AY Honors/Camping Skills II/Answer Key

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1. Be at least in the 6th grade.

Camping Skills II has been designed so that it is within the capabilities of Pathfinders who are in grade 6 or higher.

2. Develop a personal philosophy of outdoor etiquette, such as courtesy to other campers and outdoor conservation.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Etiquette

3. Know and understand the following six W's for the selection of a good campsite:

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Choosing a campsite

4. Demonstrate your ability to protect the wilderness and your water source by proper personal hygiene and cooking sanitation.

5. Participate in a weekend campout.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Participate in a weekend campout

6. Take part in a camp worship service to include one of the following:

a. Leading song service

b. Sabbath School lesson study

c. Story

d. Worship thought

7. Know how to safely light and use a camp stove and lantern.

8. Know safety rules and demonstrate your ability to properly cut firewood. Demonstrate how to break dead wood properly.

9. Using fuzz sticks or shaved sticks, build and know the use of a council or criss cross fire and one type of cooking fire. Review firebuilding safety rules.

To do:
Add fuzz sticks, etc

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Fire/Fire safety

10. Explain two ways to keep camp food cool.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Keeping food cool

11. Build two different camp cranes.

A simple camp crane made from two pieces of wood.

A simple crane propped on a forked stick will hold a cooking container over a fire. It is best to use green wood as the longer piece shown here, as it will resist catching fire better than a dry stick. Be sure to drive the forked stick into the ground deeply so that it will not fall over when you hang the pot on it.

12. Prepare camp meals using boiling, frying, and baking.


Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Boiling


Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Frying


Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Baking

13. Demonstrate tent site selection. Properly pitch and strike a tent. What precautions should be taken when striking a wet tent? Properly clean, dry, and store a tent.

Tent site selection

Find an area that is large enough to pitch your tent and that is also flat. It is difficult to sleep on an incline. Avoid ridge tops as they will be windy and there is significant lightning danger there. Likewise avoid dry stream beds, especially in desert areas. Flash floods can be caused by rains many, many miles away. If camping near a river, camp above the high water line. The river may rise n the night. You can determine the high water line by observing trees on the river bank - they will have debris in the lower brances deposited there by flood waters. Camp on the lee side of a hill to avoid the wind.

Carefully examine the space above your tent site, making sure there are no dead branches, icicles, coconuts, or anything else that could fall on the tent and cause harm.

Pitching and striking a tent

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Pitch and strike a tent

Cleaning a tent

Sweep the tent out before striking it. Remove muddy shoes before entering a tent, or take them off as soon as you enter the door. You can clean the floor in front of the door with paper towels. A stiff broom will also clean most debris from the walls, but you may need to use water and a mild detergent (such as dishwashing soap) to clean messes deposited by birds.

14. Bedding:

a. Show proper ways to stuff or roll your sleeping bag or bed roll for travel.

If your sleeping bag came with a stuff sack, all you have to do is stuff it in. It's really that simple. If it did not come with one, you can purchase one separately. Otherwise, you'll have to roll it up. That's a little more difficult, but not that hard. First check for the tie-strings. They are usually at the foot of the bag. Zip the sleepingbag closed and fold it in half lengthwise with the tie-strings down - one tie string will be located near the center of the bottom, and the other will be located near the edge. Then go to the end oppostie the tie strings and start rolling, keeping it tight as you go. When you get to the end, draw the tie strings around the bag and tie them with a shoelace knot.

b. Tell how to keep a sleeping bag or bed roll dry on a camping trip.

The most important thing you can do to keep your sleeping bag dry is to keep it in the tent and keep the tent door closed. Take off your shoes when you enter the tent (or before going in) so you do not track water all over the place. Keep your sleeping bag on your sleeping pad, as this will raise it off the floot slightly so that any water that drips off wet clothing cannot reach it.

c. Describe how to properly clean your sleeping bag or bed roll.

Turn the sleeping bag inside-out, throw it over a clothesline, and beat it with a stick. Unzip it and let it air out completely. Do not put a sleeping bag in a washing machine unless the washing instructions on the bag specifically say that you can. A washing machine will crush the fibers inside, reducing the insulation and padding value. A bed roll can be shaken vigorously like a rug, and it can also be beaten with a stick after hanging it on a clothesline.

Note: The tent color for Camping Skills #2 is red.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Colors
