AY Honor Community Development Requirements used by General Conference

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Community Development

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

ADRA Community Development AY Honor.png
Community Development
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Define community development.

2. Explain to your instructor why some countries are considered “developing” while others are referred to as “developed.”

3. Name 5 developing countries and list three things that ADRA is doing in these countries that would be considered “development” and two things that would fall under “relief.”

4. Read about why there are poor people among us in the book Desire of Ages written by Ellen G. White (Chapter 70, "The Least of These My Brethren.") Describe to your instructor what you learned.

5. Describe at least one need in your community that requires attention.

6. Write a short community development plan that your Pathfinder group can implement (planting trees, cleaning parks or yards, repainting public walls, etc.). The plan should describe the activity, group size, transportation logistics, and materials.

7. Spend at least four hours in one of the following field trips as a participant observer:

a. Participate with a group that provides assistance to the homeless in your community.

b. Participate with a work team that is repairing or building housing for the poor.

c. Work in a food distribution center, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter in your community.