AY Honors/Camping Skills IV/Answer Key

From Pathfinder Wiki

Template:Honor header

1. Be in at least the 8th grade.

2. Plan and execute a one-hour Sabbath camping activity other than worship to make the Sabbath a meaningful experience.

3. Write a 200-word report or give a two-minute oral presentation on the preservation of the wilderness, discussing etiquette and conservation.

4. Plan your menu for a two-day camping trip and estimate the cost.

Template:Ay camping two day menu

5. Participate in two weekend campouts.

6. Start a fire in wet weather, knowing where to get tinder and how to keep your fire going.

Template:Ay camping fire in wet weather

7. Know the wood best suited for making a quick, hot fire.

8. Know the wood best suited for making coals for cooking.

9. Demonstrate how to split firewood.

10. Demonstrate the proper care and storage of camp foods and how to build various caches to protect food from animals.

11. Prepare a camp dinner with soup, vegetables, entree, and drink, all of which must be cooked.

12. Bake your food in a reflector oven.

13. Purify water by three different methods.

Template:Camping purify water

Note: The tent color for Camping Skills #4 is silver.
