Especialidades JA/Apicultura/Requisitos
Año de introducción:
1. Conocer una breve historia del mantenimiento de las abejas melíferas.
2. Hacer una lista de al menos cinco usos de cada una de las siguientes:
- a. Miel
- b. Cera de abejas
- c. Propóleos
3. Nombrar 10 alimentos que serían muy difíciles de cultivar si no hubiese abejas.
4. Hacer una lista de las funciones del zángano, el trabajador y las abejas reinas.
5. Describe how bees build combs. Why does the comb turn dark with age?
6. What is meant by the following terms:
- a. Movable-frame hive
- b. Crossed comb
- c. Bee space
- d. Swarming
7. What is a smoker? What materials make good fuel for a smoker?
8. What consideration should be given when choosing a hive location?
9. How are honey bee diseases spread from hive to hive?
10. What is robbing? Describe a robber bee.
11. Name four ways to help prevent swarming. Why should swarming be prevented?
12. What three requirements must be met for the colony to successfully weather a winter?
13. What is the advantage of using a double-brood chamber system?
14. Carry out the following duties of successful beekeeping:
- a. Spring feed to stimulate brood production
- b. Supering and other swarm prevention techniques
- c. Extract honey and put into jars
- d. Fall feeding and "taking the hive down" to prepare it for the winter months
15. How do you know when a frame is ready to be removed from the hive for extraction?