Especialidades JA/Pionerismo/Respuestas

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Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1956

IA logo.png
Conexión Logros para la Investidura: Esta especialidad está relacionada con los requisitos de Logros para la Investidura para GUÍA DE NUEVAS FRONTERAS Vida al Aire Libre que requiere el desarrollo completo de esta especialidad o de 4 otras especialidades, no obtenidas previamente.


Describir por escrito, oralmente o con imágenes, cómo los primeros pioneros estadounidenses alcanzaban las siguientes necesidades básicas de la vida:


Vivienda y muebles








Calor y luz


Herramientas y trabajos manuales






Construir una pieza de mobiliario útil con amarres. Aprender los siguientes amarres:


Realizar una de las siguientes actividades:


Tejer una canasta utilizando materiales naturales

Véase la especialidad de Cestería para más instrucción.


Hacer un par de mocasines de cuero


Hacer un sombrero de dama cosido a mano


Hacer un simple juguete utilizado por los pioneros estadounidenses


Saber cómo hacer harina de al menos una planta silvestre para ser utilizada en la cocción al horno.


Construir una fogata sin fósforos. Usar materiales naturales de construcción de fogatas. Mantener la fogata durante cinco minutos. Se puede utilizar los siguientes artículos para iniciar el fuego:


Pedernal y acero




Chispa eléctrica

Stop hand.svg

Nota: Esta técnica, aunque aparece como una opción en los requisitos oficiales, no estaba disponible para los pioneros. Por lo tanto, recomendamos que no se utilice para enseñar esta especialidad.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Fire/Electric spark/es


Vidrio curvo (convexo)


Metal partido


Aire comprimido

Stop hand.svg

Note: As with the "Electric spark" technique, this method of fire-building was unknown to the pioneers. Again, we recommend against using this option for meeting the requirement.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Fire/Compressed air


Mostrar los siguientes conocimientos en las habilidades con el hacha:

Parts of an axe


Describir las mejores clases de hachas

The "best" type of axe depends on what you're trying to do with it.

  • Felling axe — Cuts across the grain of wood, as in the felling of trees. In single or double bit (the bit is the cutting edge of the head) forms and many different weights, shapes, handle types and cutting geometries to match the characteristics of the material being cut.
  • Splitting Axe — Used to split with the grain of the wood. Splitting axe bits are more wedge shaped. This shape causes the axe to rend the fibres of the wood apart, without having to cut through them, especially if the blow is delivered with a twisting action at impact.
  • Broad axe — Used with the grain of the wood in precision splitting. Broad axe bits are chisel-shaped (one flat and one bevelled edge) facilitating more controlled work.


Mostrar cómo afilar un hacha correctamente

It is best to sharpen an axe by hand rather than using an electric grinder. A grinder will heat the blade and ruin the axe's temper. This will cause the bit to soften making it impossible for the axe to hold a sharp edge during typical use. If the axe is very dull or has visible notches in the blade, start sharpening with a file. The file should be held at an angle and run over the length of the blade. Sharpen both sides until the notches are gone. If the axes just needs a touch-up, you can use a sharpening stone. Wet the stone with water (or if you have an oilstone, with oil). This will cause the filings to "float" away an prevent them from clogging the pores in the stone (making it smoother and thus, less effective at sharpening).


Conocer y practicar las normas de seguridad en el uso de un hacha

Be sure you have firm footing before swinging an axe or a hatchet, and be sure no one is within six feet of you to the sides or to the rear, and within twelve feet of you towards your front.

Be sure that the arc through which you swing the axe is clear, especially of overhead obstructions such as branches.

Axe heads do occasionally come off at times (2 Kings 6:5), and they are very dangerous when they do. Check that the axe head is tight to the handle before using it, and if you find that it is loose, take steps to correct this.

When handing an axe to another person, offer them the handle. Carry the axe so that if you were to trip, the blade would point away from you. Put the axe in a sheath (if it has one) when it is not in use.


Conocer la forma correcta de utilizar un hacha

Do not hammer an axe into a piece of wood. An axe is for cutting, and should not be used as a wedge. It should also not be used as a sledge hammer. Practice aiming the axe until you get good at it. When you can hit what you aim at, your use of the axe will be far more efficient. Do not chop into the ground - this practice will quickly dull an axe. Apply a bit of oil to the axehead to prevent rust.


Cortar debidamente en dos un tronco de al menos ocho pulgadas (20 cm) de grosor

Do not lay the log directly on the ground. Otherwise the axe blows will push the log into the ground. Instead, lay it on another small log (three inches in diameter is good). Strike the log to be cut at the point where it is in contact with the supporting log. Otherwise, the log may flip up and strike you or a bystander. This can cause a serious injury, so be watchful. Proceed by chopping a "vee" into the log, alternating cuts on the left and on the right. The width of the vee should be equal to the diameter of the log. Once the vee penetrates halfway through the log, turn it over and cut another on the opposite side until the two vees meet.


Partir debidamente un trozo de madrea que sea mínimo de ocho pulgadas (20 cm) de diámetro y un pie (30 cm) de largo.


Hacer dos de las siguientes actividades:


Hacer una cuerda de 10 pies (3 metros) de material natural o mecate.


Demostrar cómo atar 10 nudos útiles para los pioneros estadounidenses y decir cómo fueron utilizados.


Usando cuerdas y materiales naturales, hacer un dispositivo para mover objetos pesados.

You can make a make-shift block and tackle with nothing more than two sturdy ropes and a tree (or other stationary object). First, take a short length of rope and tie one end around the object you wish to move. Then tie a loop at the other end.

Tie one end of the longer rope around a tree using a bowline. Then tie a slip knot in this rope near the tree. Take the running end of the rope and thread it through the loop you made in the first rope. Then thread it through the slip knot you tied near the tree.

All that remains is to pull on the running end of the longer rope. This setup provides a two-to-one mechanical advantage. For every two meters you pull on the long rope, the object will move one meter closer to the tree.


Construir una adecuada y cómoda letrina.


Explicar la necesidad de un saneamiento adecuado en relación con los desechos sólidos humanos y el lavado del agua, del cuerpo, la ropa y los platos.

If human waste is not dealt with properly, it can cause disease. It is a small matter for uncontrolled human waste to enter the water supply where it will cause harmful bacteria to multiply. When this happens, anyone using the water internally (i.e., drinking, washing dishes, brushing teeth, etc.) will ingest the bacteria and get sick. Dysentery is a medical condition caused by improper sanitation, and it involves uncontrolled, bloody diarrhea. This causes the body to dehydrate leading to death.

Keeping your body clean is also very important. If you are filthy and you injure yourself, breaking the skin, the filth will readily enter your bloodstream where it can make you sick and cause a painful infection. Infections can kill you if they left untreated.

Dirty clothing can lead to parasitic infestations, such as lice.

Dirty dishes breed bacteria which feast on any food left stuck to the dish. It is then easily transferred to the body when the dish is used for cooking or for eating.


Ayudar en la construcción de un puente de troncos o cuerda de 10 pies (3 metros) de largo utilizando amarres.

Log Bridge

The simplest way to make this bridge is with poles. Cut two long poles at least 15 cm6 inches in diameter and long enough to span the item to be bridged. Then cut several smaller poles at least 5cm2 inches in diameter and approximately 60 cm2 feet long. Place the long poles over the gap to be spanned such that the short poles can lay across them, overhanging by 3-5cma few inches on both sides. Then use continuous lashing to attach the short poles to the long ones. A rope hand rail can be added for additional balance.

Rope Bridge


Conocer cuatro maneras de mantener bello los lugares al aire libre.

  • Pick up litter.
  • Stay on the trail.
  • Use "Leave no Trace" camping techniques.
  • Write letters to your elected government representatives about environmental issues.
  • Prefer pollution-free recreation activities (biking and hiking over ATV's, canoes and kayaks over motor boats and jet skis, cross country skis over snow mobiles).
  • Take only pictures, leave only footprints. That means you don't pick wildflowers or destroy plants. It's generally OK to harvest the fruiting body of a plant (i.e., berries).
  • Use a camp stove instead of a campfire when camping. This will eliminate the need to gather firewood and will not leave a fire ring.


Hacer dos de las siguientes actividades:


Hacer una vela de cera u otra forma de luz utilizada por los pioneros estadounidenses.

See the Candlemaking honor for instruction. Why not earn it while you're at it?


Hacer un lote de jabón.

Note that this is also a major requirement for the Soap Craft - Advanced honor.

See also the on making soap.


Ordeñar una vaca.


Hacer mantequilla.

This can be done when sitting around the campfire. Get a half pint of heavy cream (45% milk fat) and place it in a sealable container with a wide mouth, such as a Tupperware vessel or glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Place a marble (or similar object) in the container with the cream and seal it up tight. (Optional) Then pass it around the campfire having everyone shake it for a minute or two. After ten to fifteen minutes, the container should have two things in it: butter, and buttermilk. You can pour off the buttermilk (save it for biscuits or pancakes in the morning) and you are left with solid butter. The butter solids can then be "washed" by kneading out the pockets of buttermilk with the back of a large spoon. When most of the remaining buttermilk has been worked out, you may salt it to taste and spread it on fresh baked bread. Delicious!


Hacer una pluma y escribir con ella.

Quill pen

If you don't happen to have a flock of geese from which to pluck feathers, you can always buy them at a craft supply store. Select a feather that is about 30 cm12 inches long. The first step in making a quill pen is to temper the shaft. This can be done by heating a tin can filled with sand in an oven at 175°C350°F for 15 minutes. If camping, you can do this in a campfire as well. Carefully remove the can from the heat and jam the end of the feather into the sand as far as it will go. Let it sit there until the sand cools. This will cause the transparent shaft of the feather to become opaque.

Strip some of the "hair" off the feather so that it will not get in the way of the writer's hand. 5 to 7.5 cm2 to 3 inches will do fine. Hold the feather in your hand to see how it wants to orient itself. Unlike a modern pen, one portion of the feather's shaft will be the "top". Usually, the feather will curve over the hand as you hold it.

To do:
Finish this section

This page has a good description, but we'd need to put it in our own words.


Hacer una muñeca con las hojas de maíz.

For this you will need an ear of corn, still in the husk, a bit twine, and some cloth. Choose one with as much stem attached as you can, up to the intended height of the doll.

Peel the husk back, trying to tear as little of it apart as you can. Fold the husk over the stem. Once all the husk has been folded back, you can chop the corn cob off with a sharp knife. Discard the silks. Tie a piece of twine around the husk an inch or so below the point from which the cob was cut. Tighten it up as much as you can. This will form the neck line. Tie another piece of twine about the middle to form a waist. Then use the cloth to make a dress for the doll. (A bonnet conceals the unfortunate fact that your doll is bald.) Draw some eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the doll's face using a marker, or for a more authentic look, use a piece of charcoal.


Ayudar en hacer un edredón.

For instruction, see the Quilting honor.


Conocer cinco remedios caseros de plantas silvestres y explicar sus usos.

Stop hand.svg

Warning: We recommend that extreme caution be exercised with regard to these remedies. Some of them are harmless enough (jewelweed, balsam fir, coltsfoot, and garlic), while others are potentially fatal (boneset, feverfew). All medicines are poisonous if the dosage is exceeded, and the amount of the active ingredient found in wild plants is obviously not labeled.

The juice from this plant was used as a treatment for poison ivy. However, modern medicine has shown that jewelweed is no more effective than a placebo for treating poison ivy.
The bark from the willow tree contains salicylic acid, an ingredient in aspirin. Chewing on willow shoots, twigs, branches, or bark was used as a pain reliever.
Balsam fir
The resin of the balsam fir is used to produce Canada balsam, and was traditionally used as a cold remedy.
The leaves of the coltsfoot plant were used for making tea or hard candy. Both were used as a cough medicine. Again, modern medicine has shown that this treatment is not efficacious.
Boneset, although poisonous to humans and grazing livestock, has been used in folk medicine, for instance to excrete excess uric acid which causes gout. It has many more presumed beneficial uses, including treatment of dengue fever, arthritis, certain infectious diseases, migraine, intestinal worms, malaria, and diarrhea. Boneset infusions are also considered an excellent remedy for influenza. Scientific research of these applications is rudimentary at present, however. Caution is advised when using boneset, since it contains toxic compounds that can cause liver damage. Side effects include muscular tremors, weakness, and constipation; overdoses may be deadly.
Feverfew has been used for reducing fever, for treating headaches, arthritis and digestive problems.
Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating at least as far back as the time that the Egyptian pyramids were built. Garlic is claimed to help prevent heart disease including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer.


Realizar una de las siguientes actividades:


Ayudar en la construcción de una balsa, utilizando amarres. Hacer un viaje en el río por cinco millas (ocho kilómetros) con esta balsa.

The greatest problem you will need to overcome when building a raft from logs is that logs are very close to having neutral buoyancy, meaning that they do float, but only barely. To deal with this, you will need a great many number of logs.

Gather about 20 logs that are about 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) in diameter, and 16-20 feet (5-6 meters) long. Dry logs are better because they are lighter, and thus have greater buoyancy. You will build the raft upside-down, and then flip it over into the water. It will be very heavy (weighing literally as much as 20 or so logs), so you will want to build it right at the edge of the river.

Lay two of these logs parallel to one another and spaced such that the rest of the logs can lay on top of them perpendicularly. These are the "base" logs. Then lay all but two of the remaining logs on the base logs (and perpendicular to them) in a pile only three feet (3 meters) wide near one end of the base logs. Lash them together as a bundle onto the base logs. Lash the one of the remaining logs to the other end of the base logs, and lash the last one diagonally to prevent racking.

This video should make all the steps fairly clear:

The important point is that the raft gets its flotation from a bundle of logs rather than from a single layer. A single-layer raft will float until someone gets on it. It will still float even with someone on it, but its top surface will be below the water line, making it very difficult to maneuver.

We recommend that the raft be accompanied by other watercraft, such as canoes or john boats. You should also carefully scout the river before committing the raft to it, ensuring there are no rapids.

Because this trip is not an over-nighter, you will be able to use the canoes to carry people instead of gear. Plan on enough canoe capacity to carry everyone in the party just in case the raft is not able to complete the journey (it happens). Assume that each canoe can carry three or four people.

Make sure everyone wears something they can get wet (such as a swimsuit), as well as sandals, river shoes, or old tennis shoes. Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs, also known as life-jackets) are an absolute must, and should be worn at all times while on the water. Under no circumstances should you allow anyone to board the watercraft (especially the raft) without a PFD.


Con un vaquero experimentado, participar en un viaje a caballo de dos días, 15 millas (25 kilómetros), llevando todos los suministros necesarios en un caballo que ha aprendido a cargar.


Con un líder experimentado, participar en un viaje en canoa de dos días, 15 millas (25 kilómetros), llevando todos los suministros necesarios.


Con un líder experimentado, participar en un viaje con mochila de dos días, 15 millas (25 kilómetros), llevando todos los suministros necesarios.
