Especialidades JA/Decoración de pasteles

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Decoración de Pasteles
Asociación General

Artes y Habilidades Manuales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1972


1. Hacer una lista de los elementos que se necesitan para decorar pasteles.

2. Aprender de memoria las recetas para preparar glaseado crema de mantequilla y glaseado real y sus usos apropiados.

3. Aprender y demostrar como armar adecuadamente el tubo de decoración mediante el uso de papel sulfurizado, encerado o bolsas desechables. Demostrar el método adecuado para insertar la boquilla, pintar con color por medio de una brocha o un pincel, llenar con glaseado el tubo y doblar la parte superior. ¿Cómo se llama el doblez de la parte superior?

4. Mencionar 3 pasos esenciales para un buen decorado de pasteles.

5. Hacer una demostración de control de presión. Aprender las técnicas y nombrar la clase de boquilla adecuada para hacer:

a. Estrellas, rellenas y bordes

b. Rosetas

c. Bordes de conchas de mar

d. Diseño de «S»

e. Cintas

f. Bordes en zigzag

g. Leaves

Use a leaf tip. Hold the tip at a 45 degree angle with the flat side of the tip toward the cake. Squeeze out icing and simultaneously pull the tip away. When the leaf is the right length release the pressure and lift the tip away from the leaf. For a slightly pointed leaf, slightly twist the tip as you release the pressure and lift the tip away from the leaf. To make a leaf that is slightly on its side, slightly tip the tip to one side.

6. Name four color techniques. Demonstrate two, including two-color icing.

  • Different colors of icing, each in their separate bags.
  • Spatula Striping (two different colors of icing in one bag)
  • Deep Color method (paint the entire inside of the bag with food color, then fill the bag with icing of a similar color)
  • Color Striping (paint a stripe inside the bag with food color, then fill the bag with icing of a different color)
  • Masking (use a pattern or a stencil, and color only the open part of the stencil)
  • Spraying (using food color in a sprayer to add color interest to the decorative design, often used with masking, or when large areas need to be colored)

7. Learn to make the following flowers:

a. Sweet pea

b. Rosebud

c. Full American beauty rose

  • Use a rose petal tip and a flower nail.
  • Add a small piece of waxed paper to the flat pedestal of the flower nail with a dot of frosting.
  • Position the petal tube vertically in the center of the flower nail and begin lightly squeezing out frosting while twirling the flower nail with your fingers to make a small frosting cone.
  • Once the cone is slightly taller than the width of the base of the cone, stop squeezing the bag and pull it away.
  • Turn the bag at a 45-degree angle and position the petal tube about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the cone.
  • Pipe a petal all the way around the cone at this angle for just one full turn of the flower nail so the ends of the petal are touching.
  • Remove pressure and pull the bag away.
  • Angle the piping bag at a 45-degree angle or slightly more and position the petal tube on one side of the cone.
  • Squeeze the bag gently and pipe a ribbon of frosting about 1/3 of the way around the cone while spinning the flower nail to create a petal.
  • Continue doing this until the rose is the size desired.
  • Let the rose dry until it is slightly firm, and then transfer it onto your cake.

d. Drop flower

  • Use a star tip.
  • Hold the tip in a 90 degree position with the tip not quite touching the cake surface.
  • As you squeeze out icing, twist the tip and bag about a quarter-turn with your wrist, keeping the tip in the same place on the cake.
  • Release the pressure and lift the tip.

8. Demonstrate writing technique using two different tips and methods.

9. Decorate a doll cake or a cake prepared in a specialty cake pan using star fill-in method. Use at least two colors to make the design or pattern.

10. Make a special occasion cake of your choice using two or more borders of different types, and a floral arrangement.

11. Make a heart cake using borders, florets, string work, and writing.

