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The Challenging Part
The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:
16. Do at least two of the following activities:
- a. Visit an exhibit or conservatory of coniferous tree species.
- b. Make a collection of at least 5 types of coniferous tree leaves.
- c. Visit a zoo where there are animals typical of the taiga biome.
- d. Watch a DVD or video about the taiga or plants or animals that live in the taiga.
- e. Draw or paint a picture of something you had fun learning about while studying the taiga.
- f. As a group, make a short video about a real life taiga conservation project. Explain why this specific habitat should be saved.
- g. Visit a lumber store and learn to identify by their grain texture at least 3 species of trees that grow in the taiga.
- h. Visit the Taiga and take pictures of some of the plants and animals.
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- Category:AY Honors/Nature
- AY Honors/Introduced in 2014/en
- Category:AY Honors/Skill Level 1
- Category:AY Honors/Approved by General Conference
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