AY Honor Web Design - Advanced Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
1. Have the Web Design honor.
2. Define the following terms:
- a. Bitmap image
- b. Animation
- c. DNS
- d. Drop-down Menu
- e. Wordpress
- f. Joomla
- g. Mysql
- h. Webmaster
- i. W3C
- j. Electronic commerce
- k. ActionScript
- l. FTP
- m. Hyperlink
- n. JPEG
- o. PNG
- p. Resolution
- q. GIF
3. Present in written form a simple static page, using only DHTML and CSS language, with the following elements:
- a. Header
- b. Body
- c. Left menu
- d. Center
- e. Footer
4. Using a graphical tool, present a simple static Internet page using CSS and upload it to the server to preview the page, with the same elements used in the previous requirement.
5. Create and present a dynamic page for the club, which contains a user registration system, animated banners and a contact form using PHP or a preferred language.
6. Present a written project of a site, containing all the necessary elements for its development, with cover, justification, objective, and conclusion (use the site project as practice).
7. Present a report that contains information on how we can use the Internet to help in the preaching of the gospel and cite some examples of places where it already exists.
8. Present a report on what are the necessary steps to create a domain and how to register it so it works on the web.
9. Create and present a web server.
10. As Adventist Christians, we believe in the return of Christ. We know that technologies are the fruit of the multiplication of science as the Bible already mentioned; from great discoveries, industrial revolution, and now the Internet. Mention the Biblical text that talks about the multiplication of science and explain the relationship that this has with prophecies.