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<!-- 1. What well-balanced combination of strengths did Jesus develop as a growing youth? -->
[[Image:Francisco de Zurbarán 025.jpg|thumb|250px]]
'''Table manners''' are the [[etiquette]] used when [[eating]].  This includes the appropriate use of [[Cutlery|utensils]].  Different [[cultures]] have different standards for table manners.  Many table manners evolved out of practicality.  For example, it is generally impolite to put elbows on [[Table (furniture)|table]]s since doing so creates a risk of tipping over bowls and cups. Within different families or groups, there may be less rigorous enforcement of some traditional table manners of their culture while still maintaining others. For example, some families ignore elbows on the table or mixing of foods. 
{{Bible verse
| book = Luke
| chapter = 2
| verse = 52
| version = NKJV
| text = And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
==[[Afghanistan|Afghan]] table manners==
*The eldest should be seated as far from the door as possible, unless there are guests present, then the guests are seated farthest from the door.
*Depending on the customs of the household a prayer may be offered before and/or after the meal.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 1 -->
*Guests are offered food first, and ought to eat the most, while the hosts eat last and the least.
*Guests should refrain from eating too much, unless the hosts coaxes them to eat more.  The host should always ask at least three times if the guest wants more food.  The guest should say no at least three times to the host.  In certain situations the host can put food on the guest's plate by force.
*Guests are always given the best portions of the food.
* Traditionally food should be eaten with bare hands; However, cutlery is sometimes provided.  Only use your right hand when eating with your hands.  There are proper ways of picking up rice and other loose food without spilling any, which one should learn and practice. Wasting food is frowned upon.  When cutlery is provided it is usually a [[spoon]] and [[fork]] since there is seldom need for the use of a knife when eating Afghani food.  Even when cutlery is provided it is acceptable to eat with your hands interchangeably.
<!-- 2. According to Psalm 8 what estimate does God place on your personal worth? -->
* Soup is eaten by soaking bread in it.
The New International Version translates Psalm 8 as follows:
* Food remnants should be collected with slices of bread.
* Sometimes it is common to eat collectively from one plate.  One should always eat from one's own side.
* If eating on a table and bread is dropped on the floor the bread should picked up and kissed and put to one's forehead before putting back somewhere other than the floor.  If eating on the floor make sure that your feet do not touch the food.
* Compliments to the chef are customary; however, compliments should be returned with extreme modesty.
* Traditionally, service during dinner is performed by the youngest.  First, water is brought in a jug with a saucer to wash the hands.  The food is then served.  This may be followed by fruit and then tea.
* Tea is served after dinner, with dried fruits, sweets, and sugar cubes. When tea is served, the cup of a guest must never be empty, and snacks must be offered.  Once the guest has finished drinking tea, the guest can flip their tea cup over to signal that they are done.
* Eating or talking with one's mouth full is looked down upon.
* Even if one is starving one should refrain from being over zealous at the table.
* Passing wind is not tolerated.
* One must never sit with one's back to anyone, especially an elder or a guest.  One must never sit with feet stretched out toward anyone, especially an elder or a guest.
* One must always be polite and gracious to the host.  Remember if the host is poor and had only one chicken which the family used for eggs that chicken would be sacrificed for the guest.
* After eating, the jug of water is brought out again to wash hands.  A towel may be provided.
==[[United States of America|American]] table manners==  
{{Bible verse
| book = Psalm
| chapter = 8
| verse = 1-9
| version = NIV
| text =<br>
:'''1''' ''O LORD, our Lord,''
::''how majestic is your name in all the earth!''
::''You have set your glory''
::''above the heavens.''
:'''2''' ''From the lips of children and infants''
::''you have ordained praise''
::''because of your enemies,''
::''to silence the foe and the avenger.''
:'''3''' ''When I consider your heavens,''
::''the work of your fingers,''
::''the moon and the stars,''
::''which you have set in place,''
:'''4''' ''what is man that you are mindful of him,''
::''the son of man that you care for him?''
:'''5''' ''You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings''
::''and crowned him with glory and honor.''
:'''6''' ''You made him ruler over the works of your hands;''
::''you put everything under his feet:''
:'''7''' ''all flocks and herds,''
::''and the beasts of the field,''
:'''8''' ''the birds of the air,''
::''and the fish of the sea,''
::''all that swim the paths of the seas.''
:'''9''' ''O LORD, our Lord,''
::''how majestic is your name in all the earth!''
===Table Layout===
This is saying that God sees man as the crowning (most significant) act of His creation. He made us a little lower than the angels in importance and gave us the charge to rule/manage the rest of His creation.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 2 -->
<!-- 3. Are names important to God? Does He know your name? (Isaiah 43:1, Exodus 33:17, Isaiah 45:4) -->
These three verses are quoted from the New International Version:
{{Bible verse
| book = Isaiah
| chapter = 43
| verse = 1
| version =NIV
| text =<br>
:''But now, this is what the LORD says—''
:''he who created you, O Jacob,''
:''he who formed you, O Israel:''
:''"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;''
:''I have summoned you by name; you are mine.''
{{Bible verse
| book = Exodus
| chapter = 33
| verse = 17
| version =NIV
| text =<br>
:''And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."''
{{Bible verse
| book = Isaiah
| chapter = 45
| verse = 4
| version =NIV
| text =<br>
:''For the sake of Jacob my servant,''
:''of Israel my chosen,''
:''I summon you by name''
:''and bestow on you a title of honor,''
:''though you do not acknowledge me.''
Names are important enough to God that He has protected His own name in the Ten Commandments. He knows each of us by name which also signifies His personal interest us individually.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 3 -->
<!-- 4. Demonstrate or discuss proper conversational skills, including:  -->
Children should address adults using the words Mr, Mrs, and Miss outside of church, or Brother, Sister in a church setting followed by that person's last name. They should avoid using an adult's first name unless it is also used with a last name. For example, "I talked to John about borrowing his tools," would be considered disrespectful, but saying "I talked to John Smith about borrowing his tools" or "I talked to Mr. Smith about borrowing his tools" shows proper respect.
When speaking to an adult (or anyone else), do not mumble. Avoid slang. Be sure to use such words as "sir," "ma'am," "please," and "thank you."  Make eye contact.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4a -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4b}} <!--T:12-->
When addressing adults, again it is respectful to use their last names, as in "Mr Smith" or "Miss Jones."  When making introductions, say a woman's name before a man's. If they are both the same sex, use the older person's name before using younger person's. For example, you would introduce Mr. Smith and Miss Jones by saying "Miss Jones, I would like for you to meet Mr. Jones."  Be sure to allow room so that they may shake hands. You would introduce Mr. Smith to your friend William by saying "Mr. Smith, this is my friend William." You may then tell something about William: "William and I have known each other since the third grade."
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4b -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4c}} <!--T:13-->
Do not comment on any physical defects in a person, or ask personal questions:
*"When last did you have a shower?"
*"Don't you think you should try to lose a little weight?"
*"How much money do you make?"
*"How old are you?" -- Speaking to someone your senior
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4c -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4d}} <!--T:15-->
*Think of something that has happened to you in the recent past that you found pleasant and talk about that.
*When talking to adults with children or grandchildren, ask about them.
*Ask where the person grew up and what it was like there.
*Ask if the person has a pet, and if so, what that pet's favorite thing to do is.
*Tell about a recent Pathfinder event, such as a campout or a club meeting.
*Tell about an honor that you have enjoyed earning, and what you had to do to earn it.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4d -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4e}} <!--T:16-->
One way to show concern for others during a conversation is to practice ''active listening''. In active listening, you restate what the other person has said to you, but in different words. If you misunderstand what was said and restate it incorrectly, your partner in conversation will know and can clarify. Active listening is one way to let the other person know that you are indeed listening.
One mistake that people often make in conversing is changing the subject before the partner was ready to. For example:
'''Bad Form'''
:Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
:Bob: "That's too bad. Did I tell you I beat level 14 in 'Mega Chipmunk Death Rally' this morning?"
'''Better Form'''
:Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
:Bob: "Your sister was in an accident?  Is she OK?"
It is also important to show concern for the person before considering other ramifications:
'''Bad Form'''
:Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
:Bob: "Really?  She still owes me five bucks!"
'''Better Form'''
:Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
:Bob: "I'm sorry to hear that. Did she have to go to the hospital?"
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4e -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4f}} <!--T:23-->
When answering the door, if the visitor has come to speak to an adult in the family and he is known to you, invite him in while you get the person requested. If the visitor is unknown, kindly ask him to wait until you can get the person requested. If no one else is home, tell the visitor so only if you know the visitor, and ask if you can relay a message for him.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4f -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=4g}} <!--T:24-->
When answering the phone at home, nothing beats this old classic: ''"Hello?"'' It is also good to say after this greeting the period of day, that is: 
{| align="center"
|align=right|12:00 AM ||-
|align=right| 11:59 AM || Morning
|align=right|12:00 PM ||-
|align=right|5:59 PM || Afternoon
|align=right|6:00 PM ||-
|align=right|8:59 PM || Evening
|align=right|9:00 PM ||-
|align=right|11:59 PM || Night
There is no need to give out personal information by saying "Anthony residence, this is Susan," nor do you need to tell them the number they have just dialed. A simple "Hello" is all you really need.
When answering for a business, the rules change. In this case, you are expected to answer with the name of the company, as in "Spacely Sprockets, how may I help you?"
If you ever need to answer the phone at your church, you should answer the same as if it were a business: "Northside SDA Church, how may I help you?". You needn't say your name, unless the person on the other end of the line asks to whom he or she is speaking.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4g -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4 -->
<!-- 5. If you want to use your gift of speech to God's glory, what should your prayer be? (Psalm 19:14)  -->
{{Bible verse
| book = Psalm
| chapter =19
| verse = 14
| version =NIV
| text =<br>
:''May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart''
::''be pleasing in your sight,''
::''O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.''
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 5 -->
<!-- 6. List seven points showing the power of correct posture. Check your posture and body profile. Demonstrate how to stand and sit correctly. Read Education, by Ellen G. White, page 198, paragraph 3, and note the benefits mentioned that come to you as a result of correct posture.  -->
Good posture does the following:
# Provides optimal balance.
# Optimizes breathing.
# Affects the circulation of bodily fluids.
# Reduces back pain.
# Protects the joints from strain.
# Expresses confidence.
# Is considered an integral part of physical attractiveness.
# Improves the body's ability to carry heavy loads.
# Protects against spinal deformity as a person ages.
''Education'', page 198, paragraph 3 reads as follows:
:''"Among the first things to be aimed at should be a correct position, both in sitting and in standing. God made man upright, and He desires him to possess not only the physical but the mental and moral benefit, the grace and dignity and self-possession, the courage and self-reliance, which an erect bearing so greatly tends to promote. Let the teacher give instruction on this point by example and by precept. Show what a correct position is, and insist that it shall be maintained."''
===Sitting=== <!--T:34-->
[[Image:Illu vertebral column.jpg|thumb|250px|Vertebral column showing healthy curvature]]
The spine has four normal curvatures. From top to bottom they are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral curves. The upper three of these should be aligned as shown in the image to the right when sitting. To get them into this position, do the following:
* Sit in a chair with your buttocks touching the back of the chair.
* Slouch forward (don't worry, we will correct this immediately!)
* Straighten up and accentuate the lumbar curve arching our shoulders back. Hold this position for a few seconds.
* Release and relax, drawing your abdomen back into a comfortable position, but with your shoulders still straight and back.
* Make sure your weight is distributed evenly on both hips.
* Keep your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be level with your hips or a bit higher. If you cannot do this and keep your feet flat on the floor, adjust your chair (if it is adjustable) or use a smaller chair.
* Do not cross your legs.
If working at a computer, your forearm should extend directly in front of you and remain horizontal. The wrists should arch downwards towards the keyboard. You may need to use a wrist support to help you with this.
Source: http://www.globalspine.net/correct_sitting_technique.html
===Standing=== <!--T:39-->
When standing, the spine should follow all four curvatures as in the image above. Observe the following points:
* Hold your head up with your chin in.
* Thrust the chest forward and the tummy tucked in.
* Keep your knees straight. But do not lock your knees. This restricts blood flow, and you could pass out.
* Make sure your pelvis is not tilted (neither forward nor back).
* If standing for a long period of time, rest one foot on a slightly elevated surface, such as a step. If working in the kitchen, you can open the cabinet door and rest your foot on the lower shelf.
* Do not stand in the same position for a long period of time. You should change positions every 5 to 15 minutes.
Source: http://www.globalspine.net/correct_standing_position.html
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6 -->
<!-- 7. Give two reasons why physical fitness is important. Explain the relationship between proper diet, exercise, and weight control.  -->
Exercise keeps your organs functioning properly, avoiding blockages and poor circulation. A healthy diet is also important for weight control. Excessive weight causes disease.
On average, the number of calories you consume should equal the number of calories you burn. Calories enter the body through the things we eat and drink - in other words, from the diet. Calories are burned by physical activity. The more physically active you are, the more calories you will burn.
If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you caloric intake equals your caloric expenditure, you will maintain your current weight. This applies no matter what you weight is. There is no weight beyond which a person cannot get any heavier (unless the excess weight results in death, as it often does).
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 7 -->
<!-- 8. Tell the importance of proper grooming, including bathing, body hygiene, breath, proper care of clothes, shoes, etc.  -->
===Importance=== <!--T:168-->
A person with poor hygiene is unpleasant to be around. Foul odors, dirty clothing, and gross things stuck between their teeth have a tendency to drive people away. Most people will not take a habitually unclean person seriously, and will instead do everything they can to avoid that person. It is very difficult to be an effective witness for your faith under these conditions.
===Social cues=== <!--T:45-->
Be on the lookout for social cues that indicate you may have a problem. If someone is continually averting their eyes from you, or you find them staring at some part of your face other than your eyes, discretely excuse yourself and have a look in a mirror. Check your teeth, and make sure your face is clean.
If a person offers you a piece of gum or a breath mint, it may be a polite way of curing your bad breath. The proper response is "Thank you."  Accept the breath freshener without asking why it was offered. Perhaps you'd rather not know!
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 8 -->
<!-- 9. Describe the proper way to wash your hair and care for your "hair tools."  -->
Wet your hair thoroughly, being sure it is wet all the way to the scalp. Pour {{units|15-30 ml|1-2 tablespoons}} of shampoo into the palm of your hand, and then work it into the hair to form a lather. Lather the hair until all surfaces have been washed. Rinse ''thoroughly'' - if any shampoo is left in the hair, it will dry in place forming clumps of yellowish flakes.
Comb or brush your hair immediately after washing it, and again several times through the day. Longer hair needs more frequent care. Very short hair may not need combing at all. When you are finished combing or brushing, run water over the comb or brush to clean it. Over time, a comb will collect a build-up of dirt which is difficult to rinse off. When this happens, run the teeth of the comb through the bristles of the brush. Rinse both.
Do not share a comb, brush, hat, or other headgear with another person, as this can facilitate the spread of lice.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 9 -->
<!-- 10. Describe the proper care for your hands and fingernails. -->
Hands should be washed frequently throughout the day, especially after using the restroom. Germs are most commonly spread by hand-contact, and washing them is an effective way to prevent their spread. Be sure to use soap on the palms, fingers, the back of the hands, and under the fingernails, and rinse well. Many people avoid hand washing because it dries their hands, but this is really an effect of improper rinsing. If you find that hand washing still dries your skin even after thorough rinsing, apply a lotion. It is even more important to wash dried, cracked skin, as the cracks offer an entry for germs into your system. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
Fingernails should be trimmed neatly using nail clippers. Do not chew the fingernails or tear them off. Clean beneath the nails whenever you see dirt under them.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 10 -->
<!-- 11. Know the importance of daily "soul-grooming" and of building a Christian character and why "belonging to Christ" makes a difference in the way you dress and act. -->
"Soul-grooming" is done through daily communion with God. Any relationship is built by communication, and we communicate with God through prayer and by reading His Word. It is best to start the day by talking to the Lord, asking Him to be with you through the day. Time spent praying over specific temptations you face will better prepare you to resist that temptation.
"Christian character" is demonstrated when you do the right thing even when it is difficult. Be in the practice of always telling the truth, and put the feelings of others ahead of your own desires. This will add compassion to your character.
Knowing that you belong to Christ will give you a sense of self-worth and confidence. After all, Christ died for ''you'', so He must feel you were worth that sacrifice. Because He has forgiven you of your sins, you will want to treat His other children with love and respect. You will find yourself wanting to lead others to Him, and help them resist temptation.
People go through several important physiological changes during the pre-teen and teen years. They find that their sexual desires begin to waken, and sometimes they may find them difficult to control. Dressing modestly will help others to control these desires, while dressing suggestively and engaging in flirtation can unnecessarily excite a person of the opposite sex. When you belong to Christ, you will not willingly become a stumbling block to another person's salvation. You will find your self-worth anchored in being a child of the King rather than through gaining the attention and acceptance of other people.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 11 -->
<!-- 12. Discuss scriptural guidelines that will help you cope with your sexuality and keep your thoughts-life clean. Discuss intelligently the "dos and don'ts" of dating. -->
===Scriptural Guidelines=== <!--T:91-->
{{Bible verse
| book = Philippians
| chapter = 4
| verse = 8
| version = [http://ebible.org/web/web.htm World English Bible]
| text =
Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.
The longer one thinks about sinful things, the more likely that person is to engage in that activity. Philippians 4:8 recommends against impure thoughts.
{{Bible verse
| book = Exodus
| chapter = 20
| verse = 14
| version = [http://ebible.org/web/web.htm World English Bible]
| text =
You shall not commit adultery.
{{Bible verse
| book = 1 Corinthians
| chapter = 6
| verse = 9, 10
| version = [http://ebible.org/web/web.htm World English Bible]
| text =
Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Adultery and sexual immorality are any sexual activities that take place outside the marriage.
{{Bible verse
|book = Matthew
|chapter =5
| version = [http://ebible.org/web/web.htm World English Bible]
|verse = 27,28
| text =
"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
This text tells us that adultery is a sin that a person can commit in private. Do not entertain ideas of sexual immorality, even in your own private thoughts.
===Dating=== <!--T:97-->
When inviting a person on a date, it is better to immediately reveal what you have in mind rather than asking if the person is busy. Asking if the person is busy may cause them to feel cornered. After admitting that they are not busy, they will feel trapped if they do not like the plans you are proposing.
Make sure you go to the door when you arrive. It is rude to stay in the car and honk the horn. Honking the horn will also disturb the neighbors. If invited inside to meet the parents, do so as pleasantly as you can.
Do not attempt to get your date to do anything you know violates either his/her or your own sense of morality. Pay attention to your date during your time together. It is rude to invite someone on a date and then spend most of your time together focusing on someone else (of either sex). It goes without saying that you should never flirt with someone else during the date.
When the date is concluded, escort your date back to the front door. Don't just dump her out of the car at the curb. Make sure you return home at the appointed time. Doing otherwise will make you look bad to your date's parents, and may get your date into trouble. This will not reflect well on you.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 12 -->
<!-- 13. List four reasons why your face is important to you, and show how the way you exercise and sleep can improve your facial appearance. What relationship do thoughts have to facial "print-out"? Describe proper facial care.  -->
===Importance=== <!--T:54-->
Reasons why your face is important:
# It is the first thing that others see.
# It is the first thing that you see (when you look in the mirror).
# It is one of the main communicators of your emotions.
# Most people define "pretty" or "handsome" based on the way a person's face appears.
# People recognize you more by your face than by any other part of your body. Your face ''defines'' you.
===Sleep and Exercise=== <!--T:55-->
Because your face is so central to who you are, you should take care to make it look its best. Lack of sleep will not only make you tired, it will make you ''look'' tired too. Regular (and sufficient) sleep will keep you from looking tired all the time. Regular exercise will do this too, because if you exercise regularly, you will not only be more fit, you will have more energy.
===Facial Print-out=== <!--T:101-->
People can adopt a facial expression as a voluntary action. However, because expressions are closely tied to emotion, they are more often involuntary. It can be nearly impossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions, even when it would be strongly desirable to do so; a person who is trying to avoid insult to an individual he or she finds highly unattractive might nevertheless show a brief expression of disgust before being able to resume a neutral expression. The close link between emotion and expression can also work in the other direction; it has been observed that voluntarily assuming an expression can actually cause the associated emotion.
===Facial Care=== <!--T:102-->
The most important aspect of facial care is regular and frequent cleansing. This can be accomplished with soap and water. Begin by wetting the hands and face with water, then lather the hands with soap and apply to the face. Work the soap over the surface of the face, rubbing it gently. Then rinse thoroughly. If desired, a lotion can be applied to the face to moisturize the skin, but little proof exists that this provides any health benefits at all.
However, if the use of a moisturizer builds a person's confidence, it will do more good than harm.
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 13 -->
<!-- 14. Know the rules of table etiquette which make it easier for you and those around you, such as what to do with your knife and fork after using them. Know how to be a welcome dinner guest and a joy to your hosts.  -->
Table manners are the etiquette used when eating. This includes the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures have different standards for table manners. Many table manners developed out of practicality. For example, it is generally impolite to put elbows on tables since doing so creates a risk of tipping over bowls and cups. Within different families or groups, there may be less rigorous enforcement of some traditional table manners of their culture while still maintaining others. For example, some families ignore elbows on the table or mixing of foods.
===Table Layout=== <!--T:105-->
[[File:PlaceSettingCharger.jpg|thumb|300px|A properly set table]]
* Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right.
* Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right.
* Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.
* Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.
* The sharp edge of the knife blade faces the plate.
===General Behavior===
===General Behavior=== <!--T:106-->
* Chew with your mouth closed.
* Chew with your mouth closed.
* Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
* Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
Line 40: Line 506:
* Do not play with food or table utensils.
* Do not play with food or table utensils.
* Do not single out or chastise someone who has shown poor table manners.
* Do not single out or chastise someone who has shown poor table manners.
* Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. It is acceptable, however, to rest for-arms, up to the elbow, on the table.  
* Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. It is acceptable, however, to rest forearms, up to the elbow, on the table.  
* Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
* Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
* Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating.
* Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating.
* Never talk on your phone at the table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.
* Never talk on your phone at the table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize after returning.
===Utensils=== <!--T:107-->
* Do not eat food with your fingers unless you are eating foods customarily eaten with fingers, such as bread, French fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc. At more formal occasions, it is acceptable to eat asparagus or some romaine lettuce dishes with ones hands. However, as this is an obscure etiquette rule, in more casual settings, it is customary to use utensils.  
* Do not eat food with your fingers unless you are eating foods customarily eaten with fingers, such as bread, French fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc. At more formal occasions, it is acceptable to eat asparagus or some romaine lettuce dishes with ones hands. However, as this is an obscure etiquette rule, in more casual settings, it is customary to use utensils.  
* The fork may be used either in the American (use the fork in your left hand while cutting; switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece) or the Continental (fork remains in the left hand) fashion -- either is now acceptable. (See [[Fork etiquette]])
* The fork may be used either in the American (use the fork in your left hand while cutting; switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece) or the Continental (fork remains in the left hand) fashion -- either is now acceptable.
* The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
* The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
* The knife blade should be placed on the edge of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward.  
* The knife blade should be placed on the edge of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward.  
* When you have finished eating soup, the spoon should be placed to the side of the saucer, not left in the bowl.
* When you have finished eating soup, the spoon should be placed to the side of the saucer, not left in the bowl.
* Keep your napkin on your lap. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap
* Keep your napkin on your lap. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap.
* When eating barbecue or some other messy foods such as cracked crab, a 'bib' napkin may be provided for and used by adults. Usually these foods are also eaten by hand, and wet wipes or paper napkins should be used to clean the hands.
* When eating barbecue or some other messy foods, a 'bib' napkin may be provided for and used by adults. Usually these foods are also eaten by hand, and wet wipes or paper napkins should be used to clean the hands.
* When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
* When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
* Use your silverware from the outside moving inward toward the main plate. (Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.)
* Use your silverware from the outside moving inward toward the main plate. (Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.)
===Dining=== <!--T:108-->
* A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Instead or in addition, a 'toast' may be offered [http://www.amypalec.com/tips/200402.htm].
* A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Instead or in addition, a 'toast' may be offered.
* Do not start eating until (a) every person is served or (b) those who have not been served request that you begin without waiting. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon.
* Do not start eating until (a) every person is served or (b) those who have not been served request that you begin without waiting. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon.
* When a dish is presented 'family style', the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person. put the food on your left, take some and pass to the person next to you.
* When a dish is presented 'family style', the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person. Put the food on your left, take some and pass to the person next to you.
* When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
* When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
* Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
* Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
* [[Tea]] or [[coffee]] should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either.
* Hot drinks should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool them.
* Seasoning ones meal prior to tasting can be considered rude and may insult the chef.
* Seasoning one's meal prior to tasting can be considered rude and may insult the chef.
===At the end of the meal===
===At the end of the meal=== <!--T:109-->
* It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
* It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
* When finished with your meal, place your knife and fork with handles at the 4 o'clock position and the tines of the fork down to signal to the server you are done.
* When finished with your meal, place your knife and fork with handles at the 4 o'clock position and the tines of the fork down to signal to the server you are done.
* Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food away from the meal after it ends, and never when attending a formal dinner.
* Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food away from the meal after it ends, and never when attending a formal dinner.
==[[United Kingdom|British]] table manners==
* The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right.
* You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards.
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* If you’re eating a dessert, your fork (if you have one) should be held in the left hand and the spoon in the right.
* When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away from you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself.
* It is not acceptable to use your fingers at the table to eat or push food onto your fork. You may, however, eat some foods such as fruit, sandwiches, hamburgers, crisps, chips or pizza with your fingers.
* If there are a number of knives or forks, then you should start from the outside set working your way in as each course is served.
<!-- 15. List ten principles to help you overcome self-consciousness and social embarrassment. -->
* Drinks should always be to the right of your plate with the bread roll to the left.
The most important thing for a Christian to remember is that no matter how awkward they are, the Ruler of the Universe loves them and gave His life for them.
* When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use your knife only to butter the bread, not to cut it.
* You should not start eating before your host does or instructs you to do so. At larger meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served.
* When you’re finished, place your knife and fork together at five o’clock with your fork on the left (tines facing up) and knife on the right, with the knife blade facing in. This signals that you are finished.
* Your napkin should never be screwed up. Nor should it be folded neatly as that would suggest that your host might plan to use it again without washing it - just leave is neatly but loosely.
* Never blow your nose on your napkin. Place it on your lap and use it to dab your mouth if you make a mess.
* It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If you need to take an urgent call, excuse yourself and go outside.
* Always ask for permission from the host and excuse yourself if you need to leave the table. You should place your napkin on your seat until you return.
* If you must leave the table or are resting, your fork should be at eight o’clock and your knife at four o’clock (with the blade inwards). Once an item of cutlery has been used, it should not touch the table again.
* The food should be brought to your mouth on the fork; you should sit straight and not lean towards your plate.
* Dishes should be served from the right, and taken away from the right.  Unless the food is placed on your plate at the table, then it should arrive from the left.
* Drinks should be served from the right.
* Never lean across somebody else’s plate. If you need something to be passed, ask the person closest to it. If you have to pass something, only pass it if you are closest to it and pass it directly to them if you can.
* Salt & pepper should be passed together.
* Do not take food from a neighbour’s plate and don’t ask to do so.
* You must not put your elbows on the table.
* If pouring a drink for yourself, offer to pour a drink for your neighbours before serving yourself.
* If extra food is on the table, ask others first if they would like it before taking it yourself.
* When chewing food, close your mouth and only talk when you have swallowed it.
* Swallow all food before eating more or having a drink.
* Do not slurp your food or eat loudly. Burping or sneezing at the table should be avoided, too.
* Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.
* Try to eat all the food you are served.
* Glasses served in a wine glass or other stemmed-glass should be held at the stem.
* Always remember “regular” manners. Remember to say "please" and "thank you".
==[[China|Chinese]] table manners==
These are mostly concerned with the use of [[chopsticks]]. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable but better not to do so.
* Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand,
* Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the [[left-handed]]. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper [[etiquette]]. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user.
* When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food.
* It is considered impolite to use the blunt end of the chopsticks to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl. Use the communal chopsticks instead.
* Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like [[drumsticks]], or use them to move [[bowls]] or [[plates]].
* Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish.  
* When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a [[fork]]. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists.
* Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table.
* Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some [[Asians]] use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate [[faux pas]] on the dining table.
* Chinese traditionally eat [[rice]] from a small [[bowl]] held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl.
* It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you notice they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the [[Confucian]] tradition of respecting seniors).
* Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect.
* The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full.  One should not pour for ones self, but should (if thirsty) offer to pour for a neighbor.  When your drink is being poured, you should say "thank you" and/or tap your fingers on the table to show appreciation.
* When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.
* When eating food that contains bones, it is customary that the bones be spit out onto the table to the right of the dining plate in a neat pile.
==[[Philippines|Filipino]] table manners==
* Food is usually eaten with [[Western]] cutlery, though with variation: the [[tablespoon]] is the main utensil, held in the right hand; the left hand holds the [[fork]], but only as a helper to scoop food into the spoon as well as to pick up portions of food.  Unlike other Asian cultures, it is not considered a [[faux pas]] to use a knife to cut foods into smaller portions at the dining table.
*Eating using the hands is acceptable in some cases - although rare these days, especially in the urbanised areas of the country. One would find this practice mostly in rural areas.
Spend some time preparing for a social event. Make sure you are clean, your hair is clean, and combed, and your breath is fresh. Put on a clean set of clothes before setting out, and wear deodorant or antiperspirant. Antiperspirant will keep you from sweating. Deodorant will keep your sweat from smelling bad.
*Eating with hands is not practised in formal dining situations, except of course with foods that normally are consumed that way, such as table breads (i.e., buttered buns), and other delicacies.  Generally, mid-level restaurants and social gatherings are not appropriate venues for this, whereas this may be done at home.
It also helps to recognize that you are not the only person who may feel self-conscious in a social situation. Every other boy and girl your age will also be worrying about doing something goofy, so the chances are pretty good that if you make an embarrassing error, everyone else will be so preoccupied with themselves that they do not notice.
*When eating, it is unethical to place elbows on the table.
Still, sometimes you ''will'' do something embarrassing, and others ''will'' notice. In this case, it is best to acknowledge your fault, ''admit'' embarrassment, and try to see the humor in the situation. That can be ''very'' hard in the heat of the moment, but if you can pull it off with grace, people will be quick to forgive, and they will not think poorly of you.
*''Pangalumbaba'' or an act of supporting the chin with hands is considered a disrespectful manner while eating.
So here are ten principles to remember:
*It is considered bad manners to talk when mouth is full. A person should finish chewing first before he should speak.
#Christ died for you
#Make sure your hair is clean and combed.
#Make sure your face and body are clean
#Wear deodorant/antiperspirant.
#Brush your teeth and have a breath mint or sugar-free gum
#You are not the only self-conscious person
#People are unlikely to be focusing on ''you''
#Admit your mistakes
#Admit your embarrassment
#A little humor goes a long way
*When visiting another's home, it is customary for the host to provide drinks and some snacks for the guests. It is '''very important''' for the guest to accept this offering.  To do otherwise would be a serious insult or put-down to the host.
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<!-- 16. For Young Ladies -->
*In situations where the guests may already have full stomachs, it is best to at least eat smaller portions of the food.  Food may only be declined in the severest of circumstances, practically limited exclusively to allergies and other medical conditions.
Many different exercises might be chosen to improve different aspects of one's posture, but in light of proper posture as detailed in requirement 6, the following two exercises are chosen as especially important for young women:
*Consuming all of the food on your plate is considered good manners, as this is an indication that you are satisfied with the food prepared. Leftover food, however, is not necessarily bad manners.
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*Sometimes making slight noises such as "mmm!" while eating or commenting the host on the dishes is another sign of appreciation.
Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
*Filipinos love to laugh. It's important to smile and laugh along with everyone else even if you may be quiet or shy, for it signifies that you are enjoying your time and not bored.
* Use your abdominal and gluteal (buttock) muscles to roll your bottom a little and press your lower back against the floor.
* Maintain the pressure for 5 – 10 seconds and slowly let go.
* Repeat 10 times.
*Certain [[Western]] customs (especially American ones) may apply, but the practice is inconsistent. Different families or different places vary in their application of Western table manners.
Try to do the same exercise while standing with your legs straight and against a wall.
==[[France|French]] table manners==
* Both hands must be above the table at the same time. They cannot be below the table even if they are together. This rule comes from medieval times, where the king feared assassination. To make sure he was able to dine safely, all persons dining with him kept their hands above the table where they could be seen at all times. The action of putting your hands below the table was interpreted as an attempt to grab your dagger and assassinate the king. 
This exercise strengthens the abdominal and gluteal muscles and helps to focus on the pelvis position in order not to exaggerate the lumbar lordosis (an inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical segments of the spine) as is often seen with young women and girls, giving them lot of problems during pregnancy with peri-partus-pelvic pain.
* Remember to always say ''please'' and ''thank you'' - ''s'il vous plait'' and ''merci''
* It is considered good manners to finish everything on your plate.
* Do not put ice in your [[wine]]. At restaurants, wine is served at the temperature at which it is meant to be enjoyed.
* After you have finished eating, place the cutlery parallel together, vertically at the center of your plate.  Then, the waiter will know to take away your plate.
* While you are still eating your meal, place the cutlery to the sides of your plate at 4:00 and 8:00, opposite sides of the plate, signifying to the waiter that you wish to keep your plate.
* Should you want more wine, finish your glass, but to signify that you have had enough to drink, leave some wine in your glass.
* When dining at another's residence, do not use salt or pepper. This is an insult to the person who cooked the meal and is interpreted as "You did not get it right."
==[[India]]n table manners==
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* Wait for the host or the eldest person to start first.
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* You should maintain silence while eating food. You are not expected to chat unnecessarily with the people around the table.
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* It is acceptable to not use cutlery for eating, as many foods - such as Indian breads and curry - are best enjoyed when eating with the hand.
* Wash hands thoroughly before sitting at the table as some Indian foods are primarily eaten by hand. Also, wash hands after eating the food. Usually, a finger bowl (with luke warm water and lemon) is served per person for rinsing fingers.
* In North India, when eating curry, the gravy must not be allowed to stain the fingers --only the fingertips are used. However, in South India, it is acceptable to use more of your hand.
* Lift your arms to a horizontal position
* When flatbreads such as chapati, roti, or naan are served with the meal, it is acceptable and expected to use pieces of them to gather food and sop-up gravies and curries.
* Swing them slowly outwards and backwards as far as possible.  
* The cardinal rule of dining is to always use the right hand when eating or receiving food and never the left. Even a piece from the bread is broken using the right hand alone.
* Repeat 10 times.
* It is considered unhygienic to use your spoon or fingers to share food from someone else's plate once you have started using your own. Instead, ask for a clean spoon to transfer the food to your plate from the common dish.
* When eating with hands, always eat with right, as mentioned above. However, use only the other clean hand to transfer food from a common dish on the table.
* It is not necessary to taste each and every dish prepared; but you must finish everything on the plate as it is considered a respect for served food. For that reason, take only as much food on the plate you can finish.
* Footwear that is used outside must not be worn inside the house (in some homes) as it is considered unhygienic.
==[[Japan]]ese table manners==
* Never place chopsticks stuck vertically into a bowl of food, as this is the traditional presentation form for an offering to one's ancestors.
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back of your shoulders, stretches the muscles in the front of your chest, and thus works towards lesser thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper spine) and makes more room for your lungs and heart.
* Accepted practice in helping oneself to a communal dish such as a salad, is to reverse the chopsticks. However this is regarded in an all male, or casual situation, as too formal and additionally, a female habit.
* Women should cup their other hand beneath their serving when using chopsticks when conveying food from dish/bowl to mouth. Men should not do this.
* In communal dining or drinking, the youngest person present should pour alcohol for the other members of the party, serving the most senior person first. The server should not pour their own drink, rather they should place the bottle of sake, beer, wine or spirits, back on the table or bar, and wait to be served by a senior.
* One should always clean one's hands before dining with the hot steamed towel provided.
* Japanese soup is eaten holding the bowl to one's mouth, never with a spoon. The exceptions to this are ''o-zoni'', the traditional soup served on New Year's Day; soups with noodles are served in larger bowls, such as ''[[ramen]]'', are acceptable to eat using chopsticks, although the soup itself is still consumed from bowl to mouth.
* It is perfectly acceptable, rather, encouraged to make a slurping noise when eating hot noodles such as ''udon'', ''ramen'' or ''soba''. This is standard behaviour in Japan, and Japanese maintain that inhaling air when eating hot noodles improves the flavor.
* When taking a break from eating during a meal, one should place one's chopsticks on the [[chopstick rest]] (''hashi-oki'') provided. A ''hashi-oki'' is usually a ceramic rectangle about four centimeters long, or in some restaurants, a halved wine cork is provided.
* Unlike Korean table manners, it is acceptable to cradle one's rice bowl in one hand when eating.
* One should not gesture using chopsticks.
* Never pass food from one pair of chopsticks to another. This technique is used only in Japanese Buddhist funerary rites when transferring cremated bones into an urn.
* When pouring wine or beer, the hand holding the bottle should pour forward, not backward (over the back of the hand) which is considered an insult.
There are additional etiquette rules specifically for [[sushi]], especially in a restaurant.
* It is acceptable to eat sushi with one's fingers, rather than chopsticks, if the dining situation is relatively casual (this also applies to dining out at a ''[[kaitenzushi]]'' restaurant).
* When possible, sushi pieces and sections of cut rolls should be eaten in a single bite, or held in the hand until finished; setting half a piece back down on the plate is considered rude.
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* ''Nigiri sushi'' (fish on rice) and ''maki'' (rolls) may be eaten with the hands; ''sashimi'' (pieces of raw fish) should be eaten with chopsticks.
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The choice of a hairstyle is a personal one, but if the goal is to look your best, the generally accepted advice is to style it to even out the shape of your head and face. A girl with a long, narrow face should choose a hairstyle that makes her face look a little wider. A girl with a round, wide face should use her hair to "lengthen" her face by exposing more of her forehead and adding height.
==[[Malaysia|Malay]] table manners==
* Footwear must not be worn in a Malay home due to hygienic reasons.
* As a guest, if you feel that you cannot consume more food, it is courteous to turn it down by eating a small morsel or by graciously declining it altogether.
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* Remember that the right hand is always used for eating the traditional Malay way - NEVER the left hand since that it is considered unclean.
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* Have the oldest person served first (disregard whether it is a male or female).
* Always cover your mouth when toothpicking.
* Always turn your head away from the table if you are sneezing or coughing.
The most important aspect for a Christian woman to consider when choosing her clothing is modesty. Immodest clothing will make it difficult for young men to control their thoughts.
* For functions that require guests to sit down on the floor, men should sit crossed-legged and not stretch them
* Pointing your feet at others is impolite - point your feet away from them.
* You must leave some drinking beverage in the glass or cup after you finish drinking.
*Never leave your plate dry after eating.
*Don't hit or knock on an empty plate as it is considered calling the devils.
*Do not put back dishes to its original place when you have taken it to your plate.
*Do not talk when you mouth is full as it is considered rude.
==Pakistani table manners==
[[Pakistan]]i table manners are a mixture of Islamic teachings, south Asian tradition and British influence:
Stripes can be used to emphasize or play down height or width. Vertical stripes emphasize height while playing down width, while horizontal stripes emphasize width while playing down height. Therefore, a tall, thin girl should wear horizontal stripes, and a short, plump girl should wear vertical stripes. Tall girls may not wish to wear shoes with high heels, while shorter girls may benefit from them.
*Always eat with your right hand, even if you're a left-handed person
*Do not chew so loudly that someone else can hear it
*Chew with your mouth closed
*If hands are being used, they should be washed properly before and after eating
*Eat everything on the plate; leaving some food is considered wasteful
*Eating additional servings is considered polite and a compliment to the host
*When using a knife and fork, eat American style switching fork from left to right hand or keep knife in left hand
*Do not start eating until the eldest in the family eats first
*It is acceptable to mix foods
*If eating food with bread, first tear bread in half. Then break off a small piece, only using your right hand if you can do so elegantly. Use bread to pinch or scoop food between thumb and fingers.  
-These are very general manners, they differ from area to area and might not always be noticed
A girl with a weight problem should not wear tight clothing as that accentuates her problem. Loose-fitting clothing is always a better choice.
==[[Peru|Peruvian]] table manners==
Table manners follow most of the European standards, although there are some implications
with regards to typical dishes or local traditions.
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* Leftover [[Ceviche|Ceviche]] lemon juice can be poured into a glass following consumption of the fish pieces. This accepted practice is called the "drinking of the tiger's milk".
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* Beer drinking in a group setting should be carried out solely with one glass.  A small shot of beer should be rapidly poured into this glass and time-effectively consumed.  The glass should then be passed to the left.
This requirement assumes that the young lady will be assisted with her coat or wrap by a young man. In this case, the young man should remove the coat from the hanger and hold the coat along the shoulder seams (he should grasp the right shoulder seam with his right hand and the left seam with his left hand so that the back of the garment is facing him).
==[[Russia]]n table manners==
* It is polite to leave a bit of food at the end of the meal to show the host that their hospitality was plentiful and appreciated. In addition, the host will often urge the guests for second helpings of food.
He should then open the coat to reveal the sleeve holes and offer it to the young lady. She should not need to reach up or down to slip her arm into the sleeve of the coat. Once she has both her arms in the sleeves, the young man should release the coat or wrap and the young lady may button it herself (if she so chooses).
* It is improper to look into another's plate or saucer.
* Remember to say "Thanks, everything was very tasty" to the one who made the dish upon leaving the table.
* Small food should not be cut.
* No elbows on the table.
* No unpleasant noises.
* In general, one should not be stuffy or overly ceremonial. Especially if the meal is in someone's home, conviviality and relaxation outrank propriety. A guest is expected to contribute to the fun of the party.
* Don't talk while eating.
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<!-- 17. For Young Men -->
Wash your hair regularly, and comb it several times between shampooing. Long hair needs to be washed more frequently (at least every other day), while short hair requires less maintenance.
==See also==
The choice of a hairstyle is a personal one, but if the goal is to look your best, the generally accepted advice is to style it to even out the shape of your head. A person with a long, narrow face should choose a hairstyle that makes the face look a little wider. A person with a round, wide face should use the hair to "lengthen" the face by exposing more of the forehead and adding height.
*[[Intercultural competence]]
*[[Montreal-Philippines cutlery controversy]]
*[[Fork etiquette]]
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A tall, thin boy should wear a shirt with horizontal stripes, and a short stocky boy should wear a shirt with vertical stripes. Horizontal stripes emphasize width and play down height. Vertical stripes emphasize height and play down width.
== External links ==
:* [http://www.pickles-and-spices.com/malay-table-manners.html General dining etiquette]
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United States
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:* [http://www.foodscholar.com/ Dining Etiquette Lessons on CD]
:* [http://www.bsu.edu/students/careers/students/interviewing/dining/ Job interview dining etiquette]
:* [http://www.career.vt.edu/DiningEtiquette/QandA.htm Job interview dining etiquette Q & A]
Christians should practice good manners because they are ambassadors of Christ. Rudeness on the part of a Christian reflects poorly on all Christians. Unfortunately, many professed Christians do not practice good manners, leading many to conclude that Christianity produces rude people.
:* [http://www.bremercommunications.com/Dining_Etiquette.htm General dining etiquette]
[[Category:Eating behaviors]]
When escorting a girl or a woman, the boy should offer her the crook of his elbow. The woman may slip her arm around his, and they may walk arm-in-arm to her seat. The boy then pulls her seat out for her so that she may step in front of it. As she sits, he should push the seat forward. This can and should be practiced in a club environment, but the instructor must be vigilant that no one tries to pull the chair out from under a person who is sitting. This might seem like a funny stunt to pull, but it can cause serious injury, and it is ''very'' bad manners. Do not assume that your Pathfinders will know this ahead of time.
== References ==
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[[es:Etiqueta sobre la mesa]]
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Christian Grooming & Manners
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction


What well-balanced combination of strengths did Jesus develop as a growing youth?

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Luke 2:52 (NKJV)


According to Psalm 8 what estimate does God place on your personal worth?

The New International Version translates Psalm 8 as follows:

1 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.
2 From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:1-9 (NIV)

This is saying that God sees man as the crowning (most significant) act of His creation. He made us a little lower than the angels in importance and gave us the charge to rule/manage the rest of His creation.


Are names important to God? Does He know your name? (Isaiah 43:1, Exodus 33:17, Isaiah 45:4)

These three verses are quoted from the New International Version:

But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1 (NIV)

And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."
Exodus 33:17 (NIV)

For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.
Isaiah 45:4 (NIV)

Names are important enough to God that He has protected His own name in the Ten Commandments. He knows each of us by name which also signifies His personal interest us individually.


Demonstrate or discuss proper conversational skills, including:


The proper way to talk to older people in public

Children should address adults using the words Mr, Mrs, and Miss outside of church, or Brother, Sister in a church setting followed by that person's last name. They should avoid using an adult's first name unless it is also used with a last name. For example, "I talked to John about borrowing his tools," would be considered disrespectful, but saying "I talked to John Smith about borrowing his tools" or "I talked to Mr. Smith about borrowing his tools" shows proper respect.

When speaking to an adult (or anyone else), do not mumble. Avoid slang. Be sure to use such words as "sir," "ma'am," "please," and "thank you." Make eye contact.


How to address people and make proper introductions

When addressing adults, again it is respectful to use their last names, as in "Mr Smith" or "Miss Jones." When making introductions, say a woman's name before a man's. If they are both the same sex, use the older person's name before using younger person's. For example, you would introduce Mr. Smith and Miss Jones by saying "Miss Jones, I would like for you to meet Mr. Jones." Be sure to allow room so that they may shake hands. You would introduce Mr. Smith to your friend William by saying "Mr. Smith, this is my friend William." You may then tell something about William: "William and I have known each other since the third grade."


Questions to avoid

Do not comment on any physical defects in a person, or ask personal questions:

  • "When last did you have a shower?"
  • "Don't you think you should try to lose a little weight?"
  • "How much money do you make?"
  • "How old are you?" -- Speaking to someone your senior


How to think of pleasant things to say

  • Think of something that has happened to you in the recent past that you found pleasant and talk about that.
  • When talking to adults with children or grandchildren, ask about them.
  • Ask where the person grew up and what it was like there.
  • Ask if the person has a pet, and if so, what that pet's favorite thing to do is.
  • Tell about a recent Pathfinder event, such as a campout or a club meeting.
  • Tell about an honor that you have enjoyed earning, and what you had to do to earn it.


How to show concern for the feelings of others

One way to show concern for others during a conversation is to practice active listening. In active listening, you restate what the other person has said to you, but in different words. If you misunderstand what was said and restate it incorrectly, your partner in conversation will know and can clarify. Active listening is one way to let the other person know that you are indeed listening.

One mistake that people often make in conversing is changing the subject before the partner was ready to. For example:

Bad Form

Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
Bob: "That's too bad. Did I tell you I beat level 14 in 'Mega Chipmunk Death Rally' this morning?"

Better Form

Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
Bob: "Your sister was in an accident? Is she OK?"

It is also important to show concern for the person before considering other ramifications:

Bad Form

Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
Bob: "Really? She still owes me five bucks!"

Better Form

Alice: "My sister was in a car accident yesterday."
Bob: "I'm sorry to hear that. Did she have to go to the hospital?"


What to say when you answer the door

When answering the door, if the visitor has come to speak to an adult in the family and he is known to you, invite him in while you get the person requested. If the visitor is unknown, kindly ask him to wait until you can get the person requested. If no one else is home, tell the visitor so only if you know the visitor, and ask if you can relay a message for him.


How to answer the telephone correctly

When answering the phone at home, nothing beats this old classic: "Hello?" It is also good to say after this greeting the period of day, that is:

12:00 AM - 11:59 AM Morning
12:00 PM - 5:59 PM Afternoon
6:00 PM - 8:59 PM Evening
9:00 PM - 11:59 PM Night

There is no need to give out personal information by saying "Anthony residence, this is Susan," nor do you need to tell them the number they have just dialed. A simple "Hello" is all you really need.

When answering for a business, the rules change. In this case, you are expected to answer with the name of the company, as in "Spacely Sprockets, how may I help you?"

If you ever need to answer the phone at your church, you should answer the same as if it were a business: "Northside SDA Church, how may I help you?". You needn't say your name, unless the person on the other end of the line asks to whom he or she is speaking.


If you want to use your gift of speech to God's glory, what should your prayer be? (Psalm 19:14)

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 (NIV)


List seven points showing the power of correct posture. Check your posture and body profile. Demonstrate how to stand and sit correctly. Read Education, by Ellen G. White, page 198, paragraph 3, and note the benefits mentioned that come to you as a result of correct posture.

Good posture does the following:

  1. Provides optimal balance.
  2. Optimizes breathing.
  3. Affects the circulation of bodily fluids.
  4. Reduces back pain.
  5. Protects the joints from strain.
  6. Expresses confidence.
  7. Is considered an integral part of physical attractiveness.
  8. Improves the body's ability to carry heavy loads.
  9. Protects against spinal deformity as a person ages.

Education, page 198, paragraph 3 reads as follows:

"Among the first things to be aimed at should be a correct position, both in sitting and in standing. God made man upright, and He desires him to possess not only the physical but the mental and moral benefit, the grace and dignity and self-possession, the courage and self-reliance, which an erect bearing so greatly tends to promote. Let the teacher give instruction on this point by example and by precept. Show what a correct position is, and insist that it shall be maintained."


Vertebral column showing healthy curvature

The spine has four normal curvatures. From top to bottom they are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral curves. The upper three of these should be aligned as shown in the image to the right when sitting. To get them into this position, do the following:

  • Sit in a chair with your buttocks touching the back of the chair.
  • Slouch forward (don't worry, we will correct this immediately!)
  • Straighten up and accentuate the lumbar curve arching our shoulders back. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Release and relax, drawing your abdomen back into a comfortable position, but with your shoulders still straight and back.
  • Make sure your weight is distributed evenly on both hips.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be level with your hips or a bit higher. If you cannot do this and keep your feet flat on the floor, adjust your chair (if it is adjustable) or use a smaller chair.
  • Do not cross your legs.

If working at a computer, your forearm should extend directly in front of you and remain horizontal. The wrists should arch downwards towards the keyboard. You may need to use a wrist support to help you with this.

Source: http://www.globalspine.net/correct_sitting_technique.html


When standing, the spine should follow all four curvatures as in the image above. Observe the following points:

  • Hold your head up with your chin in.
  • Thrust the chest forward and the tummy tucked in.
  • Keep your knees straight. But do not lock your knees. This restricts blood flow, and you could pass out.
  • Make sure your pelvis is not tilted (neither forward nor back).
  • If standing for a long period of time, rest one foot on a slightly elevated surface, such as a step. If working in the kitchen, you can open the cabinet door and rest your foot on the lower shelf.
  • Do not stand in the same position for a long period of time. You should change positions every 5 to 15 minutes.

Source: http://www.globalspine.net/correct_standing_position.html


Give two reasons why physical fitness is important. Explain the relationship between proper diet, exercise, and weight control.

Exercise keeps your organs functioning properly, avoiding blockages and poor circulation. A healthy diet is also important for weight control. Excessive weight causes disease.

On average, the number of calories you consume should equal the number of calories you burn. Calories enter the body through the things we eat and drink - in other words, from the diet. Calories are burned by physical activity. The more physically active you are, the more calories you will burn.

If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you caloric intake equals your caloric expenditure, you will maintain your current weight. This applies no matter what you weight is. There is no weight beyond which a person cannot get any heavier (unless the excess weight results in death, as it often does).


Tell the importance of proper grooming, including bathing, body hygiene, breath, proper care of clothes, shoes, etc.


A person with poor hygiene is unpleasant to be around. Foul odors, dirty clothing, and gross things stuck between their teeth have a tendency to drive people away. Most people will not take a habitually unclean person seriously, and will instead do everything they can to avoid that person. It is very difficult to be an effective witness for your faith under these conditions.

Social cues

Be on the lookout for social cues that indicate you may have a problem. If someone is continually averting their eyes from you, or you find them staring at some part of your face other than your eyes, discretely excuse yourself and have a look in a mirror. Check your teeth, and make sure your face is clean.

If a person offers you a piece of gum or a breath mint, it may be a polite way of curing your bad breath. The proper response is "Thank you." Accept the breath freshener without asking why it was offered. Perhaps you'd rather not know!


Describe the proper way to wash your hair and care for your "hair tools."

Wet your hair thoroughly, being sure it is wet all the way to the scalp. Pour 15-30 ml1-2 tablespoons of shampoo into the palm of your hand, and then work it into the hair to form a lather. Lather the hair until all surfaces have been washed. Rinse thoroughly - if any shampoo is left in the hair, it will dry in place forming clumps of yellowish flakes.

Comb or brush your hair immediately after washing it, and again several times through the day. Longer hair needs more frequent care. Very short hair may not need combing at all. When you are finished combing or brushing, run water over the comb or brush to clean it. Over time, a comb will collect a build-up of dirt which is difficult to rinse off. When this happens, run the teeth of the comb through the bristles of the brush. Rinse both.

Do not share a comb, brush, hat, or other headgear with another person, as this can facilitate the spread of lice.


Describe the proper care for your hands and fingernails.

Hands should be washed frequently throughout the day, especially after using the restroom. Germs are most commonly spread by hand-contact, and washing them is an effective way to prevent their spread. Be sure to use soap on the palms, fingers, the back of the hands, and under the fingernails, and rinse well. Many people avoid hand washing because it dries their hands, but this is really an effect of improper rinsing. If you find that hand washing still dries your skin even after thorough rinsing, apply a lotion. It is even more important to wash dried, cracked skin, as the cracks offer an entry for germs into your system. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.

Fingernails should be trimmed neatly using nail clippers. Do not chew the fingernails or tear them off. Clean beneath the nails whenever you see dirt under them.


Know the importance of daily "soul-grooming" and of building a Christian character and why "belonging to Christ" makes a difference in the way you dress and act.

"Soul-grooming" is done through daily communion with God. Any relationship is built by communication, and we communicate with God through prayer and by reading His Word. It is best to start the day by talking to the Lord, asking Him to be with you through the day. Time spent praying over specific temptations you face will better prepare you to resist that temptation.

"Christian character" is demonstrated when you do the right thing even when it is difficult. Be in the practice of always telling the truth, and put the feelings of others ahead of your own desires. This will add compassion to your character.

Knowing that you belong to Christ will give you a sense of self-worth and confidence. After all, Christ died for you, so He must feel you were worth that sacrifice. Because He has forgiven you of your sins, you will want to treat His other children with love and respect. You will find yourself wanting to lead others to Him, and help them resist temptation.

People go through several important physiological changes during the pre-teen and teen years. They find that their sexual desires begin to waken, and sometimes they may find them difficult to control. Dressing modestly will help others to control these desires, while dressing suggestively and engaging in flirtation can unnecessarily excite a person of the opposite sex. When you belong to Christ, you will not willingly become a stumbling block to another person's salvation. You will find your self-worth anchored in being a child of the King rather than through gaining the attention and acceptance of other people.


Discuss scriptural guidelines that will help you cope with your sexuality and keep your thoughts-life clean. Discuss intelligently the "dos and don'ts" of dating.

Scriptural Guidelines

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8 (World English Bible)

The longer one thinks about sinful things, the more likely that person is to engage in that activity. Philippians 4:8 recommends against impure thoughts.

You shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14 (World English Bible)

Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 (World English Bible)

Adultery and sexual immorality are any sexual activities that take place outside the marriage.

"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:27,28 (World English Bible)

This text tells us that adultery is a sin that a person can commit in private. Do not entertain ideas of sexual immorality, even in your own private thoughts.


When inviting a person on a date, it is better to immediately reveal what you have in mind rather than asking if the person is busy. Asking if the person is busy may cause them to feel cornered. After admitting that they are not busy, they will feel trapped if they do not like the plans you are proposing.

Make sure you go to the door when you arrive. It is rude to stay in the car and honk the horn. Honking the horn will also disturb the neighbors. If invited inside to meet the parents, do so as pleasantly as you can.

Do not attempt to get your date to do anything you know violates either his/her or your own sense of morality. Pay attention to your date during your time together. It is rude to invite someone on a date and then spend most of your time together focusing on someone else (of either sex). It goes without saying that you should never flirt with someone else during the date.

When the date is concluded, escort your date back to the front door. Don't just dump her out of the car at the curb. Make sure you return home at the appointed time. Doing otherwise will make you look bad to your date's parents, and may get your date into trouble. This will not reflect well on you.


List four reasons why your face is important to you, and show how the way you exercise and sleep can improve your facial appearance. What relationship do thoughts have to facial "print-out"? Describe proper facial care.


Reasons why your face is important:

  1. It is the first thing that others see.
  2. It is the first thing that you see (when you look in the mirror).
  3. It is one of the main communicators of your emotions.
  4. Most people define "pretty" or "handsome" based on the way a person's face appears.
  5. People recognize you more by your face than by any other part of your body. Your face defines you.

Sleep and Exercise

Because your face is so central to who you are, you should take care to make it look its best. Lack of sleep will not only make you tired, it will make you look tired too. Regular (and sufficient) sleep will keep you from looking tired all the time. Regular exercise will do this too, because if you exercise regularly, you will not only be more fit, you will have more energy.

Facial Print-out

People can adopt a facial expression as a voluntary action. However, because expressions are closely tied to emotion, they are more often involuntary. It can be nearly impossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions, even when it would be strongly desirable to do so; a person who is trying to avoid insult to an individual he or she finds highly unattractive might nevertheless show a brief expression of disgust before being able to resume a neutral expression. The close link between emotion and expression can also work in the other direction; it has been observed that voluntarily assuming an expression can actually cause the associated emotion.

Facial Care

The most important aspect of facial care is regular and frequent cleansing. This can be accomplished with soap and water. Begin by wetting the hands and face with water, then lather the hands with soap and apply to the face. Work the soap over the surface of the face, rubbing it gently. Then rinse thoroughly. If desired, a lotion can be applied to the face to moisturize the skin, but little proof exists that this provides any health benefits at all. However, if the use of a moisturizer builds a person's confidence, it will do more good than harm.


Know the rules of table etiquette which make it easier for you and those around you, such as what to do with your knife and fork after using them. Know how to be a welcome dinner guest and a joy to your hosts.

Table manners are the etiquette used when eating. This includes the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures have different standards for table manners. Many table manners developed out of practicality. For example, it is generally impolite to put elbows on tables since doing so creates a risk of tipping over bowls and cups. Within different families or groups, there may be less rigorous enforcement of some traditional table manners of their culture while still maintaining others. For example, some families ignore elbows on the table or mixing of foods.

Table Layout

A properly set table
  • Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right.
  • Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.
  • The sharp edge of the knife blade faces the plate.

General Behavior

  • Chew with your mouth closed.
  • Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
  • Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table.
  • Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time.
  • Do not make unbecoming noises while eating.
  • Do not play with food or table utensils.
  • Do not single out or chastise someone who has shown poor table manners.
  • Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. It is acceptable, however, to rest forearms, up to the elbow, on the table.
  • Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
  • Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating.
  • Never talk on your phone at the table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize after returning.


  • Do not eat food with your fingers unless you are eating foods customarily eaten with fingers, such as bread, French fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc. At more formal occasions, it is acceptable to eat asparagus or some romaine lettuce dishes with ones hands. However, as this is an obscure etiquette rule, in more casual settings, it is customary to use utensils.
  • The fork may be used either in the American (use the fork in your left hand while cutting; switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece) or the Continental (fork remains in the left hand) fashion -- either is now acceptable.
  • The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
  • The knife blade should be placed on the edge of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward.
  • When you have finished eating soup, the spoon should be placed to the side of the saucer, not left in the bowl.
  • Keep your napkin on your lap. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap.
  • When eating barbecue or some other messy foods, a 'bib' napkin may be provided for and used by adults. Usually these foods are also eaten by hand, and wet wipes or paper napkins should be used to clean the hands.
  • When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
  • Use your silverware from the outside moving inward toward the main plate. (Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert.)


  • A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Instead or in addition, a 'toast' may be offered.
  • Do not start eating until (a) every person is served or (b) those who have not been served request that you begin without waiting. At more formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon.
  • When a dish is presented 'family style', the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person. Put the food on your left, take some and pass to the person next to you.
  • When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
  • Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
  • Hot drinks should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool them.
  • Seasoning one's meal prior to tasting can be considered rude and may insult the chef.

At the end of the meal

  • It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
  • When finished with your meal, place your knife and fork with handles at the 4 o'clock position and the tines of the fork down to signal to the server you are done.
  • Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food away from the meal after it ends, and never when attending a formal dinner.


List ten principles to help you overcome self-consciousness and social embarrassment.

The most important thing for a Christian to remember is that no matter how awkward they are, the Ruler of the Universe loves them and gave His life for them.

Spend some time preparing for a social event. Make sure you are clean, your hair is clean, and combed, and your breath is fresh. Put on a clean set of clothes before setting out, and wear deodorant or antiperspirant. Antiperspirant will keep you from sweating. Deodorant will keep your sweat from smelling bad.

It also helps to recognize that you are not the only person who may feel self-conscious in a social situation. Every other boy and girl your age will also be worrying about doing something goofy, so the chances are pretty good that if you make an embarrassing error, everyone else will be so preoccupied with themselves that they do not notice.

Still, sometimes you will do something embarrassing, and others will notice. In this case, it is best to acknowledge your fault, admit embarrassment, and try to see the humor in the situation. That can be very hard in the heat of the moment, but if you can pull it off with grace, people will be quick to forgive, and they will not think poorly of you.

So here are ten principles to remember:

  1. Christ died for you
  2. Make sure your hair is clean and combed.
  3. Make sure your face and body are clean
  4. Wear deodorant/antiperspirant.
  5. Brush your teeth and have a breath mint or sugar-free gum
  6. You are not the only self-conscious person
  7. People are unlikely to be focusing on you
  8. Admit your mistakes
  9. Admit your embarrassment
  10. A little humor goes a long way


For Young Ladies


Demonstrate two exercises that will improve your posture.

Many different exercises might be chosen to improve different aspects of one's posture, but in light of proper posture as detailed in requirement 6, the following two exercises are chosen as especially important for young women:


Lying on your back

Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Use your abdominal and gluteal (buttock) muscles to roll your bottom a little and press your lower back against the floor.
  • Maintain the pressure for 5 – 10 seconds and slowly let go.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Try to do the same exercise while standing with your legs straight and against a wall.

This exercise strengthens the abdominal and gluteal muscles and helps to focus on the pelvis position in order not to exaggerate the lumbar lordosis (an inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical segments of the spine) as is often seen with young women and girls, giving them lot of problems during pregnancy with peri-partus-pelvic pain.


Sitting on a chair

  • Lift your arms to a horizontal position
  • Swing them slowly outwards and backwards as far as possible.
  • Repeat 10 times.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back of your shoulders, stretches the muscles in the front of your chest, and thus works towards lesser thoracic kyphosis (curvature of the upper spine) and makes more room for your lungs and heart.


Know how to choose a hairstyle that makes you look your best.

The choice of a hairstyle is a personal one, but if the goal is to look your best, the generally accepted advice is to style it to even out the shape of your head and face. A girl with a long, narrow face should choose a hairstyle that makes her face look a little wider. A girl with a round, wide face should use her hair to "lengthen" her face by exposing more of her forehead and adding height.


Tell the proper style of clothes to wear if you are tall, plump, short, or thin or have a heavy hip line or full bosom.

The most important aspect for a Christian woman to consider when choosing her clothing is modesty. Immodest clothing will make it difficult for young men to control their thoughts.

Stripes can be used to emphasize or play down height or width. Vertical stripes emphasize height while playing down width, while horizontal stripes emphasize width while playing down height. Therefore, a tall, thin girl should wear horizontal stripes, and a short, plump girl should wear vertical stripes. Tall girls may not wish to wear shoes with high heels, while shorter girls may benefit from them.

A girl with a weight problem should not wear tight clothing as that accentuates her problem. Loose-fitting clothing is always a better choice.


Demonstrate the correct way to put on a coat or outer wrap.

This requirement assumes that the young lady will be assisted with her coat or wrap by a young man. In this case, the young man should remove the coat from the hanger and hold the coat along the shoulder seams (he should grasp the right shoulder seam with his right hand and the left seam with his left hand so that the back of the garment is facing him).

He should then open the coat to reveal the sleeve holes and offer it to the young lady. She should not need to reach up or down to slip her arm into the sleeve of the coat. Once she has both her arms in the sleeves, the young man should release the coat or wrap and the young lady may button it herself (if she so chooses).


For Young Men


Tell how to have well-groomed hair and how to choose a hairstyle that makes you look your best.

Wash your hair regularly, and comb it several times between shampooing. Long hair needs to be washed more frequently (at least every other day), while short hair requires less maintenance.

The choice of a hairstyle is a personal one, but if the goal is to look your best, the generally accepted advice is to style it to even out the shape of your head. A person with a long, narrow face should choose a hairstyle that makes the face look a little wider. A person with a round, wide face should use the hair to "lengthen" the face by exposing more of the forehead and adding height.


List clothing rules and the proper style of clothes to wear if you are tall and thin, or short and chubby.

A tall, thin boy should wear a shirt with horizontal stripes, and a short stocky boy should wear a shirt with vertical stripes. Horizontal stripes emphasize width and play down height. Vertical stripes emphasize height and play down width.


Tell why Christians should practice good manners. Demonstrate how to seat a girl or woman at a table and how to properly escort her from home to a social function.

Christians should practice good manners because they are ambassadors of Christ. Rudeness on the part of a Christian reflects poorly on all Christians. Unfortunately, many professed Christians do not practice good manners, leading many to conclude that Christianity produces rude people.

When escorting a girl or a woman, the boy should offer her the crook of his elbow. The woman may slip her arm around his, and they may walk arm-in-arm to her seat. The boy then pulls her seat out for her so that she may step in front of it. As she sits, he should push the seat forward. This can and should be practiced in a club environment, but the instructor must be vigilant that no one tries to pull the chair out from under a person who is sitting. This might seem like a funny stunt to pull, but it can cause serious injury, and it is very bad manners. Do not assume that your Pathfinders will know this ahead of time.
