1. Read Matthew 28:19-20. As a group come up with a list of reasons to go on a mission trip.
2. What are some of the preparations required for going on a mission trip, such as different approvals, required documentation, and where to go.
3. Identify and explain what you need to pack for a mission trip that will be appropriate for your selected destination.
4. Understand and be able to identify safety issues that are specific for the country to where you will be traveling. These will include the following:
a. Health concerns
b. Drinking water
c. Bathroom issues
d. Food - avoiding contamination
e. Preventative health measures such as required immunization and prophylactic medications.
f. Political issues
g. Cultural issues
5. Spend time learning about the specific culture you will be involved with and discuss your findings at an orientation meeting.
6. If the predominant language of the country you are visiting is different than your own, memorize at least five common phrases in the language, such as: Hello, Please, Thank you, Bathroom, etc.
7. Sing a song or tell a story as a mission outreach to at least one local person while in the country.
8. Identify resources and obtain funds to go on a mission trip. This can be done through your own earnings, fundraisers, sponsors, etc.
9. Go on a mission trip to a foreign country. This can be as a family, Pathfinder, school, church group, or through an organized mission group.
10. Participate in the activities assigned by your leader which may include:
a. Church building
b. Door-to-door evangelism
c. Literature evangelism
d. Child evangelism - for example: Vacation Bible School activities
e. Evangelistic meetings
f. Health evangelism
g. Cleaning or cooking for the mission group you are traveling with
h. Working in orphanages or orphan centers
11. Upon returning home, give a public presentation about your mission trip, which may include the following:
a. Did you see a miracle or evidence of God working?
b. Have you grown spiritually closer to God because of this trip, and if so, how?
c. Will you be making changes in your life because of what you experienced on the trip? If so, describe what they will be.
d. Did you see God use you and your group to impact others for Him?
12. Upon returning home, re-read Matthew 28:19-20 and discuss whether the meaning of this verse has changed for you.