AY Honor Health and Healing Requirements used by North American Division

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Health and Healing

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Health and Healing (NAD) AY Honor.png
Health and Healing
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction

1. What was the primary mission of Jesus on earth in addition to teaching the Gospel? Select two verses, read them, and share your findings:

a. Matthew 4:23-24

b. Matthew 8:16-17

c. Matthew 9:35

d. Matthew 15:30

e. Luke 4:18

f. Acts 10:38

2. Identify at least one Bible story of people that Jesus healed and what message He wanted to convey through their healing. Evaluate the following:

a. How did being healed strengthen that person’s faith?

b. How did those healings meet the reason for the ministry of Jesus?

3. Read Matthew 12:1-14, when Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Evaluate the response of Jesus to the criticism of healing on the Sabbath day. How does this relate to healing professions?

4. Read about Jesus granting His disciples the power to heal and set people free (Matthew 10:1; Luke 9:1-2). Discuss why Jesus chose ordinary people to do extraordinary work. Does this still happen today?

a. How do you think Matthew 10:1 and Luke 9:1-2 connect to how the Adventist Church does ministry (preaching the Gospel and extending healing to people)?

b. Share how schools, churches and hospitals play a part in the larger healing ministry of the Adventist Church.

c. How do you see yourself being involved in the healing ministry?

5. Discuss some of the personal qualities that Jesus had that helped in His healing ministry. Review the following Bible verses:

a. Matthew 14:14

b. Acts 10:3

c. Matthew 10:8

d. Luke 9:11

e. Matthew 11:28-30

6. Discuss how God continues to call people into the healing ministry and medical work and how ordinary people like yourself can do extraordinary work if they allow God to guide their lives. How can you become part of the healing ministry of Jesus? Keep in mind:

  • God continues to call people into the healing ministry and medical work
  • He uses ordinary people like yourself to do extraordinary things if you allow Him to guide your life

7. Read what Ellen G. White wrote about God’s willingness to heal people in The Ministry of Healing, Chapter 16 – The Prayer of the Sick.

8. Explore key health career pathways and list some of the differences.

a. Diagnosing/Treating Fields

b. Allied/Associated Fields

c. Rehabilitating Fields

d. Assisting/Adjunct Fields

e. Educational Fields

f. Administrative Fields

g. Affiliated Fields

h. Non-Clinical

i. Research

9. From the list in the previous requirement, select one health career that caught your attention that you could see yourself pursuing. Share with your group why you selected that particular option.

10. Complete one of the following personal interviews.

a. Interview at least one person who works in a health career. Ask the following questions and write down your answers to share later with your class/instructor (feel free to add your own questions):
  • Why did you choose your profession?
  • What education is necessary to enter your profession?
  • After education, what amount of time does it take to become certified or proficient in your field?
  • What part of your job do you like the best? The least?
  • What day of the week and hours per day do you work at your job?
  • What opportunities to grow are available in your field?
  • What advice would you give me as I explore whether a career in health care is right for me?

b. Attend a health career expo and visit several stations. Spend at least five minutes interviewing each health professional at each station you visit.

11. Complete one of the following group activities:

a. Visit a local health care-related office in your community. Contact a health care professional in your church or community who can help facilitate the visit. Some examples can include:
  • Medical office (to observe doctors, family nurse practitioners, nurses, nurse techs, etc.)
  • Hospital (to tour the facilities and get a better sense of the work environment, areas, and more)
  • Dental office (to observe dentist, dental hygienist, etc.)
  • Laboratory (to observe medical technologist, phlebotomist, etc.
  • Radiology office (to observe radiologist, radiology tech, etc.)
  • Physical therapy office (to observe physical therapist, occupational therapist, tech, etc.)
  • Optometrist office (to observe optometrist, techs, etc.)
  • Other options can include research lab, skills lab (i.e. nursing and other professions) and others based on what’s available in your community.

b. Have a health professional come and make a presentation about what it’s like to work in health care. As part of their presentation, they can share a tour of the facility through photos and videos and answer questions about what a day in their life is like. Be prepared to ask some questions of your own and take notes.

12. Develop and play a trivia-style game (such as flash cards, game show, job matching, etc.) to demonstrate what you have learned in this honor.