AY Honor Louisiana Purchase Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
1. What was the year of the Louisiana Purchase?
2. Who was the president of the United States of America when Louisiana was purchased?
3. Who were the two people who negotiated the treaty for the purchase of the Louisiana territory?
4. Who was the ruler of France when the Louisiana Purchase was made?
5. Why did the French ruler sell this territory to the United States?
6. The Louisiana Territory included how many square miles?
7. The United States paid how much for the Louisiana Territory?
8. How many cents per acre did the Territory amount to?
9. Who were the two men Thomas Jefferson sent to explore the Louisiana Territory?
10. What was the name given to the exploration team and who named it?
11. Who was the Native American who accompanied the expedition?
12. Who was the Shoshone Chief who helped the expedition and who was he the brother of?
13. What river on the east and what mountain range on the west bordered the Louisiana Territory?
14. How many states were all or partly formed from the Louisiana Territory?
15. How many can you name?