Especialidades JA/Algas marinas/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
1. ¿Qué es un alga marina?
2. ¿Dónde se encuentra?
3. ¿Cómo se llama el órgano de acoplamiento para el sustrato? ¿Cómo difieren de una raíz verdadera?
4. ¿Cómo varían en tamaño las algas marinas?
5. Nombrar los cuatro grupos de algas marinas, indicando junto al nombre de cada grupo si es unicelular, multicelular o ambas.
6.Is most green algae found in fresh or salt water?
What are diatoms?
Where does algae grow-the polar, temperate, or tropic zone?
Where is brown algae most invariably found-in fresh or salt water?
What is the greatest depth that algae grows in the ocean? Why can it not grow in deeper water?
Name the three parts of a large kelp. How do they compare to the leaf, stem, and root of a plant?
Describe the two ways that algae reproduce.
What are some of the commercial values of algae? Give at least one for each group.
Make a collection of at least twenty specimen of marine algae properly identified, mounted, and labeled. There must be at least four specimens from the Green group, eight from the Brown group, and eight from the Red group.
Be able to identify by generic name at least ten types of marine algae.