Discuss AY Honor Knot Tying Answer Key used by General Conference

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Proposed changes to Knot Tying. Some knots are more useful than others, so I am proposing that requirement 8 be divided into two. The first part consists of ten essential knots, none of which are optional. The second is a list of knots from which to choose ten others. I have added the Siberian hitch, the Trucker's hitch, and the marlinspike hitch to the second list, as these are incredibly useful knots to know (I use them all the time). I added the overhand to the essential list, as it is fundamental.

I've made an attempt to list the knots by by grouping similar knots together and then listing them within each group by ascending order of difficulty. (The list had been listed alphabetically). In some cases, knowing how to tie one of these (such as the overhand) is the first step in tying the next (such as the square).

8. Know the following essential knots.

  1. Overhand knot
  2. Square knot/reef knot
  3. Figure eight
  4. Slip knot
  5. Bowline
  6. Sheet bend
  7. Clove hitch
  8. Tautline hitch
  9. Two half-hitches
  10. Alpine butterfly

9. Know ten additional knots from the list below

  1. Stevedore's knot
  2. Surgeon's knot
  3. Carrick bend
  4. Slipped half hitch
  5. Cat's paw
  6. Lark's head
  7. Marlinspike hitch
  8. Prusik knot
  9. Double bow
  10. Bowline on a bight
  11. Slipped sheet bend
  12. Double sheet bend
  13. Fisherman's bend
  14. Fisherman's loop
  15. Miller's knot
  16. Packer's knot
  17. Pipe hitch
  18. Timber hitch
  19. Siberian hitch
  20. Constrictor knot
  21. Strangle knot
  22. Sheepshank
  23. Trucker's hitch
  24. Cleat hitch
  25. Man harness knot
  26. Anchor bend
  27. Hunter's bend
  28. Halter hitch
  29. Lariat or Bowstring knot
  30. Crown knot