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Macramé reached its zenith in the Victorian era. Sylvia's Book of Macramé Lace, a favorite at that time, urged its readers "to work rich trimmings for black and coloured costumes, both for home wear, garden parties, seaside ramblings, and balls- fairylike adornments for household and underlinens ..." Few Victorian homes went unadorned.
While the craze for macramé waned in later years, it is now popular again, for making wall hangings, articles of clothing, bedspreads, small jean shorts, tablecloths, draperies, plant hangers and other furnishings.
While the craze for macramé waned in later years, it is now popular again, for making wall hangings, articles of clothing, bedspreads, small jean shorts, tablecloths, draperies, plant hangers and other furnishings.

Revision as of 21:08, 25 January 2021

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Asociación General

Artes y actividades manuales

Destreza: 1
Año de introducción: 1975


Dar una breve historia del arte de nudos decorativos.

While the craze for macramé waned in later years, it is now popular again, for making wall hangings, articles of clothing, bedspreads, small jean shorts, tablecloths, draperies, plant hangers and other furnishings.


¿Qué es un buen cordón de macramé?

Cotton seine twine is recommended for the beginner because with this material, the patterns are easier to see and the knots are easy to tighten.


Conocer tres tipos de cordones que son buenos y por qué son buenos.

Common materials used in macramé include cotton twine, hemp, leather or yarn.

Cotton twine
Soft, flexible, easy to obtain, cheap
Very strong, easily acquired, natural look
Strong, stiff, doesn't fray
Various colors, cheap, flexible


Conocer los nudos básicos utilizados en macramé. Conocer dos variantes de cada uno de estos nudos.

Overhand Knots

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Overhand

Overhand knot
Overhand knot tied onto an anchor
Multiple overhand knot

Square Knots

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Square

Square knot
Double knot

Half Hitches

Half hitch with loop to the left
Half hitch with loop to the right
Alternating half hitches

Clove Hitches

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Clove hitch Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Constrictor

Clove hitch with loops to the left
Clove hitch with loops to the right
Clove hitch with loops up
Clove hitch on a horizontal anchor
Clove hitch on a vertical anchor

Lark's Heads

Lark's head
Reverse Lark's head

Single Hitches

Single hitch, left-handed
Single hitch, right-handed

Macramé Knots

Left-hand macramé knot
Right-hand macramé knot
One-and-a-half macramé knots
Right-hand spiral knot

Josephine Knots

Josephine knot
Whale knot


¿Cómo es el medio nudo útil en macramé?

Overhand knots can be used to tie two cords together at the bottom of a piece, to fasten a cord to a bead or pearl, or to serve as a decorative knot in the pattern.


¿Cuánto cordón se necesita para alcanzar la longitud deseada del producto terminado?

The length of cord needed for a finished product is directly dependent on the types of knots used. It also depends on how much knotting is done on a given cord. Anchor cords will have fewer (if any) knots compared to working cords. A general rule of thumb is to allow yourself five times more cord than the length of the product. A better guideline is to experiment. Tie a short section (at least a couple of inches (10 cm) long). Measure it, and then untie it and measure the amount of cord used. If 2 inches of your sample required 12 inches of cord, you will need six times as much cord.


Hacer una muestra de colgado en la pared utilizando los principales nudos y utilizando al menos dos variantes, tales como el medio cote horizontal, medio cote vertical, o el nudo medio.

You will want to search the internet or check books for patterns. Have fun on the practical part of the Honor.


Hacer otros dos artículos de su elección usando el nudo cuadrado, medio cote doble, y dos variaciones de uno o ambos elementos.

Vea los nudos anteriormente. ¡Diviértase al crear!
