AY Honor Physical Fitness Requirements used by South Pacific Division

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Physical Fitness

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Physical Fitness AY Honor.png
Physical Fitness
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Define physical fitness, giving at least two supporting statements from the Spirit of Prophecy volumes.

2. Pass the minimum physical-capacity test.

3. Describe and demonstrate the principles of good posture in sitting, standing and walking. Describe the test for good posture.

4. Describe at least three common posture problems, giving the frequent causes for poor posture. Demonstrate exercise to promote good posture.

5. Identify your posture problems if any, and practice exercises designed to correct these problems.

6. Describe elements of good foot posture. Demonstrate exercises to improve foot posture.

7. Demonstrate successfully (including ability to repeat in rapid succession) at least twelve different exercises that are beneficial in body building.