Especialidades JA/Títeres - Avanzado/Respuestas

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Títeres - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Puppetry Advanced AY Honor.png
Títeres - Avanzado
Crecimiento espiritual, actividades misioneras y herencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción

Prerrequisito: Tener la especialidad de Títeres

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Títeres.


Tener la especialidade de Títeres.

Ayudas y consejos para hacer títeres con calcetines puede encontrarse en la especialidad de Títeres que requiere hacer uno. Solamente hay que crear dos más. Crear un títere es una de las opciones para desarrollar la especialidad de Trabajos en fieltro entonces puede hacer que su títere complete doble requisitos.

Tal vez quisiera escribir su guion de diez minutos primero, para que pueda hacer títeres que encajen con el guion en vez de escribir un guion que está escrito para los títeres. Por otro lado, tener dos personajes adicionales puede inspirarle para escribir su guion. La elección es suya.


Hacer al menos un títere y hacer o comprar otros dos títeres.

Tips for developing a voice were presented in the Puppetry honor, so again, we refer you back to that.


Desarrollar al menos tres personajes de estos títeres con sus propias voces.

As you write your script, remember that this honor is organized as part of the Outreach category. The purpose of Christian Puppetry is outreach, so gear your script towards that goal.

If you are having trouble filling ten minutes, consider adding a song or two to it. Just be sure that the song fits in with the rest of the script and it will not detract from it. There is no rule that says a puppet show cannot be a musical.


Escribir un guion de diez minutos.

This website has plans for constructing a puppet stage from PVC pipe and cloth. The result is a lightweight stage that can be disassembled for easy transport and storage.

The stage itself takes the form of a large open box inside which sit the puppeteers. The back of the box is raised higher than the front and sides to provide a background for the puppets. The frame is built of 1.25" PVC and covered with cloth.

Some of the PVC fittings are considered "specialty" fittings in that they are not typically used in plumbing projects. Thus, they are not typically available in hardware stores. They can, however, be purchased over the Internet. Plug "PVC side outlet 90" into your favorite search engine and you will find several suppliers.


Construir su propio escenario.

An ideal time to do this in a church setting would be to make a presentation during Pathfinder Sabbath. This could either serve as the children's story, or possible even as the sermon itself. Involve as many Pathfinders in the production as you can, as this will make them part of the church service and make it come alive for them.

For a public performance, you could look into setting up a booth at a county fair, block party, homecoming, etc. What sort of gatherings does your local community conduct? Find out who is in charge, and make contact.
