Especialidades JA/Dunas/Respuestas

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Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Dunes AY Honor.png
Estudio de la naturaleza
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


¿Qué son dunas? ¿Cuál es el ingrediente principal?


Nombrar cuatro cosas necesarias para la formación de una duna.


Explicar las siguientes tres maneras que el viento mueve a la arena.








Explicar las siguientes formaciones de dunas: barján, estrella o piramidal, longitudinal (seif o en espada), parabólica, domo


Dome dunes are circular or oval mounds with no slipface.


¿Qué es sucesión ecológica? ¿Cómo se demuestra esto en comunidades de dunas?


¿Qué es depresión de deflación? ¿Cómo se relaciona a la sucesión ecológica?


¿Qué son plantas pioneras? ¿Qué es su propósito en las comunidades de dunas? Dar dos ejemplos.

Beach Grass, Marram Grass

Beach grass

Always found in the zone directly behind the beach, thrives in drifting sand. A very stiff grass with a very extensive underground root system capable of sending new shoots up at any point. It has teeth pointing towards the end, a sharp tip. It also has a seedhead spike.


Dar tres ejemplos de plantas que viven en dunas. ¿Cómo son adaptadas para sobrevivir?


Dar cinco ejemplos de especies de animales que viven en dunas. ¿Qué las hacen únicas para vivir en dunas?

Horned Viper

Horned Viper

This snake is a sidewinder, meaning it uses its head and tail to move their body sideways. It uses camouflage so that it is the same color as its surroundings, usually sand. It lives in northern Africa deserts.



Length: 9 feet, Height 7 feet at the shoulder. This mammal is characterized by long legs, long curved neck, long eyelashes, and small ears. They have the ability to close their nostrils against blowing sand and can eat hard, thorny vegetation. They store energy in their hump(s) and can manage losing more water than any other domestic animal. In fact, camels can tolerate water loss equivalent to over 1/3 of their body weight. All of these characteristics combined with their two toed feet with webbing make them great animals for crossing deserts and climbing over immense sand dunes. They are used for police patrol in Arab countries and in the cool season have been documented to walk 620 miles on a single journey over several days with very little or no water. They can drink over 20 gallons of water in a very short time.

Atlantic Ghost Crab

Atlantic Ghost Crab

A crab that feeds at night, also digs burrows up to 4 feet deep and to ¼ mile from the shore. They are scavengers and have a fantastic ability to live away from the water, only returning to wet its gills (can also do this in wet sand) and reproduce.


Descubrir un pionero de manejo y conservación de dunas dentro su Asociación, Unión o División. Compartir su descubrimiento con el instructor o el grupo.
Henry Chandler Cowles

Henry Chandler Cowles (1869-1939), also known as the “Father of Plant Ecology”, was an ecologist, botanist, conservationist and field teacher for the University of Chicago Botany Department. His work of many years led to the establishment of the Indiana Dunes State Park on August 25, 1916. This eventually grew and became the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in 1966.


Contar una historia de arena y sacar una lección espiritual.

And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
-- 1 Kings 4:29

Have you ever tried counting a handful of sand, or even a pinch of sand? Imagine trying to count the sand in a sand box or at a beach! It is nearly or totally impossible, even with a microscope, not to mention how much time it would take! However, in observing sand grains up close, you can see that they have different shapes, colors, sizes and textures. Rub it between your fingers and it feels smooth, yet rough. Sand is so much fun to play and dig in, make sand castles, bury your hands and feet. Sand is used to make glass, bricks, in landscaping, the abrasiveness used for polishing and sand blasting, dump trucks spread sand on icy roads to improve wheel traction, sand bags ward off rising waters and floods, mix it with cement and water to make concrete for sidewalks and buildings. Sand grains do not weigh very much, but a bucket full can be very heavy. Lots of sand in big piles is called dunes with the wind as an essential part in forming the shape and type of dune.

Life is like a sand dune. The sand grains are our daily activities, how we treat each other, what we watch and listen to, what we put into our minds and even how we take care of ourselves. The winds (problems) will come and go and be very strong at times. The shape and strength of stability in your dune will be determined by how your relationship with Jesus is. Just like the pioneer plants and forests of dunes stabilize the sand, our spirituality and faith with stabilize us for eternity.


Hacer dos de las siguientes actividades:


Visitar una exhibición o conservatorio de plantas del desierto o de dunas. Mirar cómo son adaptadas para vivir en arena o tierra seca, temperaturas duras y sin agua.


Visitar un zoológico donde hay animales del desierto, especialmente los que son adaptados para vivir en la arena. Si es posible, observar algunos de los que estudió mientras aprendía de dunas.

Si piensa visitar un zoológico o acuario, tenga en cuenta que hay varias especialidades que tienen requisitos que se pueden cumplir visitando un zoológico o acuario. Los individuos pueden trabajar en varias especialidades en una visita, o partes de su grupo pueden trabajar en diferentes especialidades durante la misma visita.

Aquí hay una lista de especialidades que tienen requisitos que se pueden cumplir visitando un zoológico o acuario:

Animales nocivos

Animales venenosos

Bosques templados caducifolios

Camuflaje animal


Especies en peligro de extinción

La Creación

Mamíferos marinos




Pantanos y ciénagas

Pastizales templados

Pesca isleña

Selvas pluviales




Ver un video sobre dunas o plantas o animales que viven en dunas.

Here are some possibilities:


Visitar una duna y tomar fotografías o dibujarla.

Depending on your choice, it would be a good idea to review the Digital Photography or Drawing honor before engaging in this activity.


Construir una demostración que funciona afuera del progreso de dunas usando arena, un objeto para ser obstáculo, y un ventilador para soplar la arena. Observar cómo la arena sopla sobre el obstáculo y cae en el otro lado para formar una duna. Utilizar gafas de seguridad.
Do from home
Tip for earning from home during the pandemic
This requirement would be especially fun for anyone who has been trapped at home for a while!

Big sand box, fans, and stuff to blow sand around? This should be a lot of fun! Wear eye protection, and make sure it is the kind that makes an air-tight seal around the face (such as safety goggles, swim goggles, or ski goggles).


Dibujar o pintar una imagen de algo que le gustó aprender mientras estudiaba sobre dunas.

Again, the Drawing and the Painting honors have tips for creating works of art. Why not make earning one of these part of your project?


Hablar en un grupo, escribir o hacer un corto video de un proyecto de conservación de dunas real. Explicar por qué este hábitat específico debe ser conservado (por ejemplo, especies de plantas y/o animales que viven allí).

This choice will give you a big jump on the Dunes - Advanced Honor.
