AY Honor Hawaiian Lore Requirements

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Hawaiian Lore

Skill Level






Approval authority

Hawaii Conference

Hawaiian Lore AY Honor.png
Hawaiian Lore
Skill Level
Approval authority
Hawaii Conference
Year of Introduction

1. Name the eight inhabited Hawaiian islands according to size.

2. Name the four uninhabited islands.

3. Where are the Hawaiian islands located?

4. Name three other islands in this long archipelago.

5. What kind of islands are the Hawaiian islands?

6. What are some legends told about how the islands came into being?

7. What kind of climate do the islands have?

8. What kind of soils are there on these islands?

9. Name five:

a. Native trees

b. Native plants

10. Complete the following.

a. Name five native birds.

b. Name two native animals.

11. List the names of the four greatest ancient Hawaiian gods. Which one was the greatest?

12. What is the name of the god who created man? What are the names of the first man and woman?

13. Tell one legend about where the first Hawaiians or Polynesians came from.

14. How did the ancient Hawaiians provide for their needs?

a. List some things the primitive Hawaiians used to build and furnish their houses with.

b. List some things the primitive Hawaiians ate.

c. In what ways did they prepare food?

d. Describe an imu and how to cook in it.

e. What is poi?

f. What did they use to fish with?

g. Describe a luau.

h. What did the women wear? What did the men wear? What did the Ali'i wear to make them different from the common people?

15. Who owned everything?

16. How did the Ali'i make the common people obey?

17. How could they escape punishment?

18. What was a Makahiki Festival?

19. What food tabu did the Hawaiian women have to obey?

20. What gods did the ancient Hawaiians worship?

21. Where did the gods live?

22. What were the temples called? Priests?

23. What did the kahuna do?

24. How did the early Hawaiians communicate?

25. What musical instruments did the people make to accompany their chanting and dancing?

26. What did they chant about? How?

27. Where were the hula dancers trained and whom did they worship? What did the hula dancers wear?

28. What kinds of hula dances were there?

29. List some sports and games.

30. List 10 to 20 crafts and the natural material each was made from.

31. What events, people or groups of people helped to changed the old Hawaii?

32. List important places to visit and legends.