AY Honor Seeds Lesson Plans
Teaching Tip
White board & markers (or chalkboard & chalk, paper & marker, etc) 5 index cards marked with a number, 1 through 5 - each member should have five cards.
Ask the class to brainstorm the purposes of a seed. Write them down as they are offered. Wait until someone suggests that the purpose is to make new plants or propagate the species. If no one offers that suggestion, suggest it yourself.
Once you have the list, discuss each point, asking why each suggestion is or is not important. Then ask the kids to rank the purpose from 1-5, 5 being most important, 1 being least. They can rank these by holding up the cards. Add them all up and record the score on the list next to the suggestion, and then move to the next item.
When all items have been discussed, ask the members which one seems to be the main purpose.
Teaching Tip
Remind the members that since death was not part of God's original plan, eating meat could also not have been part of His original plan. Ask what God intended for people to eat before sin entered the world. Then have them look up Genesis 1:29. Ask one member to read it aloud.
Teaching Tip
Can of Lima beans (or other large, soft seed) Small paper plates Plastic knives
Prior to class, dissect one of the beans to be sure that you can identify the parts of the seed from the diagram given in the Answer Key. If you cannot, you may need to choose a different seed.
In class, dissect the seed so that everyone can see what you are doing. Point out the seed coat, endosperm, and embryo, and then show whichever parts of the embryo you can identify.
Distribute to each member a bean, a paper plate, and a plastic knife. Have them dissect their own bean and identify the seed coat, embryo, and cotyledon.