Investiture Achievement/Voyager/Nature Study
Standard Level 
Requirement 1a |
Read a book or at least four articles on Intelligent Design in nature. |
Requirement 1b |
Do one of the following:
Requirement 2 |
House Plants/Butterflies
Option 1:
Option 2: Requirement 7 of the Moths and Butterfly's Honorstates:
Identify in the field, then draw, photograph or collect 25 species of moths and butterflies, with not more than two specimens of any one variety. When collecting, specimens should be anesthetized by using carbon tetrachloride or other chemical in collecting jar. In either project correctly label and include the following information: a. Name b. Date observed c. Location d. Time of day e. Plant on which the insect was feeding or the material on which it was perched
Fulfilling this requirement is a good start on the Honor. For identification purposes, you will need to get a copy of a good field guide. As with many other identification tasks, it is best to find a specimen first and then attempt to identify it, rather than going out to look for a particular specimen.
Pathfinders are encouraged to draw or photograph specimens rather than collect them. Identification should be done in the field. If going as a group, it is OK to bring one camera (perhaps the instructor's) and then have the rest of the participants make their drawing from the pictures taken. If you have access to a digital camera and a projector, you could project a slide show and have the Pathfinders make drawings as the slides are shown. You may also print the photos and pass them around.
Frontier Voyager 
Requirement 3 |
Complete Voyager requirements. |
Requirement 4 |
Edible Wild Plants/Environmental Conservation
Option 1: This might be a good opportunity to tackle the Edible Wild Plants Honor where detailed guidance can be found to meet this requirement.
Option 2: This requirement matches Requirement 4 of the Environmental Conservation Honor where detailed instructions and tips can be found.
Requirement 5 |
Complete a nature honor not previously earned. (Skill level 2 or 3). |
This might be a good opportunity to tackle the Edible Wild Plants Honor (Skill Level 2) in conjunction with Requirement 4.