AY Honors/Birds - Advanced/Answer Key

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Template:Honor header

1. Have the Birds Honor.

Template:Ay prerequisite

2. Know the laws protecting birds in your state, province, or country.

3. Describe a bird accurately by using standard names for each part of its body.

4. Find answers to either a. OR b.

a. In what ways are the feet, legs, and beak of birds variously modified to adapt them to their environment?

b. On hummingbirds:

(1) What do hummingbirds eat in the wild and how often?

(2) Why aren't hummingbirds afraid of large mammals or birds?

(3) How do their wings move differently from other birds?

(4) How fast do they fly?

(5) How fast do the wings and heart beat?

(6) How is the tongue shaped?

5. Identify on a bird's wing the primaries, secondaries, coverts, axillars, and alulae.

6. Describe the functions and purposes of bird banding, telling in particular how banding contributes to our knowledge about bird movements.

7. Name the main migratory bird flyways used by birds in your continent.

8. Give the migration routes and terminal destinations for ten different migratory bird species.

9. Describe at least three different ways that birds are able to orient themselves in their movements across the globe.

10. Make a list of 60 species of wild birds, including birds from at least ten different families, that you personally have observed and positively identified by sight out of doors. For each species on this list note the following:

a. Name

b. Date observed

c. Place observed

d. Habitat (i.e., field, woods, river, lake, etc.)

e. Status where observed (permanent resident, winter resident, summer resident, migrant, vagrant)

11. Present lists of birds, showing the greatest number of species seen out of doors in:

a. One day (with at least six hours in the field)

b. One week

c. Your lifetime (all birds observed by you since you began birding to date)

12. Make a list of ten species of wild birds that you personally have positively identified by sound out of doors, and describe or imitate these bird sounds as best you can.

Listen to the bird calls found in the Field Guide presented in requirement 5 of the Birds honor.

13. Lead a group in a bird observation walk or tell two Bible stories in which a bird was significant.

You will learn where the best places to see birds are as you go out birding yourself. If possible, take a group to one of those places. You can combine this trip with one of another purpose (such as a hike).

Bible stories that feature a bird as a significant part include, Noah sending out the dove, and Elijah being fed by ravens. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus asks us to consider the birds of the air (they neither sow nor reap). The baptism of Jesus and Pentecost also feature doves.
