Especialidades JA/Campamento III/Requisitos
Campamento III
Año de introducción:
1. Estar por lo menos en el séptimo grado.
2. Revisar los seis puntos en la selección de un buen sitio para el campamento. Repasar las normas de seguridad en la construcción de fuegos.
3. Ir a un campamento de fin de semana.
4. Hacer los siguientes tres fuegos y decir sus usos::
- a. Fuego del cazador
- b. Fuego reflector
- c. Fuego estrella
5. Know six ways to start a fire without a match. Build a campfire using one of these:
- a. Compressed air
- b. Curved glass
- c. Flint
- d. Friction
- e. Metal match
- f. Spark
6. Know how to properly sharpen a hatchet and knife.
7. Cook a one-pot meal using fresh or dried food.
8. Describe the various types of tents and their uses.
9. How does condensation occur in tents, and how can it be prevented?
10. Demonstrate your ability to anchor a tent down, using the taut-line hitch and two half hitches.
11. While camping, plan and give a ten-minute devotional or organize and lead a nature or Bible game or lead out in Sabbath School, camp church, or camp vespers.
12. Properly locate and build one of the following and describe its importance to the individual and the environment:
- a. Camp sink and dishwashing area
- b. Latrine
- c. Shower
13. Demonstrate four basic lashings and construct a simple object using these lashings.
14. Know how to replace the mantels on a camp lantern. Demonstrate how to refill gas in a camp lantern and stove. Know how to maintain the pressure pump on a camp stove in good working order.
Note: The tent color for Camping Skills #3 is green.