an Answer Key's Table of Contents

1. Define archeology and differentiate it from paleontology.
2. Define the following terms:

2a. Papyrology
2b. Egyptologist
2c. Assyriology
2d. Orientalist
2e. Cuneiform
2f. Hieroglyphic
2g. Paleography
2h. Antiquarian
2i. Archeological site
2j. Stratigraphy
2k. Tel, tell, and Khirbet
2l. Replica
3. Define maximalism and minimalism
4. Describe or illustrate ten tools that are used in an archaeological excavation. If possible demonstrate how several of the tools are used.
5. Describe the principal techniques of dating an archaeological artifact.
6. Name three benefits that biblical archaeology can provide a student of the Bible.
7. Report on the history of archaeology (minimum of 20 events of significance) by:

7a. Writing a two-page research report
7b. Illustrating a detailed timeline
7c. Creating an electronic presentation
7d. Other presentation method approved by your instructor
8. Share with a group or instructor the significance of each of the following famous archaeologists (or other archaeologists relevant to your region, country, or division). Be detailed and specific.

8a. Jean-Francois Champollion
8b. Edward Robinson
8c. William Foxwell Albright
9. Assemble a folder with ten archaeological discoveries that have connected with the biblical history of the Old and New Testament. The folder should have the following characteristics: :a. In order by chronological dates or geography :b. Organized according to the Old and New Testament :c. Photos :d. Texts :e. Bibliography sources :f. Personal commentary about every artifact or discovery
10. Discover information from available resources (video, books, magazines, journals, etc.) about five excavations that are happening at this point in time, around the world, that are relevant for the comprehension of events in the Bible. Explain why every excavation is relevant for the comprehension of the Biblical text.
11. Do one of the following:

11a. Assemble a simple model of Jerusalem observing the following:

11ai. Relief
11aii. Different perimeters of the city in the time of the First Temple (David and Solomon), of the Second Temple (Herod and Jesus Christ) and the current Jerusalem
11aiii. The major archaeological sites
11aiv. The main points of religious visitation
11b. Simulate an archaeological dig (often referred to online as a “schoolyard dig”). Either set up the dig OR participate in a meaningful way at all stages of the dig process including:

11bi. Collecting tools
11bii. Laying out the grid/area for excavation
11biii. Digging
11biv. Identifying artifacts
11bv. Identifying artifact context
11bvi. Recording data
11bvii. Assessing the importance of the dig process