Pathfinder Wiki:Community portal/New Server

From Pathfinder Wiki

The purpose of this page

This page is used to discuess occuring issues and problems on this Server, because MW was upgraded and the Installation will be used to develop the new AY-Honors structure.


Just add a row to the table below and fill in the needed data. The person who works at a specific task writes it's signature into the specific field.

Creation Date Due Date Author's Signature Who is responsible Link to the issue Task Description
2020.12.02 ASAP DesignerThan (talk) ??? #Extension: DynamicPageList Write down the needed features of the Template:Honor index to the issue.
2020.12.02 2021.??.?? DesignerThan (talk) ??? #Extension: DynamicPageList Search for solutions for the missing features.
2020.12.02 ASAP DesignerThan (talk) DesignerThan (talk) #Import new changes of the "old" Wiki Search for a solution to import changes without overwritting created stuff.
2020.12.02 2020.12.04 DesignerThan (talk) DesignerThan (talk) #Import new changes of the "old" Wiki What does it need to make DPL compatible with MW 1.35?


Extension: DynamicPageList

The used extension is not supporting MW Version 1.35 which we are using now. So I have installed the DynamicPageList (Wikimedia) extension Wikipedia is using. The problem is, that it lags important features like a table view or the include feature. I have tried to edit the Template:Honor index, and there I found the missing features. Maybe someone who created it, can tell me the needed features beside the DPL-Functionality and we can use other extension to replace this functionality or alter it, so it supports the things we need. --DesignerThan (talk) 18:20, 2 December 2020 (CET)

DPL is central to how much of the wiki works. As you've already noted, it's used for generating the honor indices. It's also used in Template:RequirementsHeader (which may not be part of the backup this wiki was made from). We might need to look at what it would take to make that DPL compatible with MW 1.35. Another option would be to downgrade to MW 1.32 and hope that DPL will catch up. --Jomegat (talk) 22:19, 2 December 2020 (CET)
Yeah I know. The thing is, DPL works, but not with all of the features. Include for instance doesn't work for now, but there are other extensions which can do that. So maybe we can combine some extensions for it to work. But to do that I would need to know which features are missing at the moment.
As you said we may be able to make it compatible, but that will need some time I guess. I will see tomorrow. --DesignerThan (talk) 23:06, 2 December 2020 (CET)
I just had a look at the extension's page and it seems that it has just became compatible ... I am very confused right now ... but the Incompatible-Template is still in the source and the Issue is still open ... man I am confused. I will have a look at it tomorrow. I'm way too tired at the moment. --DesignerThan (talk) 23:06, 2 December 2020 (CET)
I'm not sure what you mean by the "include" feature. --Jomegat (talk) 00:41, 3 December 2020 (CET)

I mean the first argument 'include' in the Template:Honor index. Or the 'table' argument. Those are not supported by the Wikimedia extension.

The thing is, that I am pretty sure that I have seen the incompatible banner at both alternatives but now it is only shown on the DPL-third party one. But the Template gets called the wrong way in DPL3. So now I don't know if it is compatible or not ... I will research that today. --DesignerThan (talk) 09:34, 3 December 2020 (CET)

Import new changes of the "old" Wiki

We need to create a backup of the old/original wiki and import it here. The issue is, we would probably overwrite this page. Wouldn't be a problem, because we can copy it before. But maybe I can find a solution to import the backup without lossing the changes here. Would be handy, because we will need that as soon as we finished with the development to find and import the changes of the original wiki into that, which occured during the development time.

I am thinking of, that we are doing all the restructuring from now on in this development environment and not twice, here and in the origninal. So after the development process we can just copy that one over the your server and have everything toghether. But for that we will need to copy the changes done in the original to that one, what could get interessting... --DesignerThan (talk) 18:54, 2 December 2020 (CET)

You should install pywikibot. I've been using its script to create the requirements pages. If you want to preserve a file (but not its edit history), all you'd need to do it create a text file that looks like this:
'''Title of Page'''
...contents of page...
The contents of the page is just what you cut and paste from the edit area if you edit the page.
I'll make a backup tonight and scp it to the server. --Jomegat (talk) 22:25, 2 December 2020 (CET)
When you have a new hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. It would be better to export the changes from here to a file and then import them after copying the database. I'm not 100% convinced it's as simple as dumping sql from the old wiki into the new though, as database schema changes would also get replaced. You might have to downgrade to 1.23 again. --Jomegat (talk) 22:40, 2 December 2020 (CET)
Okay, that would be an option for moving the changes after our work into this wiki.
Importing the dump from tonight won't be that big of a problem, because MW has an update script for the database. But before importing your dump I will just copy the edits I did here today, that aren't that many, and insert them afterwards. Just hit me as soon as you SCP'd me the DB-Backup. --DesignerThan (talk) 23:06, 2 December 2020 (CET)
I'd make the backup now, but the server is heavily loaded at the moment. It's very sluggish, so I logged into and ran "top" - which showed it as 1% idle, and the several php-cgi threads eating tons of CPU. I'll check in on it again tonight. --Jomegat (talk) 00:43, 3 December 2020 (CET)
Done. Look for 20201202wiki.sql.gz --Jomegat (talk) 05:17, 3 December 2020 (CET)

Import is done. --DesignerThan (talk) 11:16, 3 December 2020 (CET)