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==2. Identify fifteen common fungi of your locality. Draw or photograph them from live specimens. ==
==2. Identify fifteen common fungi of your locality. Draw or photograph them from live specimens. ==
==3. Name three important fungi and tell what their value is. ==
==3. Name three important fungi and tell what their value is. ==
''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'': This fungus is used both in many ethanol (beer) fermentation processes and in baker's yeast, which utilizes the carbon dioxide byproduct of the same fermentation.
''Aspergillus niger'': This fungus is used to make citric acid commercially, and it also can be used to make gluconic acid. Both are important food additives.
''Penicillium chrysogenum'': This is the organism that makes penicillin, from which the majority of the large class of beta-lactam antibiotics are derived. Penicillin and its derivatives have saved countless lives since they were discovered and isolated, starting in the 1940s.
==4. Tell the life history of one example of each of the following: ==
==4. Tell the life history of one example of each of the following: ==
===a. Rust ===
===a. Rust ===
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===d. Yeast ===
===d. Yeast ===
==5. Identify five fungus plant diseases. ==
==5. Identify five fungus plant diseases. ==
{{TODO|See if Wikipedia has articles on any of these diseases and copy the content from there}}
{{TODO|See if Wikipedia has articles on any of these diseases and copy the content from there}}
Diseases caused by Fungi:
Fusarium basal rot, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae.
The plant develops a yellowing to the leaf blade which extends down until the whole leaf blade is yellow. Infected plants usually have shallow and stunted root systems and can be pulled up easily. When plants are young, the symptoms may not be noticeable, but if plants are sliced down the middle, a reddish streak can be observed in the base of the bulb.
The fungus is very persistent in soil and very long rotations are recommended. Fungicides are not effective for control. Some cultivars have shown tolerance to the disease. In general, the hybrid cultivars are more susceptible than the open-pollinated cultivars.
===Fusarium oxysporum===
Pinkroot, Phoma terrestris.
Pinkroot, Phoma terrestris.
Onions with pinkroot are stunted, and the tops wither early. The top symptoms are caused by the rotting away of the roots. Infected roots are pink to red in color before they decay. The disease is caused by a fungus which lives in the soil and is favored by heavy, wet soils. Certain crops such as ladino clover, ryegrass, and corn leave residues in the soil which are injurious to onion roots. This injury makes the onions more susceptible to the pinkroot fungus.
===Downy mildew===
To prevent pinkroot, onions should be planted on well-drained soils, and should not follow certain crops such as ladino clover, ryegrass, or corn. A four-year crop rotation is suggested.
Downy mildew, Peronospora destructor.
Downy mildew, Peronospora destructor.
This disease shows as yellow spots on the leaves. The fungus which causes this disease appears as a downy, purple growth on the yellow spots following wet weather. The fungus spreads very quickly during wet, warm weather and may destroy whole crops in a few days. The older leaf spots are often invaded by a second fungus which blackens the spots. Fortunately, downy mildew has not been too important in Connecticut in recent years.
===Botrytis leaf blight===
Control measures are usually not necessary. However, when weather is favorable for the disease, protectant sprays may be necessary. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut are fosetyl-Al, maneb and metalaxyl plus chlorothalonil and copper sprays. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Botrytis leaf blight, Botrytis squamosa.
Botrytis leaf blight, Botrytis squamosa.
The disease appears as whitish spots with green halos that can coalesce to cause necrotic areas and tip dieback. The fungus overwinters in culls and dead foliage from previous years and as resting structures called sclerotia.
===Neck rot===
Botrytis blight can be suppressed by avoiding overhead irrigation and watering in the morning to allow time for leaves and flowers to dry. Proper plant spacing can improve air drainage and rapid leaf drying. Control can also be achieved with the use of fungicide sprays applied as soon as symptoms are visible. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut are chlorothalonil, iprodione, and maneb. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Neck rot, Botrytis allii.
Neck rot, Botrytis allii.
This is a dry, brown rot of white onions that appears in storage. The fungus which causes neck rot infects the onions at harvest time and grows in storage. The fungus carries over as hard, black kernels, which may be found in the rotted onions.
To keep the fungus out of the onions, it is best to allow the crop to mature as far as possible before harvest. This makes the neck area small and dry, with less likelihood of infection. The harvested onions should be well dried before storing, and stored in a cool, dry, well-aired space. Control can also be achieved with the use of fungicide sprays applied on the crop while it is still in the field. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut are chlorothalonil, iprodione, and maneb. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Smut, Urocystis cepulae.
Smut, Urocystis cepulae.
This disease shows as black, smutty areas on the leaves, and in between the segments of the bulbs of white onions. These areas are filled with the loose, smutty spores of the fungus. Young diseased plants have twisted, curled leaves and may be killed outright.
To control smut, treat seed of white onions with compounds, and make certain sets are not infected. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut are maneb and iprodione. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Purple spot, Alternaria porri.
Lesions first appear on leaves as whitish sunken spots that quickly turn brown. As spots enlarge, they develop purple zonate rings.
Long rotations can minimize disease development and severity. Control can also be achieved with the use of fungicide sprays applied as soon as symptoms are visible. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut are chlorothalonil, fosetyl-Al, iprodione, and maneb. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Smudge, Colletotrichum circinans.
Smudge, Colletotrichum circinans.
The smudge fungus causes dry, black, target-spots on the outer scales of white onions. The fungus infects in the field during the growing season.
===White rot===
The disease is not prevalent in Connecticut and control measures are not required. It is best to plant on well-drained soil, and handle the bulbs as for the control of neck rot.
White rot, Sclerotium cepivorum.
White rot, Sclerotium cepivorum.
Infected plants develop a white mat of the fungus on the base of the plants. The plants turn yellow, wilt, and fall over. A characteristic symptom of white rot is the presence of numerous small, brownish-black bodies called sclerotia that develop inside the base of the stem.
Long rotations of eight to ten years should be practiced. Control can also be achieved with the use of fungicide sprays applied as soon as symptoms are visible. Among the compounds registered for use in Connecticut is dicloran. Consult the label for dosage rates and safety precautions.
Diseases caused by Bacteria:
Bacterial soft rot, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora, Pseudomonas gladioli pv. allicola, P. cepacia.
This disease is frequently encountered after harvest. The bacteria enter through wounds in the neck or through feeding wounds of the onion maggot. The bulb scales become water-soaked and pale yellow, causing them to slip off the bulb. The entire bulb becomes soft and frequently develops a very foul smell.
Control can be achieved by harvesting the bulbs after the tops have matured and dried down. Exercise care to avoid bruising during the harvesting. Store the onions at 32 to 36 F at 65 to 70% relative humidity
==6. Know what safety precautions to observe when handling fungi. ==
==6. Know what safety precautions to observe when handling fungi. ==

Revision as of 01:16, 21 April 2007

Template:Honor header

1. Give the name of five classes of fungi and examples of each.

The phylum Chytridiomycota, the chytrids, represents a group of primitive aquatic fungi. They are characterized by having gametes that are motile by means of flagella.
The zygomycetes, in phylum Zygomycota, are characterized by the formation of sexual spores called zygospores. The zygospores are not contained within a specialized fruiting body or sac. Zygospores form when the haploid nuclei at the ends of two hyphae fuse together in a process of fertilization to form a diploid zygote. The zygote immediately undergoes meiosis to form haploid cells that develop into zygospores. The zygospores are unenclosed, or “naked,” between the parental hyphae. An example of a zygomycete is the common black bread mold, Rhizopus nigricans.
Ascomycota- The ascomycetes are members of the phylum Ascomycota. They are also called the “sac fungi” because their sexual spores (ascospores) are enclosed in tube-like sacs known as asci. The formation of ascospores is similar to that of zygospores, except that the ascospores formed by meiosis are enclosed in the asci. Neurospora crassa is an ascomycete mold that was important in studies of genetic linkage.
Basidiomycetes, also known as the “club fungi,” are classified in phylum Basidiomycota. Their sexual spores, or basidiospores, are formed on complex fruiting body structures called basidia. Basidiomycetes include some of the most complex fungi, including mushrooms and puffballs.

2. Identify fifteen common fungi of your locality. Draw or photograph them from live specimens.

3. Name three important fungi and tell what their value is.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae: This fungus is used both in many ethanol (beer) fermentation processes and in baker's yeast, which utilizes the carbon dioxide byproduct of the same fermentation.

Aspergillus niger: This fungus is used to make citric acid commercially, and it also can be used to make gluconic acid. Both are important food additives.

Penicillium chrysogenum: This is the organism that makes penicillin, from which the majority of the large class of beta-lactam antibiotics are derived. Penicillin and its derivatives have saved countless lives since they were discovered and isolated, starting in the 1940s.

4. Tell the life history of one example of each of the following:

a. Rust

b. Mold

c. Mushroom

d. Yeast

5. Identify five fungus plant diseases.

To do:
See if Wikipedia has articles on any of these diseases and copy the content from there

Fusarium oxysporum


Pinkroot, Phoma terrestris.

Downy mildew

Downy mildew, Peronospora destructor.

Botrytis leaf blight

Botrytis leaf blight, Botrytis squamosa.

Neck rot

Neck rot, Botrytis allii.


Smut, Urocystis cepulae.


Smudge, Colletotrichum circinans.

White rot

White rot, Sclerotium cepivorum.

6. Know what safety precautions to observe when handling fungi.
