AY Honors/Sanctuary/Answer Key
Sanctuary Honor
Skill Level 1
1. Name the three main parts of the sanctuary and the court yard.
The court, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.
a. Tell what was in each part.
The Court - The Altar of Sacrifice, the Laver
Holy Place - Table of Shewbread, Seven-branched Lampstand, Altar of Incense
Most Holy Place - Ark of Covenant, Mercy Seat, Cherubim
b. Tell what each piece of furniture represents.
Altar of Sacrifice - Jesus's sacrifice
Laver - Cleansing from sin, form of Baptism
Table of Shewbread - Jesus, Bread of Life
Seven-branched Lampstand - Jesus, Light of the world (Oil=Holy Spirit)
Altar of Incense - Prayers ascending to Heaven, intercession & merits of Christ
Ark of Covenant - The presence of God (10 Commandments - Christ the end of the law)
Mercy Seat -
Cherubim - God's attributes
2. Draw a scale model of the sanctuary, the court yard and the position of all the furnishings. (Remember to add N, S, E, W)
3. How many coverings were over the sanctuary?
Four (4)
a. List the type of coverings in the order from inside to outside.
1. Inner royal liner - Covering was made of red, blue, purple linens. Angels were embroidered in gold throughout the fabric
2. Goat's hair, bleached white
3. Ram's skin, dyed red
4. Badger's skin, plain and brown
b. Tell what each covering represented.
1. Inner royal liner represents Jesus. Red represents Christ's life. Blue represents His obedience. Purple represents royalty. Gold represents purity. 2. Woven goat's hair represents Jesus' perfection and purity. 3. The ram's skin dyed red represents the blood of Jesus. 4. The badger's skin represents Jesus covered His divinity with humanity.