AY Honor Sahara Requirements

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Egypt-Sudan Field

Sahara AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
Egypt-Sudan Field
Year of Introduction

1. What is the meaning of the word Sahara for the Arabs or North-Africans and for Westerners?

2. How many countries comprise the area of the Desert (Sahara)?

3. What is the area of the desert? In kilometers or in miles.

4. Draw a colored map of the Great Desert (Sahara), displaying political borders and identifying countries and the boundaries, north, south, east and west.

5. Name at least three ethnic groups living in the Great Desert (Sahara). How could they survive in a such a harsh environment?

6. What is the most common landform of the Desert and what is the most different landform found in the Desert?

7. Most of the rivers in the Desert are not perennial. What is the main exception?

8. What is the role that the winds play in keeping the climate of the Desert so dry and arid?

9. Describe how precipitation occurs in the Desert.

10. How hot can the Desert be during the summer? Why does this temperature on the thermometer not say everything about how dangerous the desert can be for human beings?

11. How many species of animals are found in the Desert? How many of them are endemic? Name at least 10 of them. Which of them would be the most dangerous for human beings?

12. How many vegetable species are found in the Desert? Name five of them. Which ones would be useful if you were lost in the Desert? Why?

13. What is the importance of the Oasis in the Desert?

14. What is the promise that God is making to us in Isaiah 35:1, 2?