Especialidades JA/Trenzado/Respuestas

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Hacer un trenzado de tres hebras, utilizando el pelo, una cuerda o un cable.

Step-by-step sequence for making a three-strand braid

To make a three strand braid we start with the picture on the upper left, and proceed clockwise.


Hacer un deslizador para cremallera o una cadena corta para las llaves utilizando una trenza de cuatro hebras o una trenza cuadrada.

How to get started on a four-strand round or square braid.

This is an easy project that does not take very much time. To start, you will need: a keyring or other ring/fastener, and two strands of gimp (flat, plastic string), each strand about 3-4 feet long.


Hacer un cobertor de gancho de una trenza de cuatro hebras.

How to braid using four strands.
How to do a four-strand braid around a hanger.

First, you must learn to do the four strand braid (not the round or square braid). The way to remember this is "under 2, over 1." Follow the illustration.


Hacer un cordón de cuatro hebras para guindar al cuello tejido.

How to make an adjustable lanyard with a four-strand braid.

Follow the instructions for a four-strand braid from requirement 3 above, starting with two 8-9 foot strands folded in half. At the end, start doing a square braid around the first part, forming a loop. This can be adjusted when you are done.


Saber cómo iniciar y finalizar todos los proyectos.
