Especialidade de Artesanía

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< AY HonorsAY Honors/Folk Art/pt-br
This page is a translated version of the page AY Honor Folk Art and the translation is 0% complete.
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Nível de Habilidade






Autoridade de Aprovação

South Pacific Division

Folk Art AY Honor.png
Artes e Habilidades Manuais
Nível de Habilidade
Autoridade de Aprovação
Divisão Pacífico Sul
Ano de Introdução
Veja também

Visão Geral

Folk Art is a modern term for the old traditional, Cottage Art. Its origins were hundreds of years ago. Generally, folks had no formal artistic training. They decorated simple articles; often using materials that were readily available.

In this honour, you will learn about Folk Art and the techniques of creating beautiful works of art – surface preparation, tracing designs, base coating, brush strokes and more. You’ll see how Folk Art can be used to illustrate life lessons found in the Scriptures.

Best of all, you’ll create at least two objects of Folk Art – a gift for a loved one, perhaps!

A parte desafiadora

É provável que o requisito mais desafiador desta especialidade seja:

AY Honors/Folk Art/Requirements/pt-br