Requisitos para la especialidad JA de Computadoras - Avanzado usados por la Asociación General

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Computadoras - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Computers Advanced AY Honor.png
Computadoras - Avanzado
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también

1. Tener la especialidad de Computadoras.

2. Dar ejemplos de cada uno de los siguientes componentes de computación software o programas de medios de comunicación. Explicar el papel que cada uno hace en la experiencia computacional del individuo.

a. Programa software de procesador de textos

b. Programa software de presentación

c. Programa software de creación de gráficos

d. Programa software de copiar medios de comunicación

e. Programa software de publicación

f. Programa software para la creación de base de datos

g. Programa software de hoja de cálculo


Flash media


Disk media


Successfully install and use a software program.


Discuss with your unit, group, and/or family the moral issues surrounding software piracy and file sharing. Using biblical support, be able to describe what a Christian’s stance and practice should be in this arena and explain the reasons for your answer.


Complete four of the following activities, providing print or digital evidence of completion to your instructor.


Create a letter using a word processing program. Use a merge file to allow the same letter to be sent to five different people, with personalization in each letter (such as name field & address field). Use the letter for a project such as:

i. Requesting finances for a mission trip or service activity.
ii. Communicating a non-perishable holiday food drive to your community.
iii. Describing activities in your Pathfinder club that would be of interest to your local newspaper.
iv. Inviting friends and family to a Pathfinder Sabbath or other youth ministry event.

Create a database that includes at least 15 records of people that includes at least three other fields (such as addresses, honors earned, phone numbers). Use the database to provide forms that extract their information from the database. Use this information for providing a report such as:

i. Tracking which honors have been earned by your club during the current year.
ii. Determining the attendance and/or points structure of each pathfinder in your club.
iii. Tracking which class level requirements have been completed by each individual in your club or group.
iv. Tracking the contacts involved in a year-long service initiative.

Create a spreadsheet. Use this spreadsheet to do something such as:

i. Tracking dues and/or donations to your Pathfinder club
ii. Tracking income and expenses for a campout, mission trip, or other group event
iii. Tracking unit completion of class level requirements


Create a two-page newsletter using a publications program. Use multiple columns, in-line graphics, two fonts, appropriate font sizes, and appropriate title and footer information. Use this newsletter for publishing one newsletter such as:

i. Pathfinder newsletter
ii. Church newsletter
iii. Report from a recent mission trip or service activity
iv. School publication


Use a presentation program to create a presentation file containing at least six slides (with text and photos), and demonstrate its function in a full screen presentation. Use templates, design elements, colors, and transitions as appropriate in your presentation. Use the presentation in presenting a subject as:

i. AY Honor
ii. Class level concept
iii. Sermon
iv. Fundraising


Using a media burning software program, burn at least fifteen folders and/or files onto burnable media. Verify the media data integrity after the burn is complete.


Using a graphic creation program modify original digital photographs in the following ways:

i. Frame or blur the edges of a photograph
ii. Turn a color photo into a sepia-tone or black-and-white photo
iii. Save a photograph as a different file type than the original
iv. Combine elements from two photos to create a third photograph
v. Add colored text to a digital photo showing multiple font enhancements such as drop shadow, bevel, emboss, and stroke
vi. Resize a photo so that the finished photo is no larger than 800 pixels wide and no more than 20% of the disk size of the original digital file