AJ Abzeichen/Grundlegende Wassersicherheit/Antworten

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Grundlegende Wassersicherheit







Freigebende Autorität

General Konferenz

Basic Water Safety AY Honor.png
Grundlegende Wassersicherheit
Freigebende Autorität
General Konferenz
Jahr der Einführung


Betrete und verlasse das Wasser ohne fremde Hilfe.

The point is to teach how to get in and out of a pool without assistance and safely.


Tauche dein Gesicht fünf Sekunden lang vollständig unter Wasser, während du den Atem anhältst.

You do not even need to have your body in the water to do this.


Atme abwechselnd über der Oberfläche durch den Mund ein und blase Blasen durch Mund/Nase, wobei das Gesicht vollständig untergetaucht ist, siebenmal rhythmisch und kontinuierlich.

This would be a good opportunity to tell the story of Naaman as found in 2 Kings 5.


Öffne deine Augen unter Wasser und tauche zweimal unter Wasser liegende Objekte auf.

An excellent motivational object to use for this is a large coin such as a quarter or a silver dollar. This serves as motivation only if you agree to let the Pathfinder keep the coin once it is retrieved the second time.


Treibe in Bauchlage für fünf Sekunden.

As long as you are not afraid of water, do you need instruction?


Gleite nach vorne für zwei Körperlängen.

You can push off the edge of the pool or the bottom of the pool.


Treibe in Rückenlage für fünfzehn Sekunden.

As long as you are not afraid of water, do you need instruction?


Halte dich am Beckenrand fest und trete mit deinen Füßen für zwanzig Sekunden.

Get kicking!


Schwimmen mit Arm- und Beinbewegungen fünf Körperlängen.

No specific stroke is required.


Lerne, eine Schwimmweste anzuziehen und dreißig Sekunden lang zu schweben.

Life jackets need to be properly sized for the wearer. Children need to use a child life jacket. All buckles should be snapped into place and any ties securely fastened. The fit should be snug, but not too constraining. In the water the jacket should stay put on the body, not float up above the wearer.


Demonstriere Wassersicherheit indem:


Wie man im Notfall Hilfe ruft.

How you call for help depends on who needs help, and where you are when help is required.

  • If you are calling for help for someone else and have access to a telephone, dial 911 or the appropriate emergency number in your area.
  • If you are calling for help for someone else and you are in the water too, yell "Help!" as loud as you can. If there is a lifeguard present, go to him or her as quickly as you can and tell them someone is in trouble.
  • If you yourself need help while in the water, call out for it and wave your arms.
  • Some lifejackets have a whistle which is an excellent way to signal distress.


Lerne, einen Krampf zu lösen.

The most frequent muscle to suffer a cramp from swimming is the calf muscle. To release a calf cramp while swimming, float on your back, stretch your legs out in front of yourself, and point your toes toward your head while pushing your heel out away from your head. This will stretch the calf muscle.


Demonstriere Reichweitenhilfe.

Firmly brace yourself on a pool deck, pier or shoreline, and reach out to the person with any object that will extend your reach, such as a pole, oar, paddle, tree branch, shirt, belt or towel. If no equipment is available, you can perform a reaching assist by lying down and extending your arm or leg for the person to grab.


Lerne zumindest zehn Sicherheitsregeln in der Nähe von Wasser.
  1. Learn to swim before you go into the water. Sounds silly, but many people think it will come naturally, and it really doesn’t.
  2. Swim near a lifeguard so help is available if you need it.
  3. Never swim alone.
  4. Supervise children closely, even when lifeguards are present
  5. Don't rely on flotation devices, such as rafts, you may lose them in the water.
  6. Alcohol and swimming don't mix.
  7. Protect your head, neck, and spine by never jumping or diving into unfamiliar waters.
  8. As soon as you believe that you may be in trouble, call or wave for help.
  9. Follow regulations and lifeguard directions.
  10. Swim parallel to shore if you wish to swim long distances.
