
From Pathfinder Wiki

This template is used for building a table of contents at the top of an honor answer page. Each invocation will create a link to the table holding the requirement as defined by (and in cooperation with) Template:ansreq.

It takes two arguments:

This should point to the honor page. In most cases we can use page=Reqreqlink for this.
This is the requirement number. It must match the <section begin=NNN> found in the requirements page.

The template should not need translation. If the honor page has a recognized language identifier at the end of the page name, it will extract the translated requirement.

Example: {{reqreqlink|page=AY Honors/Amphibians|num=6}}

Yields this:

6. Describe the life history of some amphibians.


This relies on the Template:ansreq, which adds an id=mw-customcollapsible-ansreq-{{{num}}} attribute to the table it creates to hold the requirement text. That id creates an anchor that this template references with [[#mw-customcollapsible-ansreq-{{{num}}}]]. The value displayed for the link target is fetched by Template:reqreq.