Investiture Achievement/Friend/Spiritual Discovery

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Requirement 1a

Memorize in order the names of the New Testament books of the Bible and know the four areas into which the books are grouped.

The Books of the New Testament and the sections into which they are divided are as follows:

Gospels History Epistles Prophecy
  • Matthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • John
  • Acts
  • Romans
  • 1 Corinthians
  • 2 Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • Philippians
  • Colossians
  • 1 Thessalonians
  • 2 Thessalonians
  • 1 Timothy
  • 2 Timothy
  • Titus
  • Philemon
  • Hebrews
  • James
  • 1 Peter
  • 2 Peter
  • 1 John
  • 2 John
  • 3 John
  • Jude
  • Revelation

Memorization is so much easier when it is done in song rather than by rote. The Books of the New Testament can be sung to the tune of the "A, B, C" song. You can listen to it on YouTube.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Acts and Romans
First Corinthians, Second Corinthians,
Galatians and Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians
First Thessalonians,
Second Thessalonians
First and Second Timothy
Titus and Philemon
Hebrews, James
First and Second Peter
First and Second, Third John,
Jude and Revelation!

If that version does not appeal to you (or your Pathfinders), there are other songs that accomplish the same goal also on YouTube.

If some song using the New Testament is sung during the opening ceremonies at the beginning of each meeting, each Pathfinder in regular attendance will know the books of the New Testament by the end of the year.

Requirement 1b

Demonstrate your ability to find any New Testament book.

Once the books of the New Testament are known in order, finding them in the Bible will be much easier. If you save this requirement for closer to the end of the Pathfinder year, then your Friends will have had a chance to sing the New Testament song dozens of times before they have to demonstrate their ability to do this. Tell them to practice it at home ahead of time.

A fun way of having the kids find books quickly is to have a Bible Sword Drill. When all the kids have their Bibles ready (that is, their swords), you announce a verse from the New Testament for them to find. The first one to find it wins, and reads it aloud to the rest of the class. If all of the Friends in your class are able to win at least once, you are finished. Otherwise, you can treat this as practice for when they need to demonstrate it to you.

It is important to have them do this with a printed version of the Bible rather than an electronic device. Otherwise they are demonstrating their ability to use the device rather than to find a book in the Bible.

Requirement 2

Memorize a Bible text for the following subjects:

  • Prayer
  • Doctrine
  • Behavior
  • Salvation
  • Relationships
  • Promises/Praise
  • Great Passages







Great Passages


There are several approaches to memorizing Scripture.

Erase the words
Write the Bible verse on a white board and have everyone read it aloud together. Then erase a word and have them read it again, supplying the erased word. Continue erasing words and reading the verse aloud until all the words are gone. At this point, the entire class should know the verse.
Hand write the verse
Write the verses down several times by hand until you can do it from memory.
In song
Many passages of scripture have been set to music. Memorizing the lyrics to a song is a lot easier than memorizing raw text, and the memory will last for years. If the verse you are trying to memorize has already been set to music, switch to the version of the text that matches the song. If it has not been set to music, make up your own tune. Explore different translations of the text to see which one lends itself best to your song.
Say it aloud
Hearing it and saying it will reinforce it much better than just "thinking" it will.
Say it with rhythm
This is similar to the "in song" approach from above, but it is often easier to make up a rhythm than it is to make up a whole tune. Clap your hands and stomp your feet at various places in the verse if that helps. Turn it into a clapping game like "pat-a-cake" and learn it with a friend.
Add action
How many songs do you know that have motions associated with them? If you're making up hand claps and foot stomps, it will help even more if you add other actions such as casting a fishing line, or tracing the outline of a heart in the air.
Make a rebus
A rebus uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. For instance, the word "I" is represented with a graphic depiction of an eye. If you spend enough time coming up with a clever rebus for your verse, you will likely have memorized it by the time you are finished.
Find structure in the verse
Write the verse out so that it highlights the structure. Recall that Hebrew poetry works by repeating an idea using different words. Line them up! We also find structure in New Testament verses. For instance, 1 John 2:3 could be written like this:

Now by this
   we know that
   we know Him,
if we keep His commandments.

This approach lines up the common words "we know" and helps the brain to organize the verse more effectively. It also lines up the third "we" with the first two, so that it's possible to memorize a shorthand for this verse - "we know, we know, we keep". This forms a skeleton upon which we can hang the rest of the words. Look for other structure as well, such as that the word following "we" always starts with a 'k' and has four letters.
Use a Puzzlemaker Online
to create written activities for scripture such as:
  • Crosswords
  • Wordles
  • Fill in the blanks/Missing letters
  • Blank out (Similar to Hangman)
  • Scripture Scrambles
Step On It
Print out each word of a passage on paper, one word per page in large print. Lay the paper on the floor and step down on each page as you say the text. Remove words from time to time.
Writers Block
Write each word of a passage on blocks of wood, one word per block. Mix up the blocks and put the text back together. Two block sets of the same verse makes for an exciting game!

Do you know some approaches? Click here to add them!

Requirement 3

Participate in a skit on a story about the life of Jesus like:

  • Jesus in the temple at 12.
  • Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.
  • Jesus feeding the 5,000.
  • Or another favorite story about Jesus

Here are some skits that will fulfill this requirement:

If you have a skit of your own, please consider adding it to our Wiki!

Requirement 4

Learn about the world-wide Advent Awakening (late 1700s to 1844 time period) by identifying seven people and three events explaining why they are important.


George Whitefield
English Anglican preacher who helped spread the Great Awakening in Britain, and especially in the British North American colonies. He was one of the founders of Methodism and of the evangelical movement generally.
Jonathan Edwards
Oversaw some of the first revivals in 1733–35 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts
William Miller
Baptist preacher who is widely regarded as one of the founding members of the Adventist faith. He interpreted Biblical prophecy of the Second Coming. Originally opposed the setting of a definite date for the Second Advent.
Joshua V. Himes
Began Publishing The Signs of the Times
Samuel S. Snow
Originally an agent for an atheistic newspaper, he became a converted Christian in 1839. Set the date for the Second Coming as October 22, 1844.
Barton W. Stone
Began Restoration Movment with Alexander Campbell. Published Christian Messenger starting 1826.
Charles Finney
An innovator at many revival meetings. Commonly had women pray publicly at meetings of mixed gender.
Hiram Edson
Introduced the Sanctuary Doctrine to the early members of the Adventist Church.


William Miller called to preach

William Miller had studied the Biblical prophecies found in Daniel and came to the conclusion that Jesus would return to Earth in the Autumn of 1843 (the date of October 22, 1844 was not set until later). He kept his conclusion to himself for several years until the Lord impressed him to "Go and tell it to the world." He resisted this impression, but was not able to rest. In a final act of desperation, he told the Lord that if He would "open a way," then he would go. He then felt the Lord asking him, "What do you mean by 'opening the way?'" He answered the Lord that if he were invited to speak someplace, then he would go and tell them what he had found out about the Lord's soon coming. At this he felt a great peace and was able to relax, thinking there was no way anyone was going to invite him anywhere to preach.

After half an hour had passed, he heard a knock on the door. It was the son of a Mr Guilford, from Dresden about 16 miles away. He told William Miller that there was no one to preach the sermon at their church the next day, and his father had asked him to invite Mr Miller to preach to them on the Second Coming.

Miller was incredibly distraught and fled to a grove on his farm without giving the boy an answer. He was furious with himself for making his bargain with God, and was intent on not following through. However, he changed his mind and accepted the invitation. This was the beginning of William Miller's public ministry, and a seminal moment in the "Great Awakening."

Read more about it here.

Signs of the Times published

Joshua V Himes was the pastor of the First Christian Church in Boston in the 1830's. Himes met William Miller in 1839 at Exeter, New Hampshire. Impressed, he invited Miller to speak at the Chardon Street Chapel. From these lectures Himes became convinced of the soon return of Christ, and sought opportunities for Miller to preach. In 1840 he published and edited the first Millerite newspaper, the 'Signs of the Times, in Boston. Note that this is not the same magazine as today's Signs of the Times which was first published by James White in 1874.

After the Great Disappointment, he became a leader of the Evangelical Adventists and their American Millennial Association (1858), opposing Sabbatarian Adventism and their understanding of the sanctuary as well as those who believed in conditional immortality and the re-establishment of Israel before Christ's Second Coming.

Great Disappointment

During the Millerite Movement, October 22, 1844 was set as the date for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. On that date, many Adventist believers waited for His return. Some donned "ascension robes" for the expected event.

October 22 passed without incident, resulting in feelings of disappointment among many Millerites. Henry Emmons, a Millerite, later wrote,

I waited all Tuesday [October 22] and dear Jesus did not come;– I waited all the forenoon of Wednesday, and was well in body as I ever was, but after 12 o’clock I began to feel faint, and before dark I needed someone to help me up to my chamber, as my natural strength was leaving me very fast, and I lay prostrate for 2 days without any pain– sick with disappointment.

William Miller continued to wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ until his death in 1849.

Not only were the Millerites dealing with their own shattered expectations, they also faced considerable criticism and even violence from the general public. On November 18, 1844, Miller wrote to Himes about his experiences:

"Some are tauntingly enquiring, 'Have you not gone up?' Even little children in the streets are shouting continually to passersby, 'Have you a ticket to go up?' The public prints, of the most fashionable and popular kind…are caricaturing in the most shameful manner of the 'white robes of the saints,' Revelation 6:11, the 'going up,' and the great day of 'burning.' Even the pulpits are desecrated by the repetition of scandalous and false reports concerning the 'ascension robes', and priests are using their powers and pens to fill the catalogue of scoffing in the most scandalous periodicals of the day."

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Requirement 5

Complete Friend requirements.

The Friend requirements for this section are all the requirements above this point on this page.

Requirement 6

Create a time line showing the main events of the life of Jesus.

∞ BC Jesus always was
~4000 BC Jesus creates our world
4 BC Jesus born to Mary
9 AD Jesus visits the Temple
27 AD Jesus is baptized, ministry begins
31 AD Crucifixion and Resurrection
1844 AD Enters the heavenly sanctuary's Most Holy Place
?? AD Second Coming
?? AD +1000 years Third Coming, establishes His kingdom on Earth
∞ AD Jesus will always be