AY Honor Soap Making - Advanced

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Soap Making - Advanced

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Soap Making Advanced AY Honor.png
Soap Making - Advanced
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction


The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

8. Design your own soap recipe using a soap recipe calculator and then make it in a small test batch size of no more than 18 oz. of oil weight, and pour it into a 4” square mold or 6” slab mold. Make notes about the following:

a. At what temperature did you “soap” at?

b. Did you use a water discount? If so, how much of a discount was used?

c. What design techniques did you incorporate into your soap?

d. What did you add to it, such as fragrance, color, additives?

e. How long did your soap stay in the mold before unmolding and cutting?

f. How did your soap turn out?

g. Would you use this recipe again? If not, why? What would you do different?