Respuestas para la especialidad JA de Salud y curación

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Salud y curación

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Asociación General

Health and Healing AY Honor.png
Salud y curación
Salud y ciencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
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Estar por lo menos en el octavo grado.

Este requisito se asegura de que el Conquistador es lo suficientemente maduro para entender y apreciar las lecciones enseñadas en esta especialidad.


A través de la Biblia y/o el Espíritu de Profecía, aprender cómo Jesús sanó a los enfermos y el procedimiento para los ancianos de la iglesia de ungir a los enfermos y pedir a Dios por la curación. Escribir un informe de 250 palabras o dar un informe de dos minutos sobre lo que ha aprendido.

Bible texts

Matthew 4:23,24
Matthew 8
Matthew 9:1-8, 18-34
Matthew 12:9-13
Matthew 15:22-28

Matthew 17:14-20
Mark 2:1-12
Mark 5:21-43
Mark 6:1-6
Mark 7:24-37

Mark 8:22-26
Mark 9:14-29
Mark 10:46-52
Luke 4:38-41
Luke 5:12-26

Luke 6:6-11
Luke 7:1-17
Luke 8:26-56
Luke 9:37-43
Luke 13:10-17

Luke 17:11-19
Luke 18:35-43
John 4:46:53
John 5:1-15
John 9:1-12

Citas del Espíritu de Profecía

Procedimiento para ungir los enfermos

The procedure for anointing the sick is outlined in the Minister's Manual. The anointing service is performed for anyone who is seriously ill. While it should not be used for minor ailments, it should also not be reserved only for those who are dying.

"Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." (James 5:14, 15).

Note that the verse asks, "Is anyone among you sick?" rather than "Is anyone among you dying?"

The service is performed by a pastor or in his absence, by an elder (but with the pastor's approval). The person officiating should be accompanied by a few elders, and anyone who has a special gift for prayer. It can be performed in a home, at the church, in a nursing home, or in a hospital. If it is done in a hospital or nursing home, it should not interfere with the medical work being done there.

Normally, non-Christian friends and family are not invited to the service, but they should not be asked to leave if they are present already.

Before the service, the recipient should be prepared by a careful examination of his or her own heart. This should include a confession of any sins to the Lord. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear" (Psalm 66:18). The recipient may also be encouraged to read the chapter "Prayer for the Sick" in Ellen White's The Ministry of Healing. (see the Spirit of Prophecy references above).

The service begins when the pastor explains the purpose of the service to all present, and how the service will be performed. The recipient may be asked to give a testimony. If the recipient is not too sick, time should be taken to read passages from the Scriptures explaining the prerequisites for divine healing:

  1. Belief that God can and does heal.
  2. The confession of sin.
  3. Commitment to healthful living. It is presumptuous to ask God to heal us if the person intends to continue the behavior that caused the illness in the first place.
  4. Willingness to use human means. God does work miracles, but sometimes he chooses to do this through human agents. He may already have chosen a doctor through whom the afflicted person may be healed. It is not a sign of faithlessness to seek healing through human effort."Every good gift and every prefect gift is from above" (James 1:17)
  5. Trust God's answer. Sometimes God answers quickly, sometimes slowly, and sometimes He answers "No." If the sick person is not healed immediately (or is not healed at all) it is not a sign that God was unwilling to heal or that the person lacked faith or spirituality. The scripture reading should end with the assurance that everything has been placed in God's hands and that God can be trusted.

Everyone then kneels, and prayer begins. The anointed may pray first, followed by the elders. The pastor prays last as he dips his finger into a vial of olive oil and rubs a small amount on the recipient's forehead. The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit touching the sick person in a special way. Seventh-day Adventists do not follow the practice of applying oil to the part of the body that is afflicted.

As soon as the prayer is ended, the anointing party leaves. If fellowship is desired, it should take place before the anointing service. The party should leave while the spirit of reverence and the presence of God prevail.


¿Cómo está relacionada la educación continua con las carreras de salud?

Once health professionals are certified or licensed to practice, they are required to keep their educations current by enrolling in "Continuing Professional Education" or CPE. They must complete a specific number of hours of coursework every year. During these courses, the professionals review current practices and are exposed to the latest techniques. These courses are often sponsored by their employers, and often involve overnight trips taught at resorts or spas. Employers provide this "perk" because they wish to retain their employees.


Entrevistar al menos dos personas que trabajan en una carrera de salud médica. Uno de ellos debe ser alguien que no sea un médico o enfermera, por ejemplo alguien que trabaja en odontología, terapia física, terapia respiratoria, radiología, nutrición, etc. En su entrevista, hacer las siguientes preguntas:


¿Por qué eligió su profesión?


¿Qué educación es necesaria para entrar en su profesión?


Después de la educación, ¿qué cantidad de tiempo se tarda en ser certificado o competente en su campo?


¿Qué parte de su trabajo le gusta más? ¿Cuál menos?


¿Qué días de la semana y cuántas horas por día trabaja usted en su trabajo?


¿Qué adelanto está disponible en su campo de trabajo?


¿Qué curso de estudio en la universidad complementaría su profesión?


¿Cuáles son algunas escuelas locales que ofrecen la formación en su profesión?

The interview should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. You may need to set up an appointment with these professionals, and they may ask that you come to their facilities for the interview. Be prompt. It is also courteous to send your interviewees a card or a gift as a thank you. If the interview is conducted at the medical facility, you may be able to meet much of requirement 5b as well.


Realizar una de las siguientes actividades:


Ser un voluntario en un hospital o centro médico.


Visitar un médico o dentista y hacer lo siguiente:


Observar las zonas de operaciones, como las oficinas de la empresa, el laboratorio, salas de exámenes, sala de rayos-X, etc.


Obtener una charla introductoria de los equipos utilizados en dichos lugares.


Conocer los pasos que da el paciente cuando visita uno de estos lugares desde la sala de espera hasta el momento en que se retira.


Aprender la forma en que el médico hace un examen y toma la historia del paciente para el diagnóstico.


Ir a una visita de una enfermera que va a un hogar y hacer lo siguiente:


Aprender los pasos de una visita a una casa con una enfermera desde cuando se encuentra con el paciente hasta cuando informa al médico.


Observar la enfermera tomando los signos vitales.


Observar la enfermera dando instrucciones y medicamentos.


Visitar el departamento de pacientes externos de un hospital, como terapia física, rayos-X, laboratorio, etc. Hacer lo siguiente:


Observar las zonas de trabajo en el departamento


Obtener una charla introductoria de los equipos utilizados en el departamento y cómo funciona.


Conocer los pasos que toma un paciente cuando visita al departamento.


¿Cuántas personas se necesitan en el departamento?


¿Funciona el departamento por la noche?


  • Seventh-day Adventist Minister's Manual, Chapter 41: Prayer for the Sick.