AY Honor Winter Camping Requirements used by Franco-Belgian Union

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Winter Camping

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Winter Camping AY Honor.png
Winter Camping
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Know how your body reacts to cold.

2. Know the causes and symptoms of frostbite. Know how to avoid and treat them.

3. Know why washing is important when it's cold.

4. Explain what type of clothing to bring to face the cold.

5. Acts 28.2 "[...]; they gathered us all together by a great fire, which they had kindled because the rain was falling and it was very cold." Learn how to start a fire in adverse conditions (high humidity).

6. How do you set up a tent when the ground is frozen? What precautions should I take before folding it up?

7. Composing menus for a 4-day camp where the temperature is low (~0°C).

8. Camping for 2 weekends in tents or improvised shelters in temperatures below 0°C.