AY Honor Springboard Diving Requirements used by North American Division

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Springboard Diving

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Springboard Diving AY Honor.png
Springboard Diving
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Demonstrate the following dives:

a. Swan

b. Front somersault (tuck)

c. Half twist

2. Chose two optional dives from the following: half gainer (tuck, pike, or lay-out), cutaway, somersault front one and one-half, sailor dive, half twist, back dive, back knife, back jack.

a. Half twist

b. Cutaway

c. Somersault front one and one-half

d. Back dive

e. Back jackknife

f. Half gainer (tuck, pike, or layout)

3. State the safety depths of water under a one-meter board, a three-meter board, and a tower. How far should the board project over the pool? What boards are recom­mended?