AY Honor Media Broadcast Ministry Answer Key

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Media Broadcast Ministry

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Media Broadcast Ministry AY Honor.png
Media Broadcast Ministry
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also


Name five examples of how media can be used in ministering beyond the sanctuary walls.


Discuss how the increasing use of media and live streaming can play a crucial role in your local church ministry.


Share examples from a variety of sources that show how the use of technology is being integrated into ministry to move the gospel throughout the world.

  • Streaming Media is the transport of audio or video content over the internet for instantaneous use by the receiver. Unless the content is streamed live, the content is received as a single file, where it can be fast-forward, rewind, or paused as desired.
  • Radio webcasting is the streaming of audio over the internet. Internet radio service providers use this method to stream genres of music from anywhere to your computer or other devices that are capable of receiving internet connections.
  • Podcasting is the downloading of media which is not streaming. Audio and video files are stored on servers and presented in a format for the users to select.
  • Traditional radio, although it is available as streaming radio, is valuable for its local information on weather, community involvement, and music.
  • A television channel is a physical or virtual channel that a television station or network uses to distribute audio and video content.


Discuss some of the positive and negative impacts that technology has brought into the church.

Positive Impacts

  • Ability to watch church services at home or elsewhere
  • Listen to pre-recorded services and sermons at anytime
  • Live streaming of services that can be viewed around the world
  • Easy accessibility

Negative Impacts

  • Less physical use of the bible and hymnal
  • Can take away from the worship experience
  • Dependency on technology to work
  • More focus on the handheld device rather than the sermon


Contrast and compare how church-supportive media has changed the traditional culture of worship in our local churches’ praise and worship services.


In a group, read Matthew 28:19-20 and discuss how media ministry is attempting to fulfill the Great Commission.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)


Discuss with a group how each of the following forms of Christian media methods listed in #1 can be used as a part of a worship experience in sharing the gospel:


Live streaming broadcast

If a situation arises where a church member cannot attend church, the option is available where they can view the entire service from home using any capable device.


Archived media services

If a sermon was preached that someone you know needed to hear, whether they were members or not, the ability to point that person to the sermon to they can see it at home or on the go is awesome.


Radio webcasting

Access to Christian based internet radio plays a major role in reaching masses of people. Then everlasting message of Christ can be shared with the entire world, translated into hundreds of languages for the purpose of leading those to Him.


Multi-site churches or districts


Attend a service presented vía media or live streaming. Prepare and present your overall experience to a group, highlighting observances of the following (or similar equivalents):


Sources from where pastoral notes are taken.


Acknowledgment by speakers of those who are watching vía the internet.


Placement of screens used for music and biblical references.


Number of attendees who use physical Bibles and hymnals.


Behavior and dress code of those who are administering the service.


Interview an individual or a team that is responsible for media streaming at a church. Prepare and present your findings to a group.


What are some of the advantages to a weekly broadcast?


What are some of the obstacles in producing a weekly broadcast?


What do you enjoy most about media ministry?


How long does it take to create a program (from start to finish)?


What tools (hardware, software, etc.) do you use on a weekly basis?


What advice would you give to someone who wants to start his or her own media ministry?


Interview a long-time church member and ask the following:


How has media changed church worship services over the years?


What do you think media broadcast ministry has done to help people worship?


Are there challenges you see in media broadcast ministry?


What advice would you give me for using media for its best usefulness for the gospel ministry?


How can a media broadcast ministry be used to spread the gospel in contrast to traditional methods?


Based on your observations and experience, what are some ways that media ministry can be used to engage your church congregation?


Do you believe media ministry is helping to fulfill the Great Commission?


Do one of the following individually or with a group:


Be regularly involved in the operation of your church’s media department for a minimum of three months. During that time, discover and/or evaluate the following:


What media types the media department has chosen to invest in and why


What the media department is doing well


What the media department wishes it had resources to do better


What audience the media department is reaching (and wishes to reach)


Watch and/or listen to five online media ministry programs. Answer the following questions for each (share your research with an instructor, adult leader, or group):


What is the format of the program? (interview, group discussion, individual giving a presentation, etc.)


How long is the program?


What is the purpose of the program or the information presented?


How many times has it been watched or played? Or how many people have tuned in? (If applicable)


Do the speakers acknowledge the online or remote audience?


How many times are Bible verses referenced?


Is this something you would like to watch or listen to again?


What important experiences are lost by simply attending services vía media?
