AY Honors/Ants/Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Ants AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction

1. To what order and family do ants belong? Find the number of species catalogued in your country.

2. Know the life cycle of an ant.

3. Know the internal and external anatomy of an ant.

4. Discover the species of ants that do not live in colonies and name their:

a. Habitat or society

b. Form of reproduction

c. Feeding habits

5. Describe at least three characteristics that differentiate ants from other insects.

6. Know the advantages and disadvantages of ants to humans.

7. How do ants communicate?

8. Know at least ten species of ants living in your country and name their:

a. Habitat or society

b. Form of reproduction

c. Feeding habits

9. With a group or individually, complete one of the following activities:

a. Build an ant farm. Know the steps to build and maintain that farm.

b. Watch a colony daily for a week, know its operation and routine.

10. Present a skit, story, music or poem of the meaning of Proverbs 6:6-11.