Especialidades JA/Web Designer - Avançado/Requisitos
Nível de Habilidade
Autoridade de Aprovação
Divisão Sul Americana
1. Possuir as especialidades de Computação I, II, III e IV e Web designer básico.
2. Definir os seguintes termos:
- a. Bitmap image
- b. Animation
- c. DNS
- d. Drop-down Menu
- e. Wordpress
- f. Joomla
- g. Mysql
- h. Webmaster
- i. W3C
- j. E-commerce
- k. ActionScript
- l. FTP
- m. Hyperlink
- n. JPEG
- o. PNG
- p. Resolution
- q. GIF
Present in written form a simple static page, using only DHTML and CSS language, with the following elements:
- a. Top
- b. Corpo
- c. Menu esquerdo
- d. Centro
- e. Rodapé
Using a graphical tool, present a simple static Internet page using CSS and upload it to the server to preview the page, with the same elements used in the previous requirement.
Create and present a dynamic page for the club, which contains a user registration system, animated banners and a contact form using PHP or a preferred language.
Present a written project of a site, containing all the necessary elements for its development, with cover, justification, objective, and conclusion (use the site project as practice).
Present a report that contains information on how we can use the Internet to help in the preaching of the gospel and cite some examples of places where it already exists.
Present a report on what are the necessary steps to create a domain and how to register it so it works on the web.
Create and present a web server.
As Adventist Christians, we believe in the return of Christ. We know that technologies are the fruit of the multiplication of science as the Bible already mentioned; from great discoveries, industrial revolution, and now the Internet. Mention the Biblical text that talks about the multiplication of science and explain the relationship that this has with prophecies.