Especialidades JA/Pintura exterior de casas/Respuestas

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Pintura exterior de casas

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House Painting - Exterior AY Honor.png
Pintura exterior de casas
Actividades vocacionales
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Asociación General
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Conocer y explicar la diferencia en la composición de pinturas para el exterior versus pinturas para el interior.


Mencionar la forma de preparar el exterior de una casa para pintarla haciendo tales cosas como la preparación de trabajos nuevos y viejos, eliminación de pintura, preparación, aplicar masilla, acabado, etc.


Bare wood should have a coat of primer before the paint is applied. Primer is applied the same way paint is, so you can follow the instructions given below.


After all that has been done, you are finally ready to paint. Maybe. If the temperature is below 10°C50°F, do not begin painting. Also resist the urge if there is rain in the forecast. A light shower can quickly ruin a paint job. If the wood is damp, do not use oil-based paints, as the moisture will cause the paint to blister. Buy paint in large containers (20 liter5 gallon buckets are preferred) so that you can paint an entire section from one batch of paint (for color consistency). Paint for the trim (which should be painted last) can be bought in smaller containers.

Always open the paint container on a surface that will not be marred by a paint circle whose diameter matches that of the can (formed when paint drips down the sides and meets the ground). Use a dropcloth if necessary. You don't want to leave little paint circles on the driveway, porch, sidewalk, or lawn. Place the can in a place where you can easily reach it, but where you will not accidentally kick it over as you step back to admire your work. Admiration comes to an abrupt end when the can tips over.

Pry the lid from the can with a common screw driver or with a tool designed for this purpose. Place the lid next to the can so you are not likely to step on it and track paint everywhere. Shoe prints look even worse than the paint circles.

If the paint was mechanically shaken at the paint store within a day or so of being opened, all you will need to do is stir it briefly. If it has been sitting for a while, you will need to stir it more thoroughly. Failure to properly stir the paint may cause the color to change as the can is used. Stir the paint frequently while you are painting, as the paint components may separate as it sits (this is why you should stir it in the first place too).

Some painters like to punch a hole in the rim of the can so that paint can drip out of the rim and into the can. This hole will be completely covered by the lid when it is replaced, and can be made with an awl or with a nail.

When replacing the lid, be sure to wipe all the paint from the rim of the can. Place the lid on the rim, and then lightly tap around the edges to seal it. If the rim was insufficiently cleaned, paint will splatter all over the place, so it is important to do that job carefully.

If using a brush, dip the tip of the brush into the paint no more than a third the length of the bristles. Wipe the paint from one side of the brush onto the inner side of the can's rim. Then raise it to the surface to be painted and brush it on with a smooth horizontal motion.

Don't completely empty the brush before refilling it with paint. It takes a lot longer to paint a house with a brush that is empty most of the time.


Hacer una lista de 10 combinaciones de color adecuadas para el pintado de casa (si es posible, utilizar tablas de color de una tienda de pintura al realizar el muestrario).


Decir cómo preparar y pintar metal correctamente.

All rust and flaking paint should be removed before applying new paint. Heavy flakes can be removed with a wire brush, or with a wire brush attachment for an electric drill. Once the heavy flakes and rust have been removed, go over the surface with sandpaper.

Next, determine what type of solvent is used for cleaning the paint. This will depend on the type of paint chosen, and could be turpentine, mineral spirits, paint thinner, or some other solvent. Dampen a clean rag with the solvent and clean the metal with it. Once the solvent dries, the surface is ready for primer. You may use either one or two coats of primer. Follow the directions on the can to determine the amount of time needed between coats. The time between coats of primer may differ from the time between the final coat of primer and the first coat of paint.


Nombrar al menos tres diluyentes de pintura y decir sus usos específicos.

Mineral Spirits

Mineral Spirits is a petroleum distillate commonly used as a paint thinner and mild solvent. Outside of the United States and Canada, it is referred to as white spirit. Painters use mineral spirits as an alternative to turpentine, one that is both less flammable and less toxic. Because of interactions with pigments, painters require a higher grade of mineral spirits than many industrial users, including the complete absence of residual sulphur.

It is used as a degreasing solvent and as a solvent in aerosols, paints, wood preservatives, lacquers, varnishes, and asphalt products. In western Europe about 60% of the total mineral spirits consumption is used in paints, lacquers and varnishes. Mineral spirits is the most widely used solvent in the paint industry. In households, white spirit is commonly used to clean paint brushes after decorating. Its paint thinning properties enable brushes to be properly cleaned (by preventing the paint from hardening and ruining the bristles) and therefore enabling them to be re-used.


Turpentine (also called spirit of turpentine, oil of turpentine, wood turpentine, gum turpentine) is a fluid obtained by the distillation of resin obtained from trees, mainly pine trees. As a solvent, turpentine is used for thinning oil-based paints and for producing varnishes.

Mineral Turpentine

Mineral turpentine, also known as turpentine substitute, turps substitute, or just turps is an inexpensive petroleum-based replacement for the vegetable-based turpentine. It is commonly used as a paint thinner for thinning oil-based paint and cleaning brushes, and as an organic solvent in other applications.


Acetone can be used for thinning and cleaning fiberglass resins and epoxies. It is a strong solvent for most plastics and synthetic fibers, so it should not be used when it could come into contact with these materials.

It is ideal for thinning fiberglass resin, cleaning fiberglass tools and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before hardening. A heavy-duty degreaser, it is useful in the preparation of metal prior to painting; it also thins polyester resins, vinyl and adhesives. It easily removes residues from glass and porcelain.


Demostrar habilidad para utilizar correctamente la brocha, el rodillo y la pistola de pintura en trabajos en el exterior.


Load the brush directly from the paint container as described previously. Be sure to force some paint between clapboards with the brush. Wipe the paint onto the surface, and then brush it out with two to four strokes. Latex should not be overbrushed, as this will leave brush marks in the finished surface. Reload the brush with paint as soon as the paint begins to lighten. It takes much longer to paint a surface with an empty brush than with a full one.

You should be able to tell whether you need to use horizontal or vertical strokes by considering the surface you are working on. On clapboards or horizontal siding, work the brush from side to side. Shingles should be painted with vertical strokes.


A roller should not be used on siding or clapboards. It should be reserved for flat surfaces such as masonry walls. Pour some paint from the container into the roller tray, filling it so that the paint covers about half the ramp. Place the roller at the top of the ramp, and roll it into the reservoir. At the end of the reservoir, lift the roller and carry it back to the top of the ramp. Then roll it down again. If you roll it back up, you will succeed in wetting the part of the roller that is already wet, and no paint will be loaded into the dry portion of the roller.

Then roll the paint onto the wall with broad up-and-down strokes. First you will apply the paint, then roll it out to a smooth finish. You can paint the edges and corners with a brush if necessary. When the roller is empty, reload it. An extension handle is a handy time saver that will allow you to paint a large vertical section of the wall.


Before using any spray equipment, carefully read and follow the instructions. Sprayers invariably cover more area than anticipated by the novice, so be careful to mask off a very large area adjacent to the surface to be painted. Use tarps and drop cloths for this, covering grass, shrubbery, and concrete. Move cars away from the house before starting. Mask all the glass on windows, not just the parts near the muntins and mullions (i.e., the pane separators). Cover roof shingles too.

Spray the paint on using several thin coats, allowing the paint to dry between each application. Houses are big, so you should be able to move on to another area while the coat dries. If you spray it on too thick, it will drip and look quite unprofessional. Clean spray equipment thoroughly when finished.


Pintar el exterior de una casa con al menos cuatro habitaciones (si es posible, hacer esto un proyecto grupal para una persona con necesidades especiales de la iglesia o de la comunidad).

Ask your pastor if he knows of a person whose house needs to be painted. Because he makes regular visits to members in need, he should be aware of anyone who could use your assistance.

You will be supplying the labor for free, but the primer, paint, tape, and caulk may need to be purchased. There are several options available for this:

  • Ask the manager of a paint store to sponsor your project.
  • Ask your church board for money to cover the cost of materials.
  • Hold a fundraiser so you will have money to buy materials.
  • Ask the person whose house you are painting to pay for the materials.

In reality, you could use all four of these approaches. The paint store may agree to give a discount on the paint (or provide it free of charge). You could hold a fundraiser to cover part or all of the rest, or the church board could cover it, or the person who benefits could. There may also be other ways to pay for the materials too - use your imagination!

Be sure to do a good job. Be careful not to slop paint all over the shrubbery, windows, driveway, etc. People will be watching to see what kind of job you do - especially those who helped pay for the materials. Don't let them down.