AY Honor Computers and Mobile Devices - Advanced Requirements used by North American Division
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
1. Have the Computers & Mobile Devices Honor.
2. Give an example of the type of task you could accomplish with each of the following types of software/app. Give a current branded example of each and determine whether that software is ONLY online or whether it must be installed onto a computer or mobile device in order to be used. If applicable, install the software/apps necessary to run each of them.
- a. Word Processing
- b. Presentation
- c. Graphic design
- d. Forms creation
- e. Spreadsheet
- f. Note-taking/Calendar management
- g. Cloud storage
- h. Conferencing
3. Discuss with your unit, group, and/or family the moral issues surrounding intellectual property piracy and file sharing. Using biblical support, be able to describe what a Christian’s stance and practice should be in this arena and explain the reasons for your answer.
4. Complete the following activities:
- a. Create a letter/notice using a word processing program/app. Use the letter for a project to support your Pathfinder club, church, or witnessing activities such as:
- i. AY Honor
- ii. Fundraising
- iii. Community service report
- iv. Class level concept
- v. Sermon
- vi. AY/Youth group Bible study or game
- vii. Describing activities in your Pathfinder club that would be of interest to your local newspaper
- viii. Résumé
- b. Use a presentation program to create at least six slides (with text and photos), and demonstrate its function in a full-screen presentation. Use templates, design elements, colors, and transitions as appropriate. Use it in presenting a subject as:
- i. AY Honor
- ii. Fundraising
- iii. Community service report
- iv. Class level concept
- v. Sermon
- vi. AY/Youth group Bible study or game
- c. Using a graphic creation program/app, modify original digital photographs in the following ways (use the images in the presentation required above):
- i. Correct the color or lighting in a photo
- ii. Crop a photo to trim out extra elements
- iii. Turn a color photo into a sepia-tone or black-and-white photo
- iv. Save a photograph as a different file type than the original
- v. Add high-contrast text to a digital photo
- vi. Create an image with a transparent background
- vii. Resize a photo so that the finished photo is no larger than 800 pixels wide and no more than 20% of the disk size of the original digital file.
- d. Create a five-question (or more) quiz or survey using a forms or survey program/app. Use a combination of question types (multiple choice, check box, and drop-down menus work best for surveys) to create the form. Have at least 10 people (or the group impacted) take your quiz or survey. Use the response tools connected to the program/app to analyze the results. Use the quiz/survey to do something such as:
- i. Create a quiz for an honor or Adventurer award
- ii. Survey preferred menus for an upcoming club campout
- iii. Survey dates and times that would work best for members for an upcoming group event
- iv. Evaluate the success of a recent event
- v. Collect opinions on which honors to earn in the future
- e. Create a spreadsheet using a spreadsheet program/app. Use a combination of cal culation and charting features. Use this spreadsheet to do something such as:
- i. Tracking dues and/or donations to your Pathfinder club
- ii. Tracking income and expenses for a campout, mission trip, or other group event
- iii. Tracking unit completion of class level requirements
- iv. Charting measurement data for an AY honor
- v. Tracking fundraising sources and events
- f. Do one of the following:
- i. Use a note-taking app to create five or more notes and reminders of activities in your life in the coming week/month. Use the app to track completion of those activities or tasks.
- ii. Use a calendar app to list 20 or more upcoming Pathfinder, AY, youth group, church or family events. Include times and locations for each event (as applicable).
- iii. Use cloud storage to save all of the files created for this requirement. Digitally share the final products with your instructor/leader.
- iv. Look at the items you created. Evaluate whether each demonstrates Christian character, goals, and ideals. How do these pieces communicate a commitment to God and His community? How do these items demonstrate how you spend your time and energy resources?
5. Interview a professional who works in the computer, media, or graphics design industry (or related fields). Your interview should include questions such as:
- a. What education or certificates are necessary for your line of work?
- b. What type of industry do you work in?
- c. What types of computers or mobile devices do you use?
- d. Why does your workplace use that type?
- e. What things do you use computers or mobile devices to do? How would your job be different without computers/technology?
- f. What cool stuff do you accomplish thanks to technology?
- g. (If they are Christian) How do you stay consistent to your Christian ideals as you are producing computer-based products?