AY Honors/Adventist Pioneer Heritage/Answer Key

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This honor is intended to become a replacement for the Adventist Church Heritage Award, which is a requirement for becoming a Master Guide. It has been approved by the NAD Honors Task Force, but has not yet been considered by the NAD Master Guide Committee.

Complete a minimum of a 9-week Academy or semester college Adventist History course OR complete the following requirements.

1. Read two biographies of Adventist leaders

The ABC has many biographies from which to choose. Your church library may also have some good ones such as:

2. Write or give orally a brief history of the beginnings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in your state/province or country.

You might consider any of these approaches:

  • Powerpoint or other slide presentation
  • Scrapbook (see the Scrapbooking honor for information).
  • Write up with illustrations
  • Oral report with illustrations

3. Tell the importance of at least fifteen (15) of the following or their equivalent:

a. Great Disappointment (October 22, 1844)

The day of the great disappointment when Jesus did not come as those awaiting His Advent had calculated and waited for with much prayer.

b. Battle Creek Sanitarium

The Battle Creek Sanitarium was opened in 1866. It was a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Medical institution.

c. Adventist Church incorporated (May 21, 1863)

The Adventist Church incorporated on May 21, 1863. This is considered the date of the official organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This move was significant since it gave the church the right to own property and ordain ministers. Many of the founders had to “grow” significantly in order to “organize” since many had come from backgrounds that felt that organizing was not consistent with scripture.

d. Advent Tidende

Advent Tidende was a Danish monthly paper which John G. Matteson, a native son of Denmark, started for the Scandinavian people in America and Denmark.

e. Solusi College (University)

Solusi College is an institution of higher learning operated by the Eastern Africa Division. It was established in 1894 as Solusi Mission.

f. Gland Switzerland 1907

Gland, Switzerland was the site of the General Conference Session where the Young People’s Department of Missionary Volunteers was officially adopted. This later became the Pathfinders.

g. Present Truth

Present Truth was an illustrated evangelistic periodical devoted to the presentation of various facets of doctrine. It was begun by James White in July of 1849 and was the forerunner of the Review and Herald.

h. Tract Society

The Tract Society began in 1869 with a group of ladies at South Lancaster, Massachusetts. The society members visited the sick and needy and distributed tracts and wrote letters sharing their faith. In 1870 S. N. Haskell organized the first Conference-wide society in New England. By 1924 their scope of influence having long since reached beyond the small literature state, the name was changed to Book and Bible Houses. In 1972 the name Adventist Book Center (ABC) was adopted. The ABC is a distribution and service outlet for the Seventh-day Adventist publishing house products and other church-approved materials.

i. Pitcairn Missionary Ship

The Pitcairn was a vessel built as a schooner, refitted as a brigantine, and used by Seventh-day Adventists for transporting missionaries across the Pacific Ocean from 1890 to 1900. The ship was paid for by Sabbath School Offerings and made six missionary voyages whose missionaries established missions in many of the islands of the South Pacific. The first voyage went directly to Pitcairn Island arriving there November 25, 1890. Pitcairn was a remote British island possession in the southeastern Pacific Ocean about 3,500 miles north-east of New Zealand. Because maintenance of the ship was expensive, The Pitcairn was sold in 1900, by which time steamship connections with the islands had improved.

j. Universidade de Montemorelos

Universidade de Montemorelos is a coeducational institution of higher learning established in 1942 near the city of Montemorelos, State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

k. Sanitarium Heath Food Company

The Sanitarium Heath Food Company is a chain of health food factories, wholesale branches, and retail shops in Australia and New Zealand, operated by the Health Food Department of the South Pacific Division of the Adventist Church. Products include Weets-Bix, a flaked-wheat breakfast-food biscuit; cornflakes, and other cereal foods; Marmite, a yeast-extract flavoring; peanut butter, vegetarian meats and textured vegetable protein, and So Good, a nondairy soy milk. It has subsidiaries in Canada and other countries and exports worldwide. Part of the Adventist focus on healthy living. &

l. Washington hand press

The Washington hand press (a brand or style of hand operated printing press) was purchased by James White with money from Hiram Edson in 1852, the first press purchased to print SDA materials&. Prior to that, all printed materials were printed by commercial print shops. From that small beginning in a rented house in Rochester, New York, the church established a worldwide network of publishing houses printing in numerous languages.

m. Sabbath Conferences

The Sabbath Conferences were a series of meetings of “friends of the Sabbath” held in various places in New England and New York. Beginning in April of 1848, during the formative period when James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates, and others began the work of "uniting the brethren on the great truths connected with the message of the third angel."

n. Systematic Benevolence

Systematic Benevolence was a system by which the first Adventist pastors were paid. Contributions were "systematic" meaning they were determined by one's wealth and were regularly made. Before this plan the preachers of the Seventh-day Adventist doctrines were largely self-supporting.

o. Youth’s Instructor

The Youth's Instructor was the name of the first magazine the Seventh-day Adventists had for youth. It was later renamed Junior Guide and later Guide Magazine which is still in print today.

p. 1888 General Conference

Held in Minneapolis, Minnesota October of 1888 this conference was notable as E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones presented the concept of Righteousness by Faith in Jesus Christ. Ellen White joined the two men in their presentations.

q. Norsk Bokforlag

Norsk Bokforlag was an Norwegian Publishing House established in 1932.

r. Les Signes des Temps

French Signs of the Times magazine

s. Voice of Prophecy

The radio broadcast founded by H. M. S. Richards. See H. M. S. Richards, Near to the Heart of God|[1]] by Robert E. Edwards Review & Herald, 1998 for a great read.

t. Dime Tabernacle

Dime Tabernacle was the name for the church built in Battle Creek and paid for from dimes that were saved and turned in for the church building. It was destroyed by fire on January 3, 1922.

4. Know and explain the following:
“We have nothing to fear for the future except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and His teachings in our past history.” (Life Sketchees page 196)

Ellen White was writing about how important it is for us to trust the Lord and His teachings and to learn from our past and that God will care for the future if we trust Him.

5. Briefly explain the significance of the 1901 General Conference and describe the organizational structure that resulted from it. Indicate how your conference, association, or mission fits into the overall church structure. Know where the church offices are located from your conference level to the General Conference.

April 1901 saw the 34th session of the General Conference. It was held at Battle Creek, Michigan. During this session, the church voted to establish the current structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with the General Conference overseeing the church's Divisions, the Divisions overseeing the Union Conferences, the Union Conferences overseeing the Local Conferences and Missions, and the Local Conferences and Missions overseeing the Local Churches and Companies.

The General Conference office is located at 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland, as is the North American Division office. If you do not know where your Union and Local Conference offices are located, check with your pastor or Pathfinder leaders.

6. Be able to identify and explain their significance of at least fifteen (15) of the following individuals:

a. Martha Amadon

Martha Amadon (1843-1937) was the eldest daughter of John Byington, the first teacher of the first school organized for Seventh-day Adventist Children. She married George W Amadon in 1860. She became the first Dorcas Society (Adventist Community Service) president in October, 1874.

b. W. H. Anderson

William H. Anderson (1870-1950) was a pioneer missionary to Africa from 1895-1944. "Harry," as he was affectionately known to his friends, graduated in 1895 from Battle Creek College, where he was converted. Anderson’s book, On The Trail of Livingston (1919) did much to stimulate interest in African Missions where he served for 50 years.

c. J. N. Andrews

John Nevins Andrews

John Nevins Andrews (1829-1883) was the first official Seventh-day Adventist missionary outside of North America. He and his children Charles and Mary sailed on September 15, 1874 to Switzerland. His wife had died 18 March 1872. As a theologian, Andrews made significant contributions to the development of various doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. He wrote extensively on the Seventh-day Sabbath.

d. Joseph Bates

Joseph Bates

Joseph Bates (1792-1872) a former sea captain and a reformer, was one of the founders of the SDA Church. Bates experienced the disappointment of 1844 without losing faith. He wrote about the 7th Day Sabbath and the 3rd Angel's message. He played a prominent part in the "Sabbath Conferences." He was an evangelist, a leader, and an example in healthful living.

e. John Byington

John Byington

John Byington (1798-1887) was a pioneer minister and first president of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. He was active in the antislavery movement and maintained a station of the Underground Railroad at Buck’s Bridge, New York, where he lived on a farm.

f. M. B. Czechowski

Michał Belina Czechowski

Michael Belina Czechowski (1818-1876) was a former Catholic priest. He joined the Advent Church in 1857 and in 1864 became a self-supporting missionary to Italy and Switzerland and established the first SDA church in Europe.

g. Hiram Edson

Hiram Edson (1806-1882) was a layman, later ordained, of Port Gibson, New York. He was the pioneer responsible for introducing, among those who became Seventh-day Adventists, the fuller understanding of the sanctuary and its cleansing. Edson was not only a thoughtful Bible student and an earnest evangelistic helper, but also a self-sacrificing contributor, putting his possessions into building of the church he loved. Consider visiting Hiram Edson's farm in upstate New York. &

h. George King

George Albert King (1847-1906) was a pioneer canvasser who developed the idea of subscription sale of Seventh-day Adventist books. A native of Canada, he came to the United States where as a young man he accepted SDA beliefs and desired to be a preacher. Because of a speech impediment he was encouraged to try selling SDA tracts and magazines and books. Throughout his life he was an enthusiastic recruiter and instructor of other canvassers.

i. Charles M. Kinney

Charles M. Kinney (1855-1951) as a youth worked his way to Reno, Nevada. While there he attended evangelistic services conducted by J. N. Loughborough. He heard Ellen G. White speak, accepted the Seventh-day Adventist message, and became the first black member of the Reno, Nevada church. After 2 years attending Healdsburg College (the forerunner of Pacific Union College) he became a colporteur. He was ordained in 1889 - the first black SDA pastor. He retired because of his wife’s ill health in 1911, having seen the Black membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church swell to 26,500.

j. Anna Knight

Anna Knight (1874-1972) was self-taught until the age of 20 when she attended Mount Vernon Academy in Ohio in 1894. In 1898 she graduated from Battle Creek College as a missionary nurse. She operated a self-supporting school in Jasper County, Mississippi for Black children. In 1901 she was appointed as a missionary to India where she served 6 years. She served in the Educational Department for Southeastern Conference and Southern Conference when they merged, and served until the regional Conferences were formed. She authored the book Mississippi Girl,& the story of her life.

k. Abram LaRue

Abram LaRue (1822-1903) was a pioneer, self-supporting lay missionary in eastern Asia. While working as a sheepherder in California he accepted the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Immediately he requested a mission appointment to China. Because of his advanced age the General Conference declined but after attending Healdsburg College one term he worked his way to Honolulu and sold books in the city and on the ships in port. In 1888 at the age of 66, La Rue went to Hong Kong where he worked for 14 years with Europeans and the Chinese. He died in Hong Kong in 1903 where he had been a tireless worker with a rare gift in meeting people and conveying his own religious convictions to them.

l. Kate Lindsay

Katherine Lindsay (1842-1923) was a physician and founder of the first Seventh-day Adventist nurse’s training school. In 1875 she graduated at the head of her class from the University of Michigan Medical College. She joined the staff of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Dr. Kate, as she was known, introduced thorough classwork and became known as a foremost teacher of student nurses.

m. William Miller

William Miller

William Miller (1782-1849) was an American farmer and a Baptist preacher who announced the imminent coming of Christ and founded the movement popularly know as Millerism or the Millerite movement. He was a convincing preacher in the logical way he appealed in earnestness. After the “Great Disappointment” he built a chapel on his property so Advent Believers would have a place to worship.

n. Rachel Preston

Rachel Oakes Preston (1809-1868) was a Seventh-day Baptist who persuaded a group of Adventists to accept the Sabbath in Washington, New Hampshire, and thus to become, in that sense, the first Seventh-day Adventists. Due to Rachel's influence, Frederick Wheeler (1811-1910), an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and promoter of the prophetic teachings of William Miller, preached his first sermon on seventh-day Sabbath to his "Christian Brethren" congregation on March 16, 1844.

Further due to Rachel's influence, William Farnsworth (1807-1888), after the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, stated publicly to the "Christian Brethren" congregation his conviction that Saturday, being the seventh day of the week, was Sabbath. His brother Cyrus (who became the husband of Rachel’s daughter Delight), and several others, also made their convictions known.

o. Annie Smith

Annie Rebekah Smith (1828-1855) was a poet and editorial assistant. She joined the Baptist Church at the age of 10 and became an Adventist in 1844. She gave up teaching in 1850 because of eye trouble and in 1851 she attended a meeting by Joseph Bates and was convinced of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. She sent a poem, "Fear Not, Little Flock" to the Review and Herald. James White employed her to read proof, edit copy and take charge in White’s absence. She wrote many poems. Ten of her hymns appear in the Church Hymnal. She died of Tuberculosis in 1855.

p. Uriah Smith

Uriah Smith

Uriah Smith (1832-1903) was an editor and author who gave 50 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist cause. At age 13 his left leg was amputated above the knee due to an infection. In 1863 he patented a improved model artificial leg with fully flexible knee and ankle joints. He became a Sabbath-keeping Adventist in 1852. He wrote poems and articles that were printed in the Review & Herald and in 1853 joined his sister, Annie, as a worker at the office of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in Rochester, New York. He was one of the most fluent writers for the young denomination. His pen could be incisive. He is best known for the book Daniel and Revelation. In 1874 he patented a school desk with an improved folding seat. The last words he ever wrote, in 1903, to the General Conference epitomized his lifelong purpose: “I am with you in the endeavor to send forth in this generation this gospel of the kingdom, for a witness to all nations. And when this is completed, it will be the signal for the coronation of our Coming King.

q. Luther Warren

Luther Warren (1864-1940) was a youth leader and evangelist. At the age of 14, in 1879, he with his friend harry Fenner, organized at Hazelton, Michigan one of the first Seventh-day Adventist young people’s societies. His formal education was limited but he was an insatiable reader, keenly interested in the development of church schools. He began his evangelistic career in 1888 as a tent master in Michigan, a career that took him to many centers throughout North America. He powerfully influenced thousands of young people in schools and churches where he conducted revivals. Mary Boucher has written a biography on Warren under the title Luther Warren (Review and Herald, 1959).

r. F. H. Westphal

Frank Henry Westphal (1858-1944) was a pioneer missionary to South America. He was converted to the Seventh-day Adventist faith at the age of 19 and in 1878 he was made leader of the newly organized church in New London, Wisconsin. In 1894 he was called to South America and became the first ordained SDA minister assigned to the South America Continent. He worked with success in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil and Chili.

s. Frederick Wheeler

Frederick Wheeler (1811-1910) was a pioneer Adventist minister, reputed to be the first ordained Adventist minister to preach in favor of the seventh-day Sabbath. In 1840 he was an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and became its circuit rider in the vicinity of Washington and Hillsboro in New Hampshire. In 1842 he became acquainted with the Millerite views and was active in the propagation of the Adventist views. In March of 1844, after a discussion with Rachel Oakes (later Preston), he became convinced through study that the seventh-day Sabbath was sacred. He preached and farmed in the neighborhood until James White invited him to go farther afield with his ministry.

t. James White

James White

James Springer White (1821-1881), a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was the fifth of nine children. He was baptized, at age 15, in the denomination called Christian Connection to which his parents belonged. After teaching for two winters he heard of the Millerite Movement and was persuaded to attend a meeting. He became convinced of the importance of what he had heard and of the shortness of time. He resigned from his school to join in heralding the Advent message. He suffered keenly during the Great Disappointment in October 1844, but he clung in confidence to God’s Word. He married Ellen Gould Harman on August 30, 1846 and soon after, the two of them began to keep the seventh-day Sabbath. He wrote encouragement to the believers and worked to spread the gospel of Jesus' soon coming until his death in 1881.

7. Make a list of at least six young people that were involved in the beginning of the Seventh-day Adventist church and their ages.

a. Ellen Gould Harmon
age 17 when she had her first vision, believed in the Advent and was one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
b. John Nevins Andrews
age 17 began to keep the Sabbath. Began preaching at age 21.
c. Martha Byington
age 19 when she taught the first school for SDA children.
d. Irwin Henry Evans
age 20 when he became a Seventh-day Adventist Minister.
e. John Norton Loughborough
age 17 when he began preaching the advent message. He began keeping the Sabbath at age 20
f. Stephen Nelson Haskell
age 20 when he began preaching & keeping the Sabbath.
g. James Edson White
age 15 when employed by the Review & Herald (2nd son of Ellen & James White)
h Luther Warren
age 14 when he helped to start the first Young People’s Society.
i. Mary Andrews
age 13 in a foreign country when she was writing and editing for the French paper Les Signes des Temps.

8. Briefly identify and give the significance of the following that pertain to the life and ministry of Ellen G. White.

a. First vision (June 6, 1863)
Ellen had a vision on Health Reform.
b. “Elmshaven"
Ellen White’s home in St Helena, California in the Napa Valley. It can be toured for free in person or online. http://www.elmshaven.org/
c. Visions
Messages from God that Ellen was to share
d. Gorham, Maine
Ellen's birthplace &.
e. Lord’s Messenger
The name that Ellen White gave herself
f. “Conflict of the Ages” series
a series of five books that E. G. White wrote which helped people to understand the Bible. The five books are: The Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, and Prophets and Kings &
g. Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
In her will, Ellen G. White left her literary estate to a board of five church leaders so that her papers and books would be preserved. This corporation was organized after her death in 1915. It is now headquartered in the basement of the General Conference building, Silver Spring, Maryland, where free tours are offered.
h. Lovett’s Grove, Ohio
Two hour Vision on events in the great conflict between the forces of righteousness and the forces of evil which she was instructed to write out. Later it was written in full in a book called The Great Controversy.
i. “Sunnyside”
the name of Ellen G. White's home in Cooranbong, Australia near Avondale College. Photo &
j. Testimonies for the Church
a collection of writings that Ellen authored giving instruction, reproof and guidance for church members and leaders.

9. Know and tell for school, Sabbath School, or Pathfinder worship, three stories about Adventist history. At least one story must be about an Adventist youth.

Suggested reading for your stories would include:

10. As an individual or with a group complete one of the following:

a. Create and present a detailed poster or multimedia display (video/presentation) covering a portion of Adventist Heritage that you have learned.

b. Write and perform a skit that tells part of the Adventist Heritage story. Present it to younger Pathfinders, Adventurers, or other younger group of individuals.

c. Create a completely playable game about Adventist Heritage. Demonstrate the game-play to your instructor or a group.

d. Visit an official Adventist Heritage site within your conference, union, or division and go on a tour. Debrief your experience with a group. If feasible create a multimedia report of your experience.

There is no definition as to what "an official Adventist Heritage site" is, unless the requirement authors mean operated by Adventist Heritage Ministry operated sites, which are located in only 4 US states, which raises the question why the requirement specifies that the site be within your conference, union or division, placing accomplishing a visit outside the reach of Pathfinders in most of the world divisions. So use common sense and select a site linked to Adventist Heritage in your region.

North American sites worth visiting include:

Operated by Adventist Heritage Ministry ([2]):

a) Hiram Edson Farm - Clifton Springs, NY

b) Historic Adventist Village - Battle Creek, MI

c) Joseph Bates Home, Fairhaven, MA

d) William Miller Farm, Whitehall, NY

Operated by other church entities:

e) White Estate - General Conference Building, Silver Spring, MD ([3])

f) Washington Adventist University and Washington Adventist Hospital Campus, Takoma Park, MD

g) Elmshaven,& last home of Ellen White, St Helena, CA

h) Loma Linda University and Loma Linda Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA

i) Adventist Heritage Tours in Nashville, TN Graysville and other areas by appointment South Central Conference Archives at 615-226-6500, ext. 136 or 133.&

j) Atlantic Union College campus, South Lancaster, MA

k) Oakwood University &, Huntsville, Alabama

l) Ask your conference where to find the oldest Adventist Church in the area.


Church Heritage Manual