AY Honor Patriarchs of the Bible Answer Key
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a. Patriarch (father of a tribe), the name given to the head of a family or tribe in Old Testament times. In common usage the title of patriarch is assigned especially to those whose lives are recorded in Scripture previous to the time of Moses, as Adam, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. "In the early history of the Hebrews we find the ancestor or father of a family retaining authority over his children and his children’s children so long as he lived, whatever new connections they might form when the father died the branch families did not break off and form new communities, but usually united under another common head. The eldest son was generally invested with this dignity. His authority was paternal. He was honored as central point of connection and as the representative of the whole kindred. Thus, each great family had its patriarch or head, and each tribe its prince, selected from the several heads of the families which it embraced." --McClintock and Strong. "After the destruction of Jerusalem, patriarch was the title of the chief religious rulers of the Jews in Asia and in early Christian times it became the designation of the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem." American Cyclopedia. Dr William Smith “Entry for Patriarch”. “Smith’s Bible Dictionary”. 1901.
NOTE: This could include – Adam (Gen 2:1-5:5), Noah (Gen 5:29-9:29), Abram or Abraham (Gen. 11:26-25:10), Isaac (Gen. 21:1-35:39, Jacob (Gen. 25:24-33:20 & 35:1-49:33).
Your answer will vary based on the patriarch you chose. This may be done individually or as a unit activity.
Your answer will vary based on the patriarch you chose. This may be done individually or as a unit activity.
Your answer will vary based on the patriarch you chose. This may be done individually or as a unit activity.
Your answer will vary based on the patriarch you chose. This may be done individually or as a unit activity.
Jacob. His two wives, Leah and Rachael, and their maids Zilpah and Bilhah are the mothers of the twelve sons who became the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Note that Joseph received a "double portion" in that instead of a tribe of Joseph, there are two tribes of his lineage "Ephraim and Manasseh."
The 12 include (in birth order):
- Reuben son of Leah (Gen. 29:32)
- Simeon son of Leah (Gen. 29:33)
- Levi son of Leah (Gen. 29:34)
- Judah son of Leah (Gen. 29:35)
- Dan son of Bilhah (Gen. 30:4-6)
- Naphtali son of Bilhah (Gen. 30:7-8)
- Gad son of Zilpah (Gen. 30:10-11)
- Asher son of Zilpah (Gen. 30:12-13)
- Issachar son of Leah (Gen. 30:17-18)
- Zebulun son of Leah (Gen. 30:19-20)
- Joseph son of Rachel (Gen. 30:23-24)
- Benjamin son of Rachel (Gen. 35:16-18)
Moses – seen as the Father of Israel as an independent nation because he led them out of Egypt David – seen as the father of Israel because he was considered the greatest king
Some might say that Job is the third patriarch, but there is wide disagreement among Biblical scholars on this point so the two main patriarchs are mentioned here and fulfill the requirement.
Patriarchs and Prophets is available in a variety of formats:
OUR RECOMMENDATION - Beginning of the End (PP Adaptation)
OUR RECOMMENDED AUDIO - Beginning of the End (PP Adaptation) Audio
These adaptations are White Estate approved, and are published by Pacific Press. They are used in the Adventist Encounter Curriculum.
- Adam – Chapter 2 (Creation) PP chapter 2 Creation Beginning of the End chapter 2 Creation: God's Answer to Evolution
- Noah – Chapter 7 (The Flood) PP chapter 7 The Flood BOE - When the World was Destroyed By Water
- Abram or Abraham – Chapter 11 (The Call of Abraham) PP chp 11 The Call of Abraham BOE - Abraham, the Father of All Believers – There are several other chapters that would also work
- Isaac – Chapter 15 (The Marriage of Isaac) PP chp 15 The Marriage of Isaac BOE - Isaac's Marriage the Happiest in the Bible – There are several other chapters that would also work
- Jacob – Chapter 16 (Jacob and Esau) PP - chp 16 Jacob & Esau BOE - Jacob & Esau – There are several other chapters that would also work
- Moses – Chapter 22 (Moses)PP - chp 22 Moses BOE - Moses: The Leader of God's People – There are several other chapters that would also work
- David – Chapter 62 (The Anointing of David) PP - chp 62 The Anointing of David BOE - David Anointed as King– There are several other chapters that would also work
Look specifically in verses 9, 13-14, and 18